
STARS (Two souls align)

Bella is a teenager hired to serve Nichole, the daughter of a billionaire at Starhigh. A prestigious school for elites in the society. Nicholes crush falls in love with Bella, as well as Hakim. The school bad boy. Bella is caught in between.

Adaobi_Anekwe_5284 · Masa Muda
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Nichole laughed out loud with her eyes fixed on the TV screen, she clutched a throw pillow and flapped her legs in excitement, the movie she was seeing had just taken an intriguing turn. She laughed again as she adjusted the ropes of her black hoodie. This was why she'ld always be a sucker for kdramas, they cheered her up. She was so carried away she didn't realize someone sat beside her.

"Hi angel?" Her dad's deep baritone pulled her back to reality.

"Hello dad? How long have you been sitting here?" She was clearly startled.

"Just now."

"What movie are you seeing by the way?

"Nothing much, just some people following their dreams."

"What about yours my princess?"

"You won't let me follow mine."

He seriously hoped she wouldn't bring it up.

"Daddy won't let me go to "Star High." She protested.

"Here we go again ." He said in a subdued voice, throwing his hands in the air.

"Sweetie we've already been over this, I can't let you out of my sight cause you're all I got."

"But all my friends are going to Star High."

"Nicky you're not your friends, and you're not going to Star High, end of discussion."

"Thanks for ruining my evening dad !!" She yelled and ran to her room. Once in her room, she threw herself on her bed and cried. Star High was her dream, it was a nice place to be. Why didn't dad think so too?.

Grace emerged from the kitchen and took Mr Briggs' briefcase. She greeted him warmly, his reply was gruff. She was nervous, she stood before him without a clue how she was going to nail her mission.

"Grace!" He spared her the trouble.

"Sir!!" She jolted back to reality as she stared as his intimidating figure seated comfortably on the sofa. He pushed up his glasses.

"If you were me , what would you do?


"Nichole wants to go to Star High, and I don't want that."

"What can be done?"

" I do everything else for her, I give her all the luxury she wants, but it just has to be that school."

"What do I do about her?"

Mr Briggs wasn't someone to seek advice from a domestic staff, his ego didn't permit that.

But whenever he was confused, he turned to the closest person for advice. It was a habit he was trying to get under control, but he couldn't help it at times.

Grace smiled.

"Sir I'm not in the right position to advise you, but in my humble opinion, I think it's good to listen to your kids at times and let them be. "Since she said all her friends are there, it's not a bad idea if she goes there too."

"She may be happier and fit in easily there." He was silent.

Nothing else could be heard in the room except the constant chime of the wall clock.

Grace broke the ice, this was her chance to try her luck.

Grace came close to where Mr Briggs sat, and fell on her knees in tears, her action took him by surprise.

"Sir please, I need your help." She sobbed.

"I have a child about Nichole's age, she's brilliant, but she's on the verge of dropping out of school." "Sir please help me out in any way you can." "I can be working for free, you don't have to pay me."

She cried. She was desperate.

Bella had to go to school, she could not sit and watch Bella end up like her. She bowed her head in tears, afraid of his reply.

"That's it!!" Mr Briggs suddenly exclaimed thereby startling Grace.

"I have just the answer."

" Thank you Grace, I'll increase your pay."

He excitedly made his way up to Nichole's room and left Grace kneeling.

He was so happy to come up with an answer.

He turned the knob, but the door won't budge.

"Nicky open the door."

Nichole pulled a pillow over her head and buried her face under.

"Let's talk."

"I wanna be alone, go away!!" Nicky yelled back and continued sulking.

"If you miss this, you'll probably miss it forever, open the door and hear me out?' He said for the final time.

"What did he mean by missing this forever? reluctantly, she stood up and

opened the door. "Thank you!!" He heaved

sarcastically. She walked to her huge bed

and sat down while he sat beside her

It was obvious she had been crying.

"You know, as a single parent,

cause we both don't count your mom living."

"She abandoned us for a career in spain." Nichole didn't budge.

"I have your interest at heart."

"I even got you Grace who loves you so much, to look after you."

"But it seems you're very

ambitious, and always go for what you want."

"I just found a reason why I should listen to you at times."

Nichole stared at her dad expectant,

with blank expression and tear stained


"Under the condition that someone your age bracket, responsible, hardworking, kind and cheerful, will look after you, you're going to Star High."

"You're going to Star High" seemed to echo in Nicky's ears like a royal proclamation.

She looked at her dad who was all smiles, she could hardly believe it. She enclosed him in a bear hug in smiles and tears of joy.

"Thank you daddy." She squealed in excitement.

"But I can take care of myself though." She disengaged herself gently.

"They're domestic staff in Star High too, the teachers can keep you posted on my activities.

"Why do I need someone?"

"I need someone to assist you with your notes, tests and assignments. "Did you forget you're not book smart?"

"You have to come out top in the country."

"Getting someone smart to go with you is gonna do so much good for you."

"If you ever get in any trouble, I'm just a call away."

"My dad always mocked me for poor results and always compared me with my younger brother."

"It did hurt back then, so I'm gonna make sure you don't end up like me, you're gonna be a top student."

Nicky wore a forlorn look, her dad didn't believe in her, he had given up on her ever getting perfect grades.

"Not just academics though, she'll also be your servant, in case you need any errands done."

He butted in her train of thoughts.

"Thanks dad."

"You're always welcome honey, have a lovely evening."

He left shortly.

After Mr Briggs reconciled with his Nicky, he went to the

living room and met Grace still on her knees.

"I can't thank you enough for providing a solution."

"How did you help sir? " she was quite

surprised. "You mentioned your daughter

"Then I thought about hiring someone, a young girl about Nicky's age bracket and sponsoring her to look after my child." "Must have good grades by the way."

The truth was, Mr Briggs had already pulled strings in Royal High for Nicky. But seeing how she was being bull headed about "Star High" he had to find an alternative. The owner of Star High was a no nonsense man. Though the owner wasn't based in the country, he placed a strict manager in charge of the school.

Different level of wealthy kids were at Star High, so they really didn't mind rusticating anyone.

"But since your daughter is brilliant, she'll do."

"She is sir."

Grace replied in warm smiles. This was it, her big chance. She couldn't blow it up for any reason.

"Bring her tomorrow."