
Startup LoVe

Everyone at the back of mind is thinking about quitting their 9-5job.

They don't want to be a part of rat race. They don't want to answer their bosses anymore. They want freedom.

Freedom of time lines. Freedom to work from anywhere they like. Freedom of money.

True. Startup can get you those freedom but..

But after a hardwork, after you have sleepless nights, after you are broke for long time, after you realize that world is cunning and they don't believe in your idea like you do.

Life is not easy, its not meant to be easy.

To start a company its a dream of many, the only difference is that are you ready to hit the struggles. Are you ready to overcome every single hurdle that comes to you.

You don't become billionaire by sitting on a couch or watching memes on Facebook day long. You become the one when your vision is straight, when the time is right and when whole world feels you won't be able to achieve it and you prove them wrong.

Startup starts when the passion in you is grows and you think beyond money