
Starting as a level 1 demon

This is the story of many. All dying and wanting their own justice on the world. Follow the three Kazue Ito, Zack Zanelion, And [Redacted] on there way to get revenge on the world that wronged them.

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30 Chs

Chapter XXI: Webs Of Madness

Zack kept walking home as some wanted to catch a picture of this child who stood up to this family who was leading Vespre in its age of Technological Advancements. He kept walking to this house his parents had. If they found out what he did, he would get thrown out of a window and get run over by a car. Zack this time had no fear.

Zack looked at the door to his parents house and first flicked his wrist to get rid of the fire. He opened the door and was going to take his stuff and go. If he had to deal with wolves biting off every piece of him, he'd take it over this. At least the pain was instant. He walked in and heard nothing inside the house. No creaking, no cooking, no sound, Nothing.

Zack just took this as a opportunity to start packing when they don't know already. His parents sold everything he owned when they knew he was useless. Zack's only belongings were a few books. He took them, carrying them in a bag and was going off. Zack was done and was going to leave because he got everything but looked at his parents room.

"It's about time I got even" Zack said with a grin.

He looked in the room and made a mess his parents were going to clean up. He then punched the bed with his demonic fist and it burned into ash. He did this to the rest of the room and was finally done. "Not exactly even, but this will do" Zack said as he was finally going to leave as he grabbed the doorknob but it didn't open.

He turned it again with it working to see his parents were there with a baby in his mothers hands. Zack figured who this child was. It was his little brother. His parents bumped him away like he was nothing as Zack looked in awe. Why wasn't he told about this? When did this happen? Magic may have existed, but that doesn't mean miracles can happen!

Zack just walked away as his parents looked at the mess in their room. They were going to run towards him but Zack was already gone. He couldn't rip a child from his parents. Even if those parents were evil. Zack walked and saw the audience looking at him. He still walked no matter what. People were scared and ran, a few children came to be his friend, not fully understanding who he was.

He kept walking and saw a scene. It was a child at five years of age being beaten in broad daylight. Zack looked at this and wanted to fight. If he did, he would bring unnecessary attention to himself. He walked away and went into a store to get a few items.

What he got were wraps, some LED contacts, and finally, a mask that covered the bottom of his face. He bought them and used his skill "Steal". The power to universally steal anything. Since it's level one, it can only be used on physical objects or stats and he had to touch the item or something the item was touching. Zack used Steal on the register and took the equivalent of ten dollars and gave the entirety of the money back.

He put the wraps on his face, put the contacts on and had his mask along with his hood up. He was ready to fight now. He finally returned to the scene and saw it had ended with the child being brutalized and unconscious. Zack looked around and got another quest to do *!*

[Fight James Flint]

The flints just seemed to cause problems everywhere they went today. This quest came with a map showing the person he had to punish. He used demonic kick to boost speed this time and ran. He of course took the child with him to get help. The child was left at a police station and then Zack left. He was running faster than an average human at this pace.

He kept running but it was taking awhile. As he ran, he saw more public beatings everywhere. Only to the serf class. People can be horrible just because they want to. Eventually he made it to his final destination. He found the person, with even more guards than the last flint, beat another person. Zack couldn't beat them at that sort of rate. Twelve bodyguards were there.

Zack contemplated for a while. He couldn't possibly stand a chance. He decided to check his skills until he saw his summoners skill and weapons master. Weapons Master made every weapon give a 10 percent stat boost. The Skyfire Axe qualifies as one so they pair up. The problem is, he would be a murderer. That weapon could be lethal.

"Demonic fist should work out. If it doesn't, I'll resort to the Skyfire Axe." Zack thought as he was ready for his fight. He ran with demonic feet and would switch from one to the other. They saw him and looked like they recognized him. They recognized him from a description and were told to hospitalize him. They all charged but Zack dodged most of them and returned their own hits with flurries of attacks.

Zack eventually couldn't keep going, as he did this ten times this day. He only needed four more guards. The guards, Including James, clearly saw this and were visibly smiling as they were about to start beating him. Zack looked at the bodyguards on the field and inspected them. They all in total would give 25 stat points as a temporary boost if he used steal. Zack wanted to win and show that he couldn't be beat as a symbol the system was wrong.

He used the stats and could feel the stats surging in him. His veins started glowing as this mutation was happening. The guards were looking in fear as James looked in disgust and interest. He stopped this mutation as it had finished. All stats were at 35. His punches were now entirely lethal. Zack leapt forward as the pavement was cracked from the sudden movement.

They all stood no chance as Zack beat everyone, leaving James scared for his life. "Punisher! Stop, please!" James said as Zack's eyes gained its red aura effect again. Zack was about to land the final blow slowly as he wanted him to suffer like he did. Like the whole class did. He used enough of his strength to break bones that weren't doing too much in his body.

He would have screeched for his father, howling for the pain to end if he didn't pass out by the time he broke a bone. Zack had then gotten a notification. *!*

[Quest Completed! Your strength grows]

Zack was happy but as the window appeared, James was losing a green aura from his body, entering into Zack's.