
chapter 3

•°•°•°1 days pass•°•°•°

They arrived at the starlight hopes house. When they landed Alfie went down first then pen.

"Make yourself at home" pen reminded.

"I'm only here to tell about what happened no more further question" she stated

Fire walk inside first followed by Katy then pen and Alfie, when they step inside the house.

"Pen my dear you are back!" clanary said as she hug pen.

Alfie was amazed by this place, it was the first time she had seen, a house this big.

"Who is she?" Clanary ask as she notice Alfie

"Alfie, I'm a leomeron warrior from the heart forest" she answered, it made clanary stunned

"Why does people always get startled when i say I'm a leomeron?" Alfie ask uncomfortable

"I'm sorry, its just that i never thought that leomeron existed, leomeron is a famous storybook so everyone know it since its just the first time i saw a leomeron i wanted to say that i am a big fan!" Clanary stated.

"T-thanks, i guess" Alfie said

Shu and kari appeared while holding a books.

"What is all the noise" kari said, when they spotted Alfie the book they where holding drop.

"Am i seeing things?" Shu

"I don't know, but if this is a prank please tell us the truth now" kari exclaimed.

"If this is a dream don't wake me up either" shu exclaimed

"Cut this show" fire exclaimed "hey magic girl her wings is twisted fix it" fire, he was gonna walkout but

"W-wait" Alfie called him, fire turned around to see her. "I did'nt get to thank you yet about the potion 'thanks, " fire pat Alfie's head

Then left

Kari went to Alfie then took her hand

"Lets go to the infirmary, and treat your wounds" kari said then and took her to the infirmary.

Shu pen and clanary was still in where they where standing.

"Tell me i was wrong, that i saw fire pat a girl's head" shu said

"It is not a dream" pen said "you know when those two first met.." pen said the two look at him "the leomeron does'nt have any idea about the magic kingdom, and the attack by the dragon, so first fire ask the leomeron girl if why she is not scared, and the leomeron's answer was heart warming that it fire smiled" pen explained

"Really?" The two said.

"The girl just does'nt have any idea..." clanary was interrupted by pen

"She said the 'the people should get scared at dragon who attack the kingdom and not fire, fire was'nt the one who destroy it so why are they scared of you' is what she said" pen said

"Maybe that leomeron will be the one who will be able to change fire" said clanary

"I agree with you" pen

In infirmary

Kari was using her magic spell healing Alfie's wing, Alfie was sitting on the bed kari she put her hand on Alfie's wing there was silent between them

"The names Kari" kari broke the silence

"Alfie" Alfie also introduce her self

"You know its ok to cry"

"What are you saying"

"Ever since you came here i notice you where happy" kari said "usually when you lost someone you love you cry and feel sad for at least 5 or 3 days i guess"

"I can't cry" Alfie said


"Grandpa told me not to cry, if i cry everyone will be sad, as the last survival of the leomeron, i gotta stay strong" Alfie said with a smile

"Ok but if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, you can come to me" kari said

"Thanks for the offer, but i will make sure it won't happen"

Kari took off her hand on Alfie's wings.

"Could you spread your wings?" Kari ask.

Alfie spread her wings and tried flying, she successfully flew, then sat on the bed again.

"Thanks" Alfie said

"Anytime" Kari answered "where are you going now, after this?"

"I don't know, i don't have home anymore, my family are gone and i am all alone, don't know what to do anymore"

"How about thinking on joining the starlight hope" shu said, coming from the door

"When where you there?" Kari ask

"Not too long ago" shu answered "so how about it join us and help us slay demon"

"You judge me didn't you?, you don't even know if i am strong"

"Apparently i know that you are strong" shu said "i am a goblin, the name shu, i have introduce my self yet"


"I can feel it, your power, it exactly match with fire"

"I know that, karin have even more higher strength then fire" Alfie stated

"And you have the exact strength as fire" Shu said

"Also means you are one of the strongest in starlight hope" Kari said

"You trust people easily don't ya"

"Why? are you a bad girl"


"Then you ain't a bad girl"

"How can you trust people so easily?"

"We trust our own instinct" Kari

"I'll think about it"

"Well give you time to think"

Shu then left the infirmary

"If you need me just don't hesitate to call for me" kari said then left

Alfie was left in the infirmary, she was bored so she decided to get a fresh air so she walk outside.

The house was big that she could get lost so easily, but she have her instinct.

Without knowing she got into the garden, that was connected to the forest. she was almost gonna cry remembering about her family, but she stop it.

"No i can't cry not gonna cry" she said while trying to hold out tears

"If you wanna cry then cry idiot" she heard someone say, she turned around and saw fire sitting while leaning in the tree.

"I am not gonna crying" she said

"If you hold out tears it will only gonna pain you more" fire said

"No i am fine" said with a smile, fire sigh

"You said so" fire said, Alfie went near fire and sat beside him "what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the infirmary" fire said with no emotion

"I want some fresh air" she answered "how bout you, is this where you always go"

"Yeah, you could say that" answered with no emotion at all

There was silence between them, and fire broke it first.

"Did'nt shu told you to join starlight?" Ask fire

"Yeah he did" Alfie answered

"what's your answer?"

"I don't know..." she answered while spacing out "being the only survival from the attack four day ago kinda... annoyed me.. i want to help" Alfie closed her eyes "even though they are gone now, i still wanted to help... but i don't know how" this time a small tears rolled out in Alfie's eyes

"Then get revenge" fire said,

Alfie opened her eyes and look at fire, and their eyes met. Fire was staring at Alfie's emerald grey eyes, while Alfie was staring at fire's red eyes

After a minute of staring they were called.

"Alfie there you are i was worried i thought you where Lost" kari run up to Alfie "despite this this place being big, i would'nt blame you if you get lost"

"Sorry for making you worried" Alfie said

"What are you doing here by the way?"

"I was talking to f..." Alfie cut her words when he can't see fire anymore "where did he go?"


"Fire" Alfie answered "he just suddenly disappeared"

"Aaah, you mean fire" Kari said "it's he's style, he never show up unless it have something to do with him" kari said

"Then why did he show up When i got here earlier?" Alfie ask her self

"Why? did fire showed up?" kari ask


"Did you cry?" Kari ask

Alfie touch her eyes and notice that she was crying

"I did" Alfie said

"Who made you cry?" Kari ask curious

"It's just small tears..." she answered "why did you call me?"

"About that i just wanna know if you wanna join us" kari said

All of a sudden Alfie remembered what fire said

"Then get revenge" fire said

"Yeah i am" Alfie answered it made kari happy

"Then let's go and tell shu" kari hold Alfie's arm and drag her inside the house again
