Kevin' life as an ordinary boy is destined to be unexceptional until he enter the army to fight The Arachnids , Gigantic Bugs . In his first battle he died alongside 100000 humans,but a strange system save him from dead.
As I was trying to open my eyes,I felt my whole body hurting like hell and in the next moment ,I remembered what happened before I fainted.
Because I was injured and exhausted, I couldn't control myself and because of that , I yelled.
Hearing my yelling, a figure approach me.
?:"Ja Ja Jaa."
Without waiting for my response , the figure applies some sort of ointment on my wounds .
When the ointment was applied , I could fell how the pain disappear and how fast the wounds heal.
After one hour, I couldn't fell any pain and I was surprised by the fact that I can fell my body.
As I sit up, I could see the figure.It was a Dark-red looking gorilla thing and I ain't high.
Well basically It was a Gorilla,a three meters Gorilla ,but the strange thing was the fact that this gorilla has horns .
??:"Ja? Jaaaa Kaa Laa !
Hearing the gorilla speaking and feeling embarrassed by the fact that I can't understand it , I spoke.
Kevin:"Thank you for your help, but I can't understand you."
Does host wish to learn Primex language?]
(Yes, but what's the price ?)
[10000 RP ]
(How much do I have?)
(Buy it)
Immediately after I confirmed the deal , strange knowledge about the Primex Language filled my head.
Ten minutes later, I could speak with the Primex .
Looking at the Dark-Red Primex , I spoke.
Kevin:"Thank you for your help. Without medical treatment I could have been death."
The Dark - Red Primex was shocked when he heard my words,well he wasn't shocked by my words, he was shocked because he could understand them.
??:"How can you speak our language?"
Kevin:"I'm a special case. Don't think about it."
??:" If you say so. Let's get directly to business.Who are you and what's your goal on our planet?"
Kevin:"I'm Kevin Wardstone, a soldier from the Federation and as for our goal I don't know, we came here to destroy the bugs ,but we got destroyed by them."
??:"So you are at war with the Arachnids right?"
Kevin:" Yes. We are at war with them."
??:" I understand.My name is Sudo and I'm the Chief of this tribe."
Kevin:" So mister Sudo , your kin is fighting with the bugs?"
Sudo:" Unfortunately yes,but we can't win this war. We can only fight and try to stop them."
Looking at my arm , he sighed and spoke.
Sudo:" We found your arm, but we can't do anything about it. I'm sorry."
Kevin:" That's not a problem, I'll find a way to get a mechanical arm someday in the future."
Sudo:" GoodI don;t really know what's that, but I like your optimistic thinking. Follow me."
As we walked around the village , I saw many Primexians looking at me with curious eyes.
Seeing that I'm embarrassed, Sudo laugh.
Sudo:" You don't have to be embarrassed . They're wondering who you are or what you are."
Kevin:"I'm a human."
Sudo:"A human , ha? Well it doesn't matter what race are you from. Kevin, we'll go and see the elders. Please, don't be disrespectful or you may die ."
When we entered the elders hut , we were greeted by four old Primexians . Each one of them emited a strong aura , that could kill only by the pressure it makes.
E1:" So you're the newcomer. What are you?"
Kevin:"Greetings elders. I'm a human ."
E4:"A human. And what humans what from this planet?"
Kevin:" I don't know for sure as I'm just a soldier,but if I think of one reason we were sent here, that's because the Federation wants to build an Outpost on this planet."
E1:" Good. Grand Elder, did he lied?"
From one corner of the hut an older Primex become visible.
GE:" He only spoke the truth. He can be trusted . I saw his fight at the metal thing. He chose to sacrifice his own life for his men and he killed over one hundred fifty three Arachnids. He's a hero and a good fighter."
E2:"If the GE says that you're trustworthy than you are. Welcome to our tribe."
After we spoke another two hours , we decided that we will be allies in this war.
I was excited by the news, how could I not be. We gained allies and these allies are powerful.
As Sudo walked me(I don't know if anyone fell that Kevin is a dog in this sentence) to one of the huts.
Sudo:" Kevin you'll stay here ,but be careful . Don't scare Jila , she's shy.By the way , she's my wife so don't think about it"
About what? I won't sleep with her or any female from this tribe.
Walking towards the door, I knock on it and five seconds later, the door was opened by a female Primax.
She didn't look like a normal Primax as she was slimmer and look more like a huge human with hair on her body.
Kevin:" Hello, miss Jila. I'm Kevin."
I followed her inside and then we sat down in one of the rooms.
Immediately after neither one of us spoke a thing build a strange silence.
When I wanted to open my mouth and speak , I heard Jila.
Jila:"Mister Kevin, where are you from?"
It seems that she's a lot calmer than before.
Kevin:"I'm from Earth, a planet that's far away from this planet."
Jila:" Wow. There are others planets in space?"
Kevin:" Yes,but most of them are nest for these bugs."
Jila:" I heard from my grandfather that the war against them is getting worse . We may lose at this pace."
Kevin:" Well that depends on our luck. Today I spoke with the elders and we decided to become allies. Tommorow , Sudo and four Primex soldiers will help me find my men."
Jila:" That means that we aren't alone in this war?"
Kevin:" No. Your race isn't the only one that fight this war. Miss Jila , I would like to speak with you some more, but I need to sleep. As you can see I lost my arm and I'm a little exhausted so can you excuse me?"
Jila:" Of course. Good night Mister Kevin."
I'm back.
I had to go hospital because I'm an idiot and get myself injured in a car accident.
Well it was more like these: I was driving and in one parking lot , a biciclist ram into me from the side. When he crashed inti my car , his bike's front smashed the car's window and hit me .
Well it was embarrassing to call the police .