
Chapter 53: Cassidy

##Chapter 53: Cassidy

Book Two: Don't Leave

Before I can nod in agreement, she's dragging me away from Cole and toward a long stretch of the hall. I let Cole know what's going on as I'm towed behind her. It takes effort to shove our way through all the zombies, ghosts, and sexy devils packing the hallway. The line for the bathroom is ten deep, and it takes at least fifteen minutes before we're able to lock ourselves in the small space.

As Brooklyn uses the toilet first, I turn toward the mirror to assess the damage. Like I assumed, it's bad. My face is all red and sweaty from dancing. I look like I've just run a marathon. I'm glad I decided to wear scrubs and nothing heavier. Even though it's the end of October and there's a chill in the air, it's hot as Hades in here. All the people crammed inside the house don't help matters, either.