
Stay With Me (Our Story)

Amaya Jones is 23 years old and a single mother to Bailey King. She used to live with her family until she became pregnant with Bailey. Her father was furious so he cut her out of their life. Aiden Carter a 28 year old billionaire playboy and heir to his fathers company is surprised when his father contacts him and says he has a benefiting deal for the company. He wants Aiden to help an old friend of his whom was on the verge of bankruptcy. Aiden has no interest in helping the Jones's, but his father insists so he gives in. When his father tells him what the contract entails, he's against it at first but agrees later on. After all, a joint company means more money, which Aiden doesn't mind. Amaya's parents sign the contract without her knowledge. They didn't care about what she wanted they just hoped that when they inform her about the arranged marriage, she would accept without any fuss. Amaya declines the offer. She doesn't care if her family was on the verge of bankruptcy, they cut her off long ago. After getting bad news from her mother Amaya chnages her mind and agrees to help them. All she ever wanted was to focus on her daughter but now she's stuck in an arranged marriage with a man she that she detests.

Intoxicating69 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

8. Introductions

"How do you know this is gonna work?" I ask as I continue to pace up and down the room nervously

"First of all stop pacing and take a seat" Mia retorts sharply "Everything is going to go well" She says calmly.

I'm sure she's just trying to comfort me, but the insecure part of me that I've locked out because I never want to fail as a mother keeps chirping back.

"How do you know that?" I continue pacing and checking my wrist watch for the time.

"Because you're too nervous you didn't even hear Bailey's bus just pull in" Mia tells me.

It takes me a minute for what she said to fully register "Oh my gosh!" I exclaim and put on my jacket to go pick her up

"Sit down, I'll go get her. Just do me a favour and get yourself together before we get back."

After she leaves I inhale and exhale three times till I'm sure I've calmed down a little.

"Miaaa!" I hear Bailey's sweet voice yell from outside

"Hiii Babyyy!!! Ugh I've missed you!"

Their voices become incoherent as they make their way into the house.

I'm seated in the living room and the urge to run upstairs and hide in my room or start pacing again is extremely strong.

"Mama!" Bailey yells immediately she sees me and comes running. I get on my knees to her height with my arms wide open.

I smile and hug her tightly "My baby! I missed you so much! I feel like we should go back to homeschooling you" I tell her jokingly with a smile

"Nooo!" She giggles and Mia and i laugh.

"Alright alright, No homeschooling."

"Lets go get some ice cream angel, mummy needs to change her clothes" Mia says

"Why. You pwetty mommy!" Bailey smiles and kisses me

"Aww thank you baby. But mummy has to change because we're expecting a visitor. And I'd like you too meet em, is that okay with you?" I ask to be sure. just in case I have to cancel right now.

She smiles at me with a nod before walking off with Mia into the kitchen.

Once they're in the kitchen I pick up my phone and gather the courage to text him my address, but i stop once I've typed every thing in. My fingers are hovering over the send button and I'm rethinking everything.

"Just like I thought" I'm caught up in my own thoughts I didn't notice when Mia walked in.

"What?" I put my phone away

"Why are you stalling?" She asks straight up

"I'm not" I deny

"I'm your bestfriend. Talk to me, please" She goes to sit beside me "And don't worry about Bailey she's counting the spoons. And I told her to scream if she needs me" She chuckles and so do I.

"Will this make me a bad mother?" I ask. The thought had been bugging me like a pesky fly moving around.

Mia shakes her head "No. And I don't think you can ever be a bad mother. You adore that girl alot, she's your life and i know, that deep down you know that too"

"But I'm about to change her life and she doesn't even have much of a say in it." I sniff trying to hold back the tears

"She does. How many mums can you say ask their kids for permission before they introduce a visitor to them? Not alot. But you do that Amaya! you make sure her opinions always count amongst other things. And that's why I know you can never fail as a mother." I smile at her and what she said although true, a part of me still feels like I'm a bad person and I'm doing the wrong thing

"What if she doesn't like him?" The million dollar question

"You've been on dates with him" I nod "What do you think?"

"Well he knows about Bailey. He briefly saw her pictures on the engagement day" Yes, We agreed to have an engagement, just a small gathering. Family only. And a staged photographer to leak the photos online. And the plan worked. The media bought it

"And what do you think about him?"

My eyebrows scrunch up "He's grumpy, blunt and i still think he's a manwhore. But everytime I talked about Bailey he had this bright smile across his face."

"And do you think whatever you decide to do, is going to make you a bad mother to Bailey?" Mia asks

I shake my head "I'd never hurt her."

"There's your answer. And if you're over thinking again you could just call the entire wedding off and let them deal with their debts alone" Mia shrugs and I laugh.

Just in time we hear the sound of something hitting the tiles and Mia's name after "That's my cue" she gets up immediately and runs to the kitchen. I chuckle and pick up my phone. I check the message and immediately press send before i change my mind or overthink.

I go to the kitchen to check on Bailey and Mia. And as usual I see that they've made a mess of my kitchen just trying to make pancakes. I blow Bailey a kiss and she does so too before i leave and run up the stairs to change my clothes.

After I'm done changing and just as I'm making my way down the stairs I see Mia standing in front of an opened front door.

"Hi, I'm here to see-"

Mia cuts him off "You must be Aiden." She walks closer before putting her hands against the door frame "Even if this is fake, if you hurt them I'll kill you." She steps back with a smile and my heart swells with pride "Please, Mr Carter, come in."

I move away from where I'm stood so I'm not caught eavesdropping "Hi" I greet when I get closer to them

He smirks at me "Hello Mrs Carter" he knows I hate being called that but says it anyway just to piss me off.

Mia looks between both of us and makes gagging noise "Y'all make me sick. I'm going to get Bailey" She chuckles and walks off into the kitchen

"I know you told me not to get anything but i had to" He brings his hands from around his back and produces a small bag. I just noticed he's been standing with them behind him since, why did I assume he was just being polite. I go to collect the bag but he declines "For Bailey, not you"

I smirk and stare at him "Are you nervous?" I tease

He frowns "Shut the fuck up"

"Ah there he is, Mr grumpy!" I laugh and turn to face Bailey and Mia when I hear their footsteps

"Mommy" She calls me while staring at Aiden and then back at me

"Hey baby" I coo and bend down to her height "Remember the visitor I told you about. Well, this is him and his name is Aiden Carter, wanna say Hi?" I smile and rub her cheeks

"Hello" she waves shyly and Aiden smiles at her before bending his back a bit

"It's nice to meet you Bailey. I've heard so much about you from your mum. Do you like chocolates?" I raise my brows suprisingly, after I heard what he asked. So that's the gift.

Bailey smiles happily and nods.

I let out a sigh of relief, this is looking good so far.