
The boy who was starved.

Month after month, Ken kept training with the man, hard work, patience, dedication and discipline, everything was a trial for him, and then day came…

"You're growing… faster than I expected, you might actually be cut out for this." The man said, sitting on a rock with three of his men behind him.

Meanwhile, Ken was seated on the ground, his arm bandage and his body shirtless.

"That said… you don't seem to crave it."

Ken's eyes widened a bit, "Are you saying I'm not motivated?".

"Motivation without discipline is nothing and you kid, seem to possess both, but what I'm referring to is an intense drive to accomplish something… you lack it".

Ken was definitely confused, he couldn't understand when his mentor meant, it sounded a lot like discipline.. So what could his mentor mean? The thought swelled in his head.

"You clearly don't understand what I'm saying… so, I'll have to show you."

The man stood up, staring down at Ken.