Kevin' life as an ordinary boy is destined to be unexceptional until he enter the army to fight The Arachnids , Gigantic Bugs . In his first battle he died alongside 100000 humans,but a strange system save him from dead.
Sergei:"Defensive formation. We need to leave."
Kevin:"We lost 13 . It's my fault that he died and now I may lose you as well."
Looking at the horde ,I knew that we will die if I don't do something .
In that moment, the only thought was to save my people and for that I need the armor.
Kevin:"Sergei , lead the group to safety ,let me cover your escape."
I could see a struggle inside Sergei,but he decided to trust my decision .
As the group retreat towards the armory,I stood in the hallway .
In front of me were tens upon tens of Arachnids,but I didn't feel scared , knowing that my soldiers live are in my hands , I picked my rifle and aimed at the horde.
Every three or four bullets will kill one or two bugs,but their numbers were almost infinitely,well at least this is what I thought.
When the distance between us become smaller , I walked slowly towards the group.
Of course , I faced the bugs while I walked .
For the next forty minutes I killed at least one hundred bugs,but they just keep coming at me.
As I was firing at them,I heard some clicks from my rifle and at that moment I knew that I'm dead.
Without ammo, I could only equip my knife and dashed at the bugs.
Even with the armor protection, I'll die eventually.
Dashing at the bugs, I killed three with the charge ,but then they quickly surrounded me and start poking and slicing at me.
It's true that the armor can deflect attacks from the low Arachnids,but when they are hundreds of them , even the armor will fail to keep up with them.
As I was slicing Arachnids, my vision become darker and darker. I knew that I'm nearly st my limit ,but I decided to continue to buy time for my men ,but my thoughts were interrupted by pain.
Waking from my state , I saw my left arm sliced and in that moment I failed to keep being aware.
Fading in the darkness ,my body fell heavy and my mind was playing my life.
I saw my parents ,my friends,my people and finally Fox's face.
As my soul start leaving my body, I saw Fox's face again and this thing make me keep struggling yo stay alive , I didn't want to die, not now at least.
After an unknown amount of time, I start waking up.
Slowly opening my eyes,I saw the same hallway filled with dead bugs.
Looking around I saw my arm and immediately after I looked at the wound.
One ugly wound ,but I don't have anything to stop the bleeding .
Standing up,I dragged my body towards the exit.
As I was walking like a zombie in the hallway, I saw more and more dead bugs,but when I arrived at the armory ,my hearth skipped a beat.
Near the door I saw two dead bodies, S2 and S8 were dead and that brings the casualties to three.
Trying to ignore the guilt , I continued to drag my body towards the exit.
When I reached the hangar, I found more dead bugs and luckily no bodies from my team .
Walking towards the edge ,I climbed down very slowly and clumsy,but even then I fall down and eat the sand.
Standing up , I start looking for something that will help me survive ,but my vision begin to get darker by the second.
Before I lose my conscience , I saw a brown figure approaching me,but I was barely standing awake.
Back to the cave
Fox:"How? Why did he have to die?"
Sergei:" He decided to use his life for us and by doing that he saved us .He died like a hero."
Fox:" I don't care if he's a hero or not ,but he didn't deserve to die like that."
T:"Fox, maybe this will make you feel better. Kevin isn't dead,yet. But he's getting weaker every minute."
Fox:" Are you sure? We need to save him."
T:"Impossible. We can't find him,at least not quick enough to save him. If he survive , he'll come back to us. We'll wait for him one month."
Fang:"So how's gone be the leader now?St least until we find Kevin."
T:"I'll lead the team,but I'll need your help. I can't do it alone,but to clarify things, I'll lead the group until we find Kevin and after we find him I'll become once again a soldier. I don't want to be a traitor and neither do you guys. Am I clear?"
Paul:" You sound just like Kevin."
T:"He's my brother after all."