

Clara Massey is an eighteen-year-old girl. After leaving High School at Pine Hill High School, Clara meets her father, who she has been separated from for sixteen years. Clara grew up without a father figure in her life, ever since her parents decided to separate when she was two years old. Right at the age of eighteen, she managed to meet the man she had been missing for a long time. Her meeting with Mario Duke Massey was the most beautiful gift she received on her birthday. After a fairly long process, she finally succeeded in reuniting with her parents. In the process of uniting her parents, she met David Moran. David is the son of Mario's sister. This nephew is the same age as Clara. The love story of these two people began when they were in college. The time they spent together both on campus and at home made their relationship even more intense. However, as time went on their relationship became increasingly tenuous. David wanted something difficult for Clara to give, her virginity. What is the fate of their relationship? Will Clara be able to maintain her virginity from the person she loves so much?

Ernita_GST · perkotaan
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3 Chs


This morning the weather looks very sunny, you can hear the sound of a vehicle horn that is passing in front of Clara's house.

Clara's residence is right on the edge of the highway, and the sound of horns and vehicle exhausts has become her daily meal.

Today is graduation announcement day for the third graders at Pine Hill High School. Even though she wasn't sure about her exam results, Clara looked relaxed preparing herself for school.

The look on her face didn't look worried at all, but it showed deep sadness. For the umpteenth time, on her graduation day, she was accompanied by another person. Not mom, not daddy either.

Since their divorce, Diana Hood has become a work addict. She spent all her time working to provide for the needs of her two daughters.

She pays a nanny to look after her children. The nanny who looks after Clara and her sister, Melanie Joyce Massey, has been working since Melanie was four years old.

In addition to looking after and caring for her two daughters, the nanny's job is to take care of and attend any activities that require the student's parents to be present. Diana was never involved with her daughter's school affairs. Even if someone asks what grade their child is in, she will not be able to answer the question.

Diana worked as a sea fish distributor for traders in the market. As a distributor, she gets sea fish directly from fishermen. Therefore, she spends more time at sea.

Today she can't go home to accompany Clara at her graduation. As usual, she asked Bettie Durham to accompany her daughter.

However, at her graduation this time, Clara forbade Bettie from accompanying her. She had asked Eva Huber for help so that her father could accompany her at the graduation ceremony.

"Va, auntie Bettie didn't come with me. Mom isn't home yet. Can your father take my exam results?" Clara asks Eva for permission so that her father will take Clara's test results.

"Of course! You're dad's daughter too. We're family. Don't be sad, I'm with you." Eva tried to comfort her friend who looked so gloomy.

"Hopefully we both pass, huh." She continued again while clenching her hands, hoping anxiously about the results of the national exam they had taken.

Eva and Clara have been best friends since they were in first grade. Their friendship has made them like family. Clara even called Eva's parents mother and father.

From a distance, Thomas Huber saw his two daughters chatting in front of the class. He then approached them in the middle of a crowd of students and parents waiting for the results of the exam that day.

"Hey, my pretty girls! Are you ready with the test results? How, are you optimistic about passing or not?" said Thomas as he approached his two daughters.

"Aaaa dad, don't make it even louder, please. Eva is getting more panicked." Said Eva who felt her father was teasing them.

"Why panic? If you study well and follow all the instructions from the teacher, you will have good results, right, Clara?"

"Right, Dad, hehe. Daddy, today my mom can't come here. Can you take my test results?" Clara again made sure that Eva's father took her test results.

"Oh, yes you can! What's not for daddy's daughter?" Thomas tries to convince Clara that she is not alone.

After saying that, Thomas then hugged Clara. He knew exactly what Clara was feeling and going through. Even though the two of them were very close, Clara never told Thomas about her life. He learns a lot about Clara from her daughter, Eva.

Tring, Tring…

The school bell rang, and the homeroom teacher of each class asked the parents to enter the classroom.

Thomas entered the classroom and waited for the teacher to call his daughter's name. One by one the names of students from class three-A were called alphabetically.

Aidan Lancaster …

Allen Bridges …

Brett Baker …

Brian Bowen…

Clara Massey…

When Clara's name was mentioned by the homeroom teacher, Thomas swiftly stepped forward and took the envelope containing Clara's graduation information. He did not open the envelope.

Danny Wilcox…

David Hendrix …

Eva Huber…

After he held the two envelopes from his daughter, Thomas walked out of the room and approached Eva and Clara. In unison, they opened the envelope simultaneously, then immediately screamed and jumped.

The writing on the back of the envelope stated they 'PASSED'.

Thomas hugged his two daughters, then ruffled their hair.

"You all are amazing. I'm proud of you both." Thomas congratulates Clara and Eva on completing their high school education.

"We'd better go home, mother must be waiting with delicious food. Let's go!" he continued, then took the hands of his two daughters and walked towards their house.

Graduation day has passed, and the results are quite satisfactory for Clara. However, she felt something was missing. She did not know to whom she should show the results of her hard work. Now Diana has not yet returned home.

[Mom, when are you coming home? It's my birthday tomorrow, you're coming home, right?"]

Clara sends a short message via her phone to Diana.

Tomorrow she will turn eighteen years old. She already has a list of gifts she wants and hopes that everything on the list can come true on her birthday.


[I will be home today, honey. We will celebrate your birthday together. Is there anything you want?]

Not waiting for so long, Clara's phone rang and she saw a reply message from Diana. Clara did not reply to the message. She wanted to convey in person what she wanted for his birthday this year.

Clara returned to her room, she tried to divert her mind by busying herself. She was afraid that if he continued to stay silent, she would only get more anxious. Given her request this time around, it would be enough to shock many people.

So far, their family is in good condition, although there may be some moments that are very difficult for the family.

However, Clara is not necessarily satisfied with the situation now. She thought, maybe their situation would be better with the presence of a father in this family.

Clara has been secretly gathering some information regarding her father, Mario Duke Massey. She already knew where Mario lived, and what Mario's current condition was.

She knows that her father has divorced her stepmother, and Mario is currently living alone. Clara wants to bring Mario back into her family, She wants to look after and care for Mario. She has a longing to perform the duties of a daughter to her father.

However, Clara's wish might be outright rejected by Diana. As you know, Diana has erased all her memories with Mario. She has even burned all his photos with Mario.

Diana even said that Mario had died for her two daughters. Then, the fact that Mario is still alive is accidentally revealed when Clara and Melanie are in elementary school.

However, until now they do not know the real reason their parents separated. Clara was quite satisfied knowing Mario's whereabouts.

Knock… Knock…

The silence in the room was suddenly broken when there was a knock on the main door. Clara ran slowly to greet the guest she assumed was her mother.

"Mommy…" Clara greeted her with a little scream and then hugged Diana tightly.

"Hey, honey. How did your exam results go, why didn't you tell me?" Diana warmly welcomed her daughter's hug, then asked about her national exam results.

"Fine, Mom. I graduated with satisfactory results. Come on in, Mom. We'll see the results of my exam later."

Clara took Diana's hand, leading her to the room after she made sure the main door was closed properly.

"Here is, Mom. I got a 98 for math." Clara handed her exam results to Diana.

"You're great, Honey! My daughter is the best." Diana praised her daughter's hard work and then she hugged Clara and stroked her hair.

"So, what kind of gifts do you want for your birthday and graduation, dear?"

"I want daddy, Mom."

The room suddenly became silent.

Diana did not expect that her eldest daughter would ask for a father's gift for her birthday this time.

"Why are you silent, mom? Can I meet daddy, Mom? Currently, daddy lives alone, he has been abandoned by his family. I want us to reunite as a complete family. I miss daddy, I want to know my real daddy, Mom." Clara reassured Diana.

"How could you ask to meet your father, dear? You don't understand how your father is, honey. Besides, I don't know where your father is right now."

"I've been looking into the residence of the father now, Mom. Father is in Germany. He lives alone, even father often sleeps in the car. Nobody takes care of it. Father has received his punishment, Mom."

Clara then lay on Diana's lap, she tried to persuade Diana to let her bring Mario back.