
invincible sign in system

Holy sword kingdom, Black lion City

In a room, young man name su changsheng sleeping open his eyes doubtfull for sleeping in strange room

In a instant su changsheng feel pain in his head then he understood he travelled through time and he became eldest son of patriach of su family and this world is very dengerous in which strong man can destroy sun and moon and cut Stars

[Ding, the invincible sign in system is successfully activated ]

[ Host can sign in everyday for various types of elixir , physique, heaven and earth treasure , weapons , and cultivation exercises and etc ]

Ancients did not disappoint me

He is familiar to various novels so i understood gold finger is use

[ Host do you want to sign in now ]

Yes , sign in now

He feels extremely excited for what he can he get now

[Congratulations for sign in chaos Sacred body ]

Su changsheng feels very lucky for first sign

In he can get a chaos Sacred body because if he remembers in his memory in this world physique devided from low to high are mortal , spirit , king , holy , divine and chaos Sacred body is combination of two most powerful divine body chaos divine body and ancient desolate sacred body

Every divine body have Emperor level telent

If two most powerful divine body combination body i don't know how strong talent may be if t possible become immortal level telent and he only has Xuan mid level telent

Telent is devided from low to high is:

Human , mysterious , earth , heaven , king ,saint and Emperor