
Resources are always important

QiuLan opened her eyes and examined the room. She saw a lot of spiderwebs and dust.

She felt pain in her body so she looked down. She saw blood. A lot, a lot of blood. QiuLan quickly pressed her pressure points to slow down the bleeding. She quickly got up and opened the door. The yard was very big yet no one was spotted. It was empty and not a person was in sight. QiuLan got out and saw a forest. She found nettles, yarrows and goldenrods. These herbs can stop bleeding. She even found some dry gourds and basil.

She went back to the house and found a kitchen. She found a grinder and she started grinding the herbs. She sprinkled some powdered nettles and yarrow onto her wound. The wound stopped bleeding. She got some rags from the bedroom and wrapped it around her wound. She got water and cleaned her clothes that were stained with blood. She hanged them outside.

She found some flour and made some buns. She ate some buns and she then heard some people talking.

"Is QiuYing dead?," a girl asked. "Yes she is dead. We should run away now before somebody comes," another girl said.

QiuLan walked out to try to see who was talking but she only saw a girl running. QiuLan recognized the girl. The girl was a maid called Xia'er. Xia'er was the prince's lover's maid. QiuLan saw her in those memories. QiuLan then realized she was in QiuYing's body. "What the? Did I time travel to QiuYing's body?," asked QiuLan. She looked excited to be able to time travel. "So my name is now QiuYing. Thank you god, for hearing my prayers and helping me."

QiuLan walked back to the kitchen and found some empty porcelain bottles and a sharp knife. She poured the rest of the herb powder each into the bottles.

She went back into the bedroom and ripped off a cloth. She put the bottle in the cloth. She got out her handkerchief and put the buns in it. She put them into the cloth and wrapped it. The cloth was now a bag.

She cut the top of the dry gourd and she got rid of the things inside the gourd. She got a rag and used it to wrap the gourd around her waist. She then took it off and placed it on the table.

She went outside to check on her clothes. She saw a bronze token shining in the sunset. Then the token fell on the floor. QiuLan picked it up and examined it. It said Li mansion. In the back it said Li military. "Oh wow. I still have the Li surname. This token probably makes me in charge of the family's military. Why didn't they take the token? Oh well. They all thought that QiuYing was useless but she isn't," said QiuLan.

When she saw the token fall out of the pocket so she wondered if there were other things in the pocket. She took the things out of the pocket and there were silvers and a letter. She went back to the bedroom to read the letter. Then she opened it.

It said:

Dear Li QiuLan,

I like you too but I cannot marry you. I am truly sorry. I am the crowned prince and the empress keeps on urging me to compete with my brothers so my position would be stable. The empress says that I have to marry somebody that is superior and can help me become king. That person can only be the descendant of the prime minister. You are also very superior but not as superior as the prime minister, so I have to hide my feelings. I had to pretend to be in love with the prime minister's daughter, but I am truly in love with you. Let's meet each other two days later at the east mountain pavilion. We can't spend time with each other in public so we would spend time with each other in private.


Crowned Prince

"What a stupid excuse! How can QiuYing be so stupid to actually believe him and to go to the east mountain pavilion?! She even got killed because of this letter!," yelled QiuLan. She looked furious, and she clenched her fists. "God has given me the chance to help QiuYing take revenge. You guys better watch out or you would get played around and in the end, embarrass yourselves!" QiuLan was about to throw away the letter, but after a second thought, she didn't want to. She kept the letter. "It would be useful later on," QiuLan thought. She put the letter on the table.

She then examined the silver. "What are these?" She scratched the silver on the table. The table left a mark. She looked at the silver and there were a lot of marks. "Oh, this is silver." She put some of the silverbacks into her bag. The other half just sat at the table. She made some food and made a fire. Then she fell asleep.