
Chapter 6: Cassidy

##Chapter 6: Cassidy

Book One: Stay

"Did you really think you could ditch me that easily?" His whispered words send a shiver skating down my spine as something hot unfurls in the pit of my belly.

Or possibly lower.


"It was more of a hope on my part," I reply lightly, searching for an empty seat in the already crowded room.

One empty seat is all I need.


As I scan the lecture hall, I find a girl with long blonde hair waving erratically at Cole. Just in case he doesn't notice her wild gesturing, I point out the frantic female. These girls are seriously ridiculous. Not to mention, desperate. But hey, I can totally help a sister out. Especially when it benefits me in return.

"You seem to have a fan over there who'd very much enjoy the pleasure of your company."

He flicks a casual wave in her direction as I start down the thinly carpeted steps. I like sitting front and center in all my classes. It feels as if the students buried in the back of the lecture halls are too busy talking, sleeping, or texting to pay attention.

Just as I step away, Cole slings a muscled arm across my shoulders, steering me toward his friend as he points in her direction.

"Look, there are two open seats. How perfect is that?"

My body tenses at the physical contact as I attempt to shrug him off. "No thanks. I like sitting near the front."

Apparently, he isn't as picky about seating as I am because he says, "Okay, lead the way. We'll sit where you want today."


I don't think so.

This has me skidding to a halt as my brows lower. Probably not the most attractive expression, but I don't give a shit at the moment.

"Cole," I say with far more patience than I'm feeling, "there's obviously a girl over there who would love to sit with you. And just in case you're confused," I shake my head before pointing to myself, "I'm not that girl."

Having said that, I stalk down the stairs toward the front of the lecture hall. Professor Mullens is already standing at the podium, ready to begin. I want to get to my seat and forget all about Cole whatever-the-hell-his-name-is.

Unfortunately, I have a sneaking suspicion I'm going to have a hard time doing that.

This pushy guy brings out the worst in me.

And I don't like it.

I don't like the way I react to him.

I don't like losing control over my emotions.

It's just one more reason to steer clear of him in the future. I already have more than enough reasons to shoot him to the tippy top of my avoid like the plague list. Actually, he's the only one occupying that list.

As far as I'm concerned, the guy already has three strikes against him, which is three too many.

He's way too good-looking (strike one).

He's too easy going (strike two).

And he didn't flirt, not even a little bit, with that girl (strike three, damn him).

Warning bells are already ringing inside my head, and I didn't even know the guy existed before last night. That seems like a bad sign.

We'll just make that strike four.

I slip into a seat parked between a guy and a girl. Neither of whom I know. I can't help but huff out a relieved breath that whatever little dance was happening with Cole is over. I'll just have to be careful to avoid him in the future. It shouldn't be difficult with a campus of twenty thousand students.

Just as I slide my computer from my bag, Cole taps the guy next to me. My fingers still as I wait for his next move. Because he can't possibly have one. I won this round.


"Hey Garret, would you mind sliding over so I can sit next to my girlfriend?"

Gasping, my mouth tumbles open. And it just hangs there before I have the good sense to snap it shut.

He did not just say that!

But yeah, he did. Cole just told a complete stranger that he's my boyfriend.

"No problem." Garret grins as his gaze travels over me before gathering up his stuff and moving one desk over.

With an amused smirk, Cole settles next to me before closing the distance between us.

"Checkmate," he whispers.

"You've got some serious mental health issues, you know that, right?" I hiss, feeling completely at a loss and out of control.

That's the one thing I can't handle.

Emptying his backpack, he leans over again. "Shhh, the lecture is about to begin, and I really want to hear this."

Gnashing my teeth together, I jerk forward as Professor Mullens launches into the topic of current research methods within the field of psychology.

"We're going to start today's lecture by discussing the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods. Everyone should have read chapters four and five from the book already, so let's delve in by exploring some of the finer points regarding each method."

I open my computer and begin typing notes, but can't seem to focus. Not with Cole sitting next to me. Every once in a while, his muscular leg brushes against mine, jerking me out of whatever research method she's discussing. Before I can stop myself, my gaze flickers to him.

It's almost surprising when he refrains from saying a word for the entire duration of the class. He simply takes notes on his computer, and yet I'm completely distracted by his presence. I'm barely able to follow along as the professor outlines when and why we use each method.

It doesn't take long for the fifty-minute class to turn tortuous.

Why am I so affected by him?

He's nothing special...not really. All right, fine. That's a lie. He's gorgeous and easy going. Argh...I need to get out of here before I self-combust.

As soon as the lecture ends, I bolt from my seat like my ass is on fire. I need to get away from him.

"Excuse me." I bounce on the tips of my toes before snapping, "I need to go, or I'll be late."

This isn't exactly true, but that doesn't really matter, does it?

When he doesn't immediately move out of my way, I push past him.

"Hold on and I'll walk out with you." He quickly stuffs his computer into his backpack before taking off after me.

As soon as we're out of the social sciences building, I spin around toward him. I'm pretty sure there's a mixture of fire and fear glowing in my eyes. "You know I'm one step away from taking out a restraining order, right?"

Instead of getting annoyed the way I expect, he grins. Those damn dimples flash, making his face more handsome than before. What's clear is that I'm not as indifferent as I'm pretending to be. And that scares me. A lot.

Within fifteen minutes of meeting him, he triggered an anxiety attack.

That's bad news.

I want to laugh. Or maybe cry because I'd thought they were getting better. I'd transitioned almost seamlessly to Western this fall. And there's no way in hell I'll allow myself to backpedal. Cole sparks something unwanted within me. Something I'm irresistibly drawn to all the while making me feel distinctly out of control and frightened.

That's one hell of a lethal combination.

For me, anyway.

I need to run him off before everything gets more complicated.

"Good, then at least I'll be able to figure out your name."

Hmm. I don't have a snappy come back for that. I can only shake my head and snort.

This guy is impossible.

Impossibly good-looking.

Impossibly persistent.

Impossibly charming.

Just plain impossible!

It kind of makes me wish I'd met him before...well, before my life imploded.

I shove the thought away before it can take root. The fact of the matter is that I didn't. Cole is in the here and now, and I'm...broken. The sooner he realizes that, the better off we'll both be.

"Holy shit." His hand flies to his mouth as his golden eyes widen with exaggeration. "I think you might have chuckled."

The way his gaze roves over my face only makes the edges of my lips twitch even more. He really is impossible. Being the smart-ass he apparently is (that's strike five), he gasps in mock astonishment. "And a smile. An honest-to-goodness smile. I wasn't sure it was possible."

I roll my eyes, all the while trying to get my facial muscles under control. It's not as easy as it should be.

"See, you like me." He winks before adding with just a hint of arrogance, "You want to date me."

My brows snap together. "Oh, that reminds me, please refrain from telling people I'm your girlfriend." There. The smile has been completely wiped away.

"You will be." He looks smug and way too self-confident about his prediction. It's perplexing and...oddly attractive.




Disconcerted by how this conversation is unraveling, I shake my head. "No, sorry. I don't date."

"That's good, because I don't want my girlfriend dating other guys. It sets a bad precedent."

I draw in a steady breath before reiterating, "I'm not your girlfriend. And I have no intention of becoming your girlfriend." I have no intention of becoming anyone's girlfriend. That's when it hits me. "Oh, I get it. You think this is a game and I'm playing hard to get. Let me disabuse you of that notion."

Why is it always this way?

Whatever Cole thinks is happening here needs to end. It's getting out of control. I'm not interested. All right, maybe I'm a little interested, but that's beside the point. I'm not here to find a man.

"I think I know how to solve this."

Before he can ask any questions, I push into his space until my body is aligned against his. Little tingles of awareness dance across my flesh as my breasts press against the solid wall of his...oh my...powerfully built chest.

I almost lose focus as my breath hitches.

Gazing up into those tawny-colored eyes, I pour all the hunger I can't allow myself to feel into that one lustful look. Unable to resist the opportunity, I stroke my hands over his pecs until they're sliding up and over the broad set of his shoulders.

Jeez. This guy is hard all over.

I gulp as that thought rings unwantedly throughout my head and tingles of awareness shoot down to my core in response.

What becomes obvious is that I'm not the only one affected here. He draws in a ragged breath as we silently hold each other's gazes. Heat and hunger fill his eyes as my legs nearly buckle.

"I love you," I whisper. "Let's move in together. I want to quit college, marry you, and have lots of babies. At least four. Maybe five. How does that sound?" I trail my fingers over his chest, enjoying the play of hard sinewy muscle.

His arms snake around my body, hauling me impossibly close. My nipples pebble against his strength and my brain become a little hazy from the intimate contact. My eyes widen because his chest isn't the only hard thing I'm feeling...

Oh my...

"I think that sounds pretty damn fantastic. Let's do it," he murmurs seconds before his mouth crashes onto mine. I expect the slide of his lips to feel forceful, almost punishing, but they're not. In fact, the caress is soft and-

Before it can go any further, I jerk away from him and bark, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Heads snap in our direction as my heart pounds and skin prickles with awareness. And my lower regions...

They've snapped to attention as well.


His lips quirk at the corners as his eyes crinkle with humor. "Um, I was kissing the girl I'm going to marry. Why? What did it feel like I was doing?"

He's way too cool and collected.

And I am so not...

This is the part where I act like a child by screeching in annoyance before stomping away. "We are not dating, and we are certainly not getting married!" Guess that one backfired. My breasts are still tingling and feel achy from being pressed against all that delicious strength.

And that kiss...holy hell.

My fingers fly to my lips as his laughter follows me.

The bastard.

"I'll be seeing you around!" He shouts as I vacate the area as fast as possible.

I don't bother to glance back before flipping him the bird. This has not been one of my finest hours. As I stalk away, embarrassment slides through me. Why does this guy have such a knack for bringing out the worst in me?

Better question-what am I going to do about it?

I have the sinking feeling that avoiding him will be impossible.

Somehow, I think that kiss sealed my fate.