

YEAR 7000 AD

The vicious fight over 1000 years had led the earth to ruin. The repeated assaults by the Astro had turned earth into a desolate wasteland as she desperately fought for survival. The world leaders seeing no hope decided to send small children to distant planets in the hope that mankind would survive. The plan was to send these children known as the Esperion should be sent to various habitable planets across the universe. Each one of these children was embedded with a microchip that contained all the knowledge mankind had accumulated over its history and was capable of assimilating any incoming knowledge at light speed meaning that they could learn anything taught to them perfectly as well as remember it for 50 years. Each pod carried one such child and the special conditions maintained in the pod prevented the children from aging as well as sustain them for half a decade. Putting their hope into the Esperion the Humans launched their final attack against the Astro in the hope of permanently destroying them.