
Start - The World Behind the Door

NOT: Unless you are a sadistic maniac who enjoys constant suffering of a human being, I strongly advise you not to read this novel. *** Yu Valarfin is a young university student who has lost his family and is alone. While thinking there is nothing tying him to life, he receives a phone call and has to leave his house. But when he opens the door, he is confronted by a world he has never seen! Finding himself trapped outside the door in a fit of absent-mindedness, Yu is forced to undertake an impossible mission filled with witches, demons, and death, with no power to help him. *** -Isekai -Dark fantasy -Male lead -No power fantasy / no op main character (regular human strength) -No loli romance -No rpg/system *** Arc I - The World Behind the Door (7 chapters / 34.000 words) Arc II - Golden Letters of Rolderhelm (43 chapters / - 186.000 words) Arc III - Sound of Bells Arc IV - Touching a Star Arc V - Dream of the Doves Arc VI - (In writting progress) *** Must read that notes before starting (please): 1) I am writing the original version in Turkish, this is a translation. 2) It's a slow-paced story. 3) And when I say slow, it's really, rea~lly, rea~~lly slow. Even slower than you can ever think. 4) If you're the kind of reader who says after 30 chapters "I've read too much, now I want the character to be strong", this is definitely not for you. 5) The story will be longer than 15 arcs and events will start around arc 3. So the first two arcs are like a prologue to the story (yes, 220,000 words long prologue). 6) The reason why the story is so long is that I want to give a realistic view of character and story development. You may not see much in one arc, you will see things as the next arcs come. 7) Since the original version is in Turkish (and my English is not very good, I use DeepL) you may see some grammatical problems. Probably the most common one is the he/she problem because my language doesn't have a he/she distinction. I'm trying to improve my English, but if you say it's too bad, I can stop the translation and continue after I've improved more, or if you point out my mistakes, I'll try to fix them. *** PLEASE DO NOT READ IF: 1) you have no tolerance for narcissistic characters. 2) you are not a masochist. 3) you are not patient. *** I don't want to make you to read something that you don't like and I know the story is for a very small audience, so I don't want you to get bored, it's important that you read the notes.

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188 Chs

Arc 3 - Chapter 1: Virgo Circus (2/2)

Some spectators were caught in the middle of the fire and frantically tried to get out but were stopped by circus security.

The bystanders who tried to attack Yu were also met by Yurine's wind spell and flew back the way they came.

The audience was now screaming, some of the men were trying to comfort their fainting wives, while others were trying to calm crying children.

Meanwhile, the circus workers began to collect the loot.

"Don't take it from them, it's shameful to covet pennies from the poor. Take it from the rich people over there."

Although there were usually rich guests inside the tent, ordinary people were also seated in the back rows.

Yu knew that what he was doing was bad in every way, but his conscience would not allow him to rob people who were already spending the little money they earned at the circus to entertain their children.

"Probably someone in Rolderhelm lost their child's livelihood because of me, but my conscience was clear because I didn't see them."

"Boss, everything is ready," said one of the employees. He was holding a big sack with valuables in it.

"Okay." Yu turned to his staff. "Hey, gather round! We're leaving this place."

With a few strokes of his cane, they started to run towards the wagons waiting for them outside. Yurine was back on Yu's lap.

Even though she could run faster than Yu, she always asked Yu to hold her, especially lately, both to avoid leaving Yu behind and because she liked to be carried.

Yu and Yurine got into the front carriage, while the rest of the circus staff moved to the prepared carriages at the back.

"Let's go!"

When he saw everyone boarding, he shouted to leave before the city guards flooded the circus. With Gaoi holding the reins at the head of the wagon, the rinos began to run, quickly exceeding the speed of a horse.

As the tent was burning, Yu hoped that people were getting out. They had taken precautions to prevent people from dying and the flames were spreading very slowly. They had to get out soon and save their lives.




People behind the convoy of wagons began to shout in turn, and eventually the voices reached those in front.

This was a sign that things were going badly. Not only were the city guards on their trail much earlier than they had planned, but they were faster than they thought.

Moreover, although the huge komodors on which the city guards rode were not as fast as the rinos that normally pulled the convoy, they could keep up with the slower rinos because of their weight.

Komodors were also much bigger and stronger animals than rinos. The rinos could therefore be afraid of them and get out of the way.

Yu opened the window of the carriage, stuck his head out and looked behind him. Two seconds later he saw an explosion at the end of the convoy.

"Boss, we're entering the forest!" shouted Gaoi, who was driving the wagon.

If they moved in a straight line they would be caught and it would be obvious where they were going. They had to go off the road and into the forest to reach the meeting place they had agreed with Doriaty.

They had arranged their wagons according to this plan, smaller than standard, so that they could move more easily through the trees.

"Go and check the back."

Gaoi's wolf-eared sisters sat opposite Yu and Yurine. At Yu's command, they opened the carriage door and jumped out. Yu would have tumbled and broken bones after such a jump, but the wolf-eared girls made it look like the easiest thing in the world.

Yu stuck his head out the window again and watched as they quickly ran to the back of the convoy.


Yurine grabbed Yu's hand and pulled him into the carriage.

"Don't worry, we have prepared this plan in advance, but their animals cannot move freely in the forest. We will get rid of them soon."

Indeed, it was as Yu had said. By the time the wolf-eared girls had finished their work in the back and returned to the front carriage, they had dodged their pursuers and arrived at the appointed meeting place with Doriaty.

When Yu's wagon slowed down and stopped, all the wagons behind it stopped with it. Yu stepped out of the wagon, holding Yurine's hand. He went to Doriaty, who was waiting for them at the top of an empty hill with no trees.

"Show me."

Doriaty brought him new chests full of gold and silver.

"All right, some of you go and check the forest so we don't get raided. In the meantime, we'll divide the spoils."

Those who had listened to Yu's words moved a little away from the area for safety, those who stayed behind were unloading crates from the wagons.

At that moment, Yurine shook Yu's hand three times.

"Wow, you low-life assholes..."

Yu kept talking without changing his expression. 

"As we agreed, fifty percent of the booty belongs to me. I will take what is light in weight, and you can divide the rest among yourselves."

The haul was so big that Yu's share was worth five thousand gold pieces. Five thousand gold coins, added to what he already owned, gave Yu a fortune of ten thousand gold coins.

Of course, the money he received was out of his investment. Yu's share was calculated after he got his investment back.

They had disposed of the balance of one hundred and twenty gold coins for their own needs and for Sivina and Ana. This, combined with their current earnings, left them with ten thousand gold coins, which, in dollar terms, made Yu a dollar millionaire.

For the modern giants of the twenty-first century, this is a small sum of money, but for the medieval states, it would have been jaw-dropping.

And that was only fifty percent. The Virgo Circus's total earnings amounted to ten thousand gold pieces. No country in the world, let alone the İlonya State, had ever seen such a huge haul before.

Yu knew what they were going to do, but he hoped they wouldn't do anything stupid.

"If you've finished your work, disperse. Remember, we never saw each other."

"Sure thing, boss. Nobody saw you-AH!"

The man jumped on Yu with a dagger in his hand and was blown into the sky by Yurine's wind spell. He probably would have died from the fractures in his body when he hit the ground.

"You really made such a fool of yourself, huh... Even though I knew it would come to this, I wanted to think you'd be smarter than you look."

As Yurine took her place in front of Yu, they were surrounded by people who coveted Yu's incredible amount of loot and were angry at having been scolded by him for two weeks.

"Even after what you just saw?"

Shango, Fyano, Doriaty, Afollo, Gaoi and her sisters, in short, everyone Yu remembered and didn't remember from the circus surrounded him and Yurine.

The men Yu had sent into the forest to provide security had also come out of the trees, but Yu knew it would be like this because of Yurine.


Yu had expelled from the circus anyone strong enough to stand a chance against them. The most dangerous of those who remained were Gaoi's sisters, but they were still nothing compared to Yurine's power.

Before the other people could pounce on them, Yu took out a throwing knife from his cane, reinforced with a magic stone, and threw it at Gaoi.

Gaoi wasn't someone who knew how to fight. From what Yu had observed, he was just an asshole who took advantage of his sisters. That's why he knew Gaoi would freeze in fear at the sight of the knife coming at him.

And just as Yu thought, as Gaoi froze in fear, one of his sisters jumped up to protect his brother and stepped in front of the blade.

Seizing the opportunity, Yurine sent a deadly wind spell at them.

"No one here is Yurine's equal."

The sharp gust of wind from Yurine's hand struck the girl and split her in two, reaching the older brother she was trying to protect, who was also split in two when he encountered the spell. Yurine's magic continued after that and after a while it disappeared into thin air.

While this was happening, others were not idle, dozens of people started running towards Yu and Yurine at the same time.

"Vixa Rhae Minue'e!"

Yu moved closer to Yurine to stay out of the storm and not be blown away, and a storm suddenly formed around the two of them, blowing away the people who attacked them along with the lethal objects thrown at them.

"Foolish creatures, low forms of life. Who do you think you are? You should have been grateful and prostrate and thankful for what has been bestowed upon you by the superior ones. Foolish beings, ingrates."

Gaoi's other wolf-eared sister, who had survived the storm, rushed at them in a rage. Yurine sliced her in half with another windblade she sent, and the girl was dead before she even realized what had happened.

In fact, even Yu didn't think Yurine would be that strong, but when they came to Ilonia, he clearly realized that Yurine was quite high on the power rankings in places other than Rolderhelm.

The reason why Yurine didn't seem so strong when she was in Rolderhelm was that Rolderhelm was gathering a lot of people with potential, both because of the adventuring activities and because of the presence of the Wizarding Academy.

With most of the powerful people in the world gathered in Rolderhelm, even Yurine, who was normally very powerful, was dwarfed.

But Yurine, of course, was not this strong when she was in Rolderhelm. Yurine gained her current strength thanks to the books from the Wizarding Academy and the tricks she learned from Ana.

She was now so powerful that she had knocked back close to a hundred people in a very short time without any difficulty, even though her opponents were stronger than ordinary people.

When she fought Sharley, she had to wait for the storm to gather around her before she could cast such a spell and lost time.

It was astonishing that she could now cast a spell far more powerful than that spell in a few words.

Some of Yu and Yurine's opponents wised up and took what they could and tried to escape, while others who had not wised up got up and prepared to fight again.

"Yurine, don't let them escape."

"Okay, Yu!"

With her wind magic she tore apart the wagons of those who tried to escape. Those who realized that they could not escape with the wagons tried to run away with as much gold as they could, but Yurine did not let them go again and killed them all.

Shango and Fyano were next, who had been receiving the harshest scolding from Yu for days. They wanted to beat the shit out of Yu to vent their anger, but Yurine would not allow it.

As they stood up and took their first steps towards Yu, their bodies were torn apart by a wild tornado. Yu found this method of killing too brutal for Yurine, but he just watched.

"Hmm... Really, Afollo? At least I thought you were smart."

"You know what? I think it would be best if I left."

Afollo walked to one of the wagons, keeping his face away from Yu and Yurine, and tried to escape with his share of the gold, but when Yurine smashed his wagon to pieces, he fell to his knees and begged.

"No mercy for traitors," said Yurine. She blew Afollo's head off with her wind magic.

Some of those who were still alive and saw those who tried to escape or surrender dying thought that their last option for survival was to fight, but their thoughts did not last long when Yurine spoke the magic words again.

"Ultea! Vixa Rhae Minue'e!"

Yurine's magic tore everyone apart except Yu and herself.