
Chapter 67: Cassidy

##Chapter 67: Cassidy

Book Two: Don't Leave

Ninety minutes.

That's how much time I have to hit the books before I'm supposed to meet Cole for a quick dinner. He has a hockey scrimmage tonight, and Brooklyn and I are planning on being there to support the team.

I still haven't worked up the courage to tell him that his mother is my psychologist. I keep putting it off. How familiar does that sound?

Unfortunately, all too familiar.

And here I thought telling him about all the meaningless hookups and failing out of school would be the hard part. I'd really thought we were past all the secrets, lies, and omissions.

Turns out, we're not.

With one last glance at my phone, I turn off the ringer before shoving it back into my messenger bag. Then I head up to the second floor. There's a quiet area buried behind the stacks. I always gravitate there because no one else ever uses the space.