
39: This Asshole


I lay in bed all night, unable to sleep a single wink. I watched as my room gradually got brighter as the sun rose into the sky. After a while I checked the time and decided to get up and ready for school. Once I was ready I headed towards my front door, before I could leave Roxie stopped me. She looked extremely sad, obviously wanting to come with me. I sighed and said to her, "Sorry Roxie.. You can't come with me, school is too bustly and busy between classes. You'd get trampled even if people could see you. Besides, I need my best girl to guard my house and attack any invaders. Okay? Here, when you need to go to the bathroom just come do it in here." I lead her to the bathroom and pointed at the toilet. I know I'm talking and acting like she's a human that could actually understand what the fuck I'm saying and meaning, but she's a smart dog I'm sure she to some extent knows what I'm telling her. She wagged her tail and licked my hand as I pet her. I'm thinking the reason no one in public places sees her is my doing, I guess subconsciously I want her at my side so bad I make an illusion that she's not there to people that would kick her out. I said bye to her and started my walk to school. Each step I took I sunk further and further into hollow sadness as I realized how lonely it was without Dylan obnoxiously walking with me. I had to stop and just stand, feeling beyond lonely, and feel exactly how much I miss him. The only thing keeping me knowing I'm still alive is the pain I'm in, otherwise I'm just hollow and dead inside...

After the long lonely walk, half way there I couldn't stand the pain of walking alone and teleported near the school. I walked another minute till I was at school, people staring at me and seeming to know something happened to Dylan. I glared at everyone in return, causing most to finally look away. I continued towards my first class and sat down, feeling even more alone now. Classmates continued to stare and gossip, pissing me off. It was like this all the way to lunch.

As I walked down the hallway to go outside by myself to meet Lily, some guy stopped me and asked, "Hey, where's your little boyfriend side kick? He die or something?" I could tell he was purposely pissing me off and trying to hurt me, as fucking always, but I didn't care anymore.

"First off he's not my side kick. Second, no he's not dead. And third go fuck yourself you dumb sack of shit." I retorted and shoved him out of my way. Fuckin daisy fell over and landed flat on his ass with an echoing *THUD* sound. I heard many people laughing at the dipshit who got pushed by a girl and fell to the ground as if he were as light as air. I snorted in bitter amusement, just from knowing how much Dylan would've laughed at it, as I walked out the door. Lily was waiting for me under our usual tree and waved once she saw me. I sat beside my best friend and sighed.

"Feels weird without him here huh?" she asked sympathetically. I frowned but nodded slightly, not wanting to admit it, but she's my best friend so it's alright I guess.

End of school finally came and as I left the building ANOTHER fudgestick stopped me and asked, "Since you clearly don't have a boyfriend anymore, can I be the replacement?" Why are all these morons thinking they can talk to me all of a sudden. I glared and stared at him until he got uncomfortable and started asking, "You gonna ans—"

"And that right there shows you're too fucking stupid to even still be alive." I cut him off and walked away, fed up with these assholes trying to use me. Once I was out of sight of anyone I teleported to Dylan's room, noticing the hole in the wall that I didn't fix. I used my telekinesis thing to fix it. I sat beside him and held his hand like usual. I rested my head on his arm like a sad puppy and stared at his face wishing he'd wake up already.

"So turns out school fucking sucks without you. I was so bored. Felt like I was missing a fricken limb not having you goddamn glued to my side." I told him since my walls against him were obliterated when I yelled I love him. Still can't believe I did that... and in front of how many people? I tried mind link again and it actually worked this time. I looked around in surprise and saw he was busy watching a memory, looking kind of scared and sad. I furrowed my brows and quietly walked over enough to see what he was seeing, wish I didn't. I saw him at age four or so, tears staining his face as he watched a man beat the shit out of his mother. My breath caught in my throat as I watched on in sorrow. Even when she was on the ground unconscious he kept kicking her, once he was finished however he turned to Dylan, eyes filled with insanity and hatred. I only just noticed what Dylan was clinging to, it was a pet cat that didn't even look like an adult yet. The man slowly stepped closer to him, causing him to instinctively back away in fear and sob even more. He ended up backing against a wall, trapping himself and making him panic even more.

"Give me the damn cat." The man demanded angrily. Little Dylan cowered and shook his head, tears streaming down his face. The man then forcefully ripped the poor cat out of his arms and started beating on it. Grown Dylan closed his eyes and turned his head, pain clear across his face. I continued watching in pained horror as the man broke the cat's neck and threw it's now lifeless body on the ground. "That'll teach you to piss on my stuff." The man hissed at its body and walked away. Little Dylan knelt beside it, sobbing his heart out as he gently lifted it up to hug one last time and carry it away to probably bury it somewhere. I had a hand over my mouth in shock at what I just witnessed. The memory finally stopped playing and we both just stood in heavy silence.

"That's not even the worst he did." Dylan quietly said, acknowledging that I'm here. I had no words to describe how sad and pissed I was that that asshole did such a thing to an innocent life. Dylan finally looked at me, tears threatening to fall. "I haven't had a cat since then. Glad I didn't have dogs back then..." He whispered sorrowfully. I walked over and hugged him. I felt his arms wrap gently around me as he nestled his face in the crook of my neck, feeling I'm assuming a few tears fall onto my skin. His arms tightened around me, causing me to tighten mine without even thinking about it. After awhile he pulled away, trying for a smile.

I raised my brow slightly and asked, "So was that why I got in your head, you were too distracted to keep blockin me out?"

Dylan playfully rolled his eyes and replied, "Partially yes."

"Then what was the other part?" I teased. Instead of giving me a warning he just kissed me.

After a very long passionate kiss he pulled away and answered, "I miss doing that."

"Pf. It's been a fucking day." I retorted, huffing.

"I know Quetzal. How's your cut doing?" He asked, pointing at my stomach.

I felt my heart momentarily stop but forced out an answer, "U-hhh... fine I think, I don't feel it anymore. Blocked it out." After speaking I lifted my shirt to look at it, finding it magically fully healed.

"Huh...." I ended up mumbling, surprised its healed. Well, can't wait to pick that scab.

Dylan smiled and said, changing the subject, "That was a very beautiful song by the way, never knew you could sing better then the angels in heaven." I felt my face go red as I stared at the ground, knowing he knows that was my singing voice and not me just mimicking someone elses.

"You coming back yet. This is already old." I grumbled changing the subject.

He chuckled slightly and responded, "Sorry Quetzal, still stuck here getting tortured probably for another three or more days."

"UUUUUGGHHHHH." I flopped my head to rest on his chest as he chuckled at my unhappiness.

He hugged me once more, whispering, "There's still danger out there, but your mind and heart are stronger. Use it," before again shutting me out of his head.

I sat staring at his face, blinking in shock then muttered, "Fuck you.." I got up and dragged my feet out of the room, lifting my shirt to inspect my stomach again. The fuck did he mean by my mind and heart are stronger? Stronger than what? I saw that Kelsey is waiting at the ice cream place so I put my shirt back down, teleported myself there and ended up scaring the shit out of her. I lead the way to my living room and we sat down.

"You're going to think I'm crazy or stupid or something but.. it's this doctor that I'm pretty sure is Phillip." she answered when I asked who her suspect was. My heart stopped as my first thought was, 'he's going to kill Dylan' so I teleported us back to his room out of fear. We caught that asshole just in time but unfortunately he got away somehow, since apparently he can fricken teleport too. I managed to figure out how he changed his appearance and now we're going to look for him. Is this what Dylan meant? Ugh... I hate riddles. Starting with getting boss' ideas on where to find him we left Dylan's room after I set up a few hidden cameras to make sure he stays safe, and went to ask boss for help of where he might be if he knows. He said to check their camp out spot and track from there, on the way out of the offices we ran into Lily who joined us. I teleported us there and we started searching both outside and inside.

I was about to give up finding someone or something here, Lily and Kelsey looking like they felt the same.

"Where the fuck could he be?" Lily wondered out loud. I stopped dead in my tracks. I whipped around and had her pinned to the wall so fast if you blinked you'd miss it.

"You really where believable for a while there, I have to admit, but your fatal fucking mistake was that my best friend doesn't fucking swear you damn idiotic dumbass." I growled, knife to his throat.

He shifted to reveal he is in fact Phillip and laughed, "Oh Skylar you really aren't that stupid, glad my daughter isn't a complete moron."

Kelsey stepped forward and said angrily, "Yeah except she isn't your daughter."

'What?' I asked in her head, not moving an inch.

"You can change your appearance as much as you want and as drastically as you want, but that doesn't change the fact that you aren't our father. You just deliberately made yourself look like it to fool people, but mom finally told the truth for fucking once so I don't believe you." She growled at him, damn since when could she figure shit out before me. Although I guess I'm pretty fuckin distracted, however... she kind of just described exactly how he could completely be our father. I pressed the tip of my knife further into his neck, drawing a bit of blood as he continued laughing.

"Bravo, you've discovered you and your mother are IDIOTS. Think about it, I can change appearance, I faked my death with someone willing to die that I trained how to shift human appearance. Where do you think your teleporting ability is from huh? And Kelsey, your mom doesn't know your other powers right?" I would've looked over at her but I don't want him having an advantage so I just assumed her jaw was hung open. "You can grow plants, you have fire, water, electricity. You can control peoples actions, be invisible and levitate. How I know this?" He continued his story telling then shifted appearance again and blabbed on some more, "Look familiar? This was my appearance to trick Jane, so I could have powerful offspring." Cue vomiting. "And to toughen them up I abandoned her, changed appearance to be her boss and convinced her she couldn't raise two children. So she got rid of you Skye, without a second thought. Then. She had a child with her sisters husband. I reminded her she couldn't raise two children so she got rid of him too. Down the road I used my Erik persona to pay you a visit, but from afar. I had another member willing to die take my place and get killed. And now... you've caught me. Too bad you can't be here to kill me and back at the hospital to save your precious boyfriend at the same time." He chuckled evilly.

I didn't show a single hint of the pure worry and dread he just struck into my heart and smirked, "Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here. Wanna bet?" He smiled, shoved me and teleported away, but I refused to let him go this time and focused harder than I ever have in life and envisioned him coming back. When he did both him and Kelsey looked shocked as fuck. He threw some punches at me and tried disappearing again, but I made him come back even faster, fire covering my arms. As we had a teleporting war with some hand to hand combat here and there, he tried running away from me, but I kept poofing him back with a huge smirk on my face. Thank you Dylan for making me realize I can do this. At one point we just intensely stared at each other, my powers starting to fully overpower his. Once he was finally stuck to the ground in front if me I stabbed the knife into his throat as terror flashed into his eyes in his last seconds of life. "Better fucking stay dead this fucking time." I growled, yanking my blade out. I took hold of his body and teleported us back to the agency, but to the jail instead to lock him up just in case he isn't dead. I literally threw him into a cell, his body slamming into the wall then his head colliding with the cement floor. I then ran to the hospital, Kelsey following close behind. I could feel my brain lag for a few moments from that struggle, but I pushed it and my growing headache away. I checked my cameras as I ran and couldn't see anything wrong but he put fear in my heart and I needed to see in person that he's fine. I opened his door and saw a man standing over him, he looked a little familiar. Pure hatred filled my body within seconds as I realized who it was, no fucking clue how the hell he got here or WHY the hell he's here, but I sure as fuck was gonna kill him for it. This man was the guy in Dylan's memory.