
Start as a Martial Artist

I Got Isekai'd! Maybe it's because I wasn't willing to be isekai'd. I didn't receive any cheats. With that, I'll have to put in effort if I want to survive in this world. Wait… how do I… ... Feel free to support me on Patreon - patreon.com/RiceDream

RiceDream · Komik
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9 Chs

So the Ritual is…

This guy is…

Ippo Makunouchi

But how?

What is this guy doing in this world? Doesn't he belong to the Hajime no Ippo anime? How could he be here?

So many questions…

And what the heck is this ritual they are talking about? Don't tell me it's like those macabre church rituals where you have to make a sacrifice to join. If that's the case, then… I'll just sacrifice someone else.

"You are Yan Qing? Don't worry. The ritual is quite simple. If it weren't for the club rules, I would have recruited you immediately. But… rules are rules. By the way, my name is Ippo Makunouchi, you can just call me Ippo."

"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ippo."

I extend my hand to greet him.

The man in front of me, though young, has the potential to reach the top of the world in boxing. Respecting him is the least I can do.

"You seem a bit tired from the training. If you want, you can come another day for the ritual."

"It's alright, I'm not that tired."

I was indeed tired, but my curiosity was greater than my fatigue. I wanted to find out what this ritual was.

"Are you sure?"


"Alright then, let's go. I'll explain on the way."

Saying that, Ippo waved for me to follow him.

Machio, who was preparing some post-workout drinks, also accompanied us. He wanted to find out if I could join the club.

"So I'll explain how things are going to work. The ritual is basically a test to see if you're fit to join our club. Once you pass the ritual, then you can join us. Of course, after joining us, there will be some rules that you'll need to follow, but they're not really that hard to follow."

"No problem. I'm just curious about this test."

"The test? That's simple. You just need to fight with all your strength against a member of our club."

Fight against a club member? Isn't that the same as asking to be beaten up?

I had no problem with getting beaten. After all, only by getting beaten can I learn. But on my first day? Isn't that a bit too quick?

"Do I need to win the fight?"

That was my question. I wasn't confident that I could beat someone who spends their day training in martial arts.

"No. Just fight with all your strength."

"I see…"

I murmur.

I couldn't help but look at Machio who was accompanying us.

This guy seemed very delicate, but appearances can be deceiving. Perhaps he's a master of some martial art.

Machio, sensing my gaze on him, smiled.

"I'm not a fighter."

He said, seemingly understanding what I was thinking.

Not a fighter? But isn't this the fight club? Of course, he is a school teacher, so maybe he can't fight against the students.

Ippo, who was leading me to another room, had a strange smile on his face looking at Machio. This man was not a fighter, but rather a… Forget it.

"We're here. Please wait a moment, I'll call the members who came today."

Ippo pointed to a sofa where I could sit and left the room with Machio following him.

The members who came? I see… it seems there are more members than those I saw training when I arrived.

Curious, I looked around the room I was brought into. I was surprised that inside this room there weren't many things besides this sofa, and a tatami mat that was in the center of the room. The tatami even occupied half the room.

Am I going to fight here? Without gloves or anything? I guess that's best, but I'm concerned about injuries…

I was feeling a bit of burning in my chest and triceps due to the training, but didn't feel that it would affect me. I don't know who I would have to fight, but I don't think being in my peak condition would make me win.

In my past life, I never considered training in martial arts, so it would be impossible to beat someone who fights frequently. I was not like those protagonists who are transmigrated to another world and a day later can fight on par with those sons of great families who spent their childhood training.

Thinking about this, I realize how unrealistic those animes were.

Speaking of unrealistic, what's the deal with this world? Shouldn't it be the world of the anime High School DxD? Why is Ippo here? And if he is here, does it mean other characters could appear? So… other villains could appear too?

Isn't that just making this world even more chaotic? That damn God of Trucks… is this the continuation of his revenge? If I meet him again…

At that moment, I heard the sound of the door opening. And when I looked to see who had arrived, I saw Ippo followed by Machio.

Soon after, some unfamiliar faces also entered the room I was in.

So, these are the club members? I looked at all who entered, luckily I didn't recognize any of these members as people from other animes. This relieved me. I didn't know how I would react if there were more anime characters in the club.

But that doesn't mean they aren't in other places. If Ippo is here, then other characters might be wandering around the world…

Everyone who entered the room also looked at me before forming a circle around the center of the tatami.

"Are you ready? You know, you can come another day."

Ippo came to my side and spoke. He had a look of concern. It seemed he knew that this test was not easy.

"It's alright. I have no knowledge of martial arts and have never fought before. But I'll give it my best!"

I didn't lie when I said that. Indeed, I didn't know how to fight. But I wouldn't run away.

I had decided. I wouldn't allow myself to be weak again.

Ippo's eyes seemed to shine with emotion for a few moments when he heard me saying I didn't know how to fight. He might have been reminded of when he started.

I forgot to mention. Ippo is a third-year student.

This would be his last year at Kuoh Academy. He told me this while we were walking to this room.

"Alright, I won't try to persuade you otherwise. Just do your best."

"Ah! Almost forgot, do you want to fight someone of the same weight as you? Or can it be random?"

"I have no preference. It can be someone random."

Ippo seemed surprised by my response. Maybe he thought I would choose someone of a similar weight. He knew how difficult it was to face people much heavier than oneself.

I had analyzed the club members and noticed that all seemed to be heavier than me. So it wouldn't make a difference.

"Step into the circle, the one who steps forward will be your opponent."

Ippo led me to the center of the tatami, and after that, he joined the other members around the circle.

It was strange. I was alone in the center, with fighters forming a circle around me.

I was sure that anyone in my place would be apprehensive or even afraid. And that would be normal.

But me…

I felt my heartbeat increase, my blood seemed to boil. I don't know why, but I was getting excited. I couldn't wait to start fighting.

The club members forming the circle seemed to notice my condition and all had understanding smiles.

At that moment, a young man slightly larger than me stepped forward and entered the circle.

So… this is the guy I'm going to fight?

He was also wearing the school uniform and appeared to be a third-year student.

"My name is Seta Kenshin. I will be responsible for your ritual. Please be careful."

"I am Yan Qing. Please take care of me."

We both greeted each other and took some distance.

We both knew what was about to happen. Seta seemed calm while I was excited, eager to begin.

No one had said anything about the rules of the fight. Ippo just told me to fight with all my strength.

Although I had no experience in fighting, I had watched many fighting movies and documentaries. Fighters always emphasized breathing.

Thinking about this, I started to breathe smoothly and steadily. This could calm me down and also allow me to think more rationally.

Seta assumed a combat stance with a three-quarters face guard.

Could he be a boxer? This is going to be difficult…

I noticed that since Seta took a combat stance, he was slowly moving his feet. I didn't know when, but it seemed I had entered his rhythm even before we began fighting.

That's because, unconsciously, my body started to move to the side, albeit slowly.

I quickly assumed a combat stance similar to Seta's. I didn't know if I was doing it right, but since I had no martial arts base, I decided to just fight with everything I had.

If even I don't know what I'm doing, then how would my opponent know?

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