

if one were to lookk into the chaos void wich is filled with chaos energy wich is what all energys come from the would ee a gaint white shining ball well to bad only Random omnipotent beings can even look into this place and few who can enter wich brings up a new question on how is there a normal human soul granted it is a little better than must but still it is a human soul.

(*soul P.O.V.*)

"Who am I? Where am I "calm down calm down, deep breaths. OK now what is my name is or was ughh what was my name argh never mind. how about what happened and why am I here hmm dang it I can't remember anything except what I learned and watched like marvel and dc and dragon ball, ok now what to do. (A.N he is in a void there is like nothing to do). so with nothing better to do I started sensing around myself to see more about were I was and to my surprise I found that this place was full of energy so like any self respecting man/idiot I did what I always do something stupid I tried absorbing the energy which I shall call chaos energy and it workedso i started to tried to speed it up and i made a vortex with the energy flooding into my soulscape as i will call it after a while though i started to feel like i was reaching my limits so i being my idiot self asked myself if i could compress it this energy and so i did just that i went into to my soul scape and what i found there was amazing it was like space i ws blavk with a gaint nuebla in the middle with streams of chaos enery flowing in like stream so by imajinging the energy compressing in on itself i managedto get it to compress itto a drop of luquid chaos and somehow i know if i where to let this out on earth it would blow it up so after that i started a cycle absorb compress and now i dont even have to think to do but while i was flout in the void i thought what would happen if i try to expand that bubble that stop my energy for going out further so i used my sphere of liquid chaos and tried to expand the bubble by putting presure on it and it worked so i continuted for seconds minutes hours days weeks mounths years decades it all flew by and all i did was continue to absorbs the chaos energy and refine it and expand the bubble now i dont have to think about it just happens unless i stop it.and then one day out of now where a bright light apears and revealed an old man that looks like morgan freeman and im like i know it but morgan free just chuckles and said"intresting young soul youve mangaged to keep doing the impossible angain and again" i look at him i with a questiong look and ask"what do you mean by that " "you see young soul first you being here is supossed to be impossible second you survived and even absorb an energy i had trouble with and im the only one able to do it and live and at thay it was only in its gas form and not much yet you young soul you absorb a whole multiverse of it and condinsed it into liquid anda re now close to solid and you also expanded you energy container wich should have killed you cause very few can survive that" "so what i am hearing is i almost died like a lot" he nods and i oddly calm ask "so what are you hear for" and he responds"well i saw you he a just now and after looking at you and your memorys i figuired that i well give you five wishs and 3 request" "ok so im going to use the request to be reborn with memorys and into a rich loving families that 2 and now i want to be reborn in MCU" "ok"was all i got and thn he snapped his fingers and then said"now you wishes" "ok can i have some time" he nods"ok i am ready

1)i want to be the only me in all the verse and every thing in excintinrtst

2)i want all the intectual abllities and mental ablilitys like photgrahic memory and edictic speed reading etc.)(A.N. i pushed the wishes in also just scroll down the next wish is at 131)

1) Rick. (Rick and Morty).

2) Sumire Muroto. (Black Bullet).

3) Arthur Zanuck. (Black Bullet).

4) Albrecht Grünewald. (Black Bullet).

5) Ayn Rand. (Black Bullet).

6) Makino. (Max Steel)

7) Steel. (Max Steel)

8) Doctor Xander. (Max Steel)

9) Miles Dredd. (Max Steel)

10) Jim Mcgrath. (Max Steel)

11) Roberto Martinez. (Max Steel)

12) Elaine Bluelake (To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts).

13) Gabriel Rylander (Generator Rex).

14) Van Kleiss (Generator Rex).

15) Violeta Salazar (Generator Rex).

16) Rafael Salazar (Generator Rex).

17) Caesar Salazar (Generator Rex).

18) Peter Meechum (Generator Rex).

19) Susan Test (Johnny Test).

20) Mary Test (Johnny Test).

21) Stewie Griffin (Family Guy).

22) Piper Baird. (Limitless).

23) Bruce Wayne. (DC Comics).

24) Zatana. (DC Comics).

25) Doctor Fate. (DC Comics).

26) John Constantine. (DC Comics).

27) Jor-El. (DC Comics).

28) Brainiac. (DC Comics).

29) Barbara Gordon. (DC Comics).

30) Toy Master. (DC Comics).

31) Clifford DeVoe. (DC Comics).

32) Kal El. (DC Comics).

33) Ray Palmer. (DC Comics).

34) Lex Luthor. (DC Comics).

35) Eobard Thawne. (DC Comics).

36) Michael Holt. (DC Comics).

37) Michael Holt [Mister Terrific]. (DC Comics). {N / A: They are different characters, there are two Michael Holt}

38) Adrian Veidt. (Watchmen).

39) Zelretch. (Type-Moon).

40) Doctor Manhattan. (Watchmen).

41) Noah Burstein. (Marvel Comics).

42) Doctor Octopus. (Marvel).

43) Hank Pym. (Marvel Comics).

44) Knull (Marvel Comics).

45) Daniel White hall. (Marvel Comics).

46) Gideon Mallick. (Marvel Comics).

47) Shuri. (Marvel Comics).

48) Lunella Lafayette. (Marvel Comics).

49) Forge. (Marvel Comics).

50) Holden Radcliffe. (Marvel Comics).

51) Hank McCoy. (Marvel Comics).

52) Ancient One. (Marvel Comics).

53) Odin. (Marvel Comics).

54) Tony Stark. (Marvel Comics).

55) Howard Stark. (Marvel Comics).

56) Victor Von Doom. (Marvel Comics).

57) Reed Richards. (Marvel Comics).

58) Amadeus Cho. (Marvel Comics).

59) Riri Willians. (Marvel Comics).

60) Bruce Banner. (Marvel Comics).

61) AIDA. (Marvel).

62) Valeria Richards. (Marvel Comics).

63) Herbert Edgar Wyndham. (Marvel Comics).

64) Stephen Vincent Strange. (Marvel Comics).

65) Abraham Erskine. (Marvel Comics).

66) Norrin Konn. (Marvel Comics).

67) Quentin Quire. (Marvel Comics).

68) Armin Zola. (Marvel Comics).

69) Nathaniel Richards. (Marvel Comics).

70) Aldrich Killian. (Marvel Comics).

71) Nadia Pym. (Marvel Comics).

72) Maya Hansen. (Marvel Comics).

73) Nathaniel Ess.e.x. (Marvel Comics).

74) Sir. Isaac Newton. (Marvel Comics).

75) Berthold Sternberg. (Marvel Comics).

76) Leopold James Fitz (Marvel Comics).

77) Jemma Simmons. (Marvel Comics).

78) Supreme Intelligence. (Marvel Comics).

79) Franklin Hall. (Marvel Comics).

80) Raymond Mcmullen. (Prototype).

81) Anton Koenig. (Prototype).

82) Alexander J. Mercer. (Prototype).

83) Karen Parker. (Prototype).

84) Kou Honda. (Terra Formars).

85) Alexander Gustav Newton. (Terra Formars).

86) Daedalus (Sora in Otoshimono).

87) Mynos. (Sora no Otoshimono).

88) VegaPunk. (One Piece).

89) Caesar Clown. (One Piece).

90) Sanji. (One Piece)

91) Z. (One Piece)

92) Kouka Inumata. (Kill la Kill).

93) Orochimaru. (Naruto).

94) Zordon. (Power Rangers).

95) Gosei. (Power Rangers).

96) Kat Manx. (Power Rangers).

97) Nate Silva. (Power Rangers).

98) Dr. K. (Power Rangers).

99) Eubulon (Kamen Rider).

100) Winry Rockbell. (Fullmetal Alchemist).

101) Tabane Shinonono. (Infinity Stratos).

102) Lotus (Warframe).

103) Ordis. (Warframe).

104) Bulma. (Dragon Ball).

105) Dr. Gero. (Dragon Ball).

106) DR. Brief. (Dragon Ball).

107) Albert Wesker. (Resident Evil).

108) Oswell E. Spencer. (Resident Evil).

109) Edward Ashford. (Resident Evil).

110) William Birkin. (Resident Evil).

111) Brandon Bailey. (Resident Evil).

112) Okabe Rintarou (Steins Gate).

113) Verde. (Katekyo Hitman Reborn).

114) Emmett Brown. (Back to the future).

115) Megatron (Transformers).

116) Optimus Prime. (Transformers).

117) Dexter. (Dexter's lab).

118) Professor Oak. (Pokémon).

119) Nurse Joy. (Pokémon).

120) Zygarde. (Pokémon).

121) Arceus. (Pokémon).

122) Hojo. (Final Fantasy).

123) Scarlet. (Final Fantasy).

124) Azmuth. (Ben 10).

125) Kyudai Garaki. (Boku No Hero Academia).

126) David Shield. (Boku No Hero Academia).

127) Doctor. (Doctor Who).

128) Saiba Jouichiro. (Shokugeki no Souma).

129) Alice Nakiiri. (Shokugeki no Souma).

130) Leonora Nakiiri. (Shokugeki no Souma).

131)Peter Parker.(MCU)

3)i want a universe that is ever expanding where i control everything and no one can get in without my permision also when i mean contril every think i inculd time and gravity

4)i want a status and mission board where i can turn it down if i dont want it and no penaltie and it give rewards for completeing missions

5)i want to have my own dragon balls conected to my soul so none can use them but me and i want them upgraded so that i only have to wait 24 hours and they have the same power as your wishes you are giving me also it is only a meter tall

he started laughing andclutching his stomach with tears coming out of his eyes

i ask him " where those okay" he looked up at me still chuckling and says

"young one those were perfect thoses wishes where at my level you see everyone else they all wish for trash stuff while you you figured out how to get unlimited wishes so yes those wishes are perfect and for that I will give you another thing I will adopt you as my grandson and give you super mans powers and abilities for free without the weaknesses and as a early birthday gift I will give you high human and godly adaptability body wich is the best bloodline with unlimited potential and godly body allows you to absorb your powers better and heal faster and get immunity quicker and better body outright also you can go to the suns core after 12 years cause I will seal your memories to make you have a normal childhood wo have fun and p.s if you want to look for me then just go into your universe and so I allow my grand dad in also I put a couple if suns blue to yellow for your powers in the universe so have fun and see you in 12 years oh when do you want to be born" "2000"