
chapter 2

The barrier that the demons used was now gone.

Pen, fire, and katy arrived in the leomeron villages, but they saw no body all that they could see was blood everywhere and a broken tree.

"What the heck happened here?" pen questioned but receive no answer

It took them 2 days to reach the heart forest

"This is the heart forest right" fire ask no emotion

"Yeah that's what the map says, although it looks beautiful but it's the most dangerous, scariest, and creepiest forest ever" pen answered,

"I'm gonna go look around" fire said and pen kept on investigating on what happened.

When pen turn around, fire was already gone but she saw katy sleeping, he smiled at her and look around everywhere.

He saw a feather he took it and look at it.

"A feather?" He exclaimed "did chickens fight here or something?" He walk around trying to find something he then saw a picture he took a look at it, and it was a drawing, the drawing he found was the chief and karin Alfie and Alfie's little brother.

to him he had no clue of who is in the painting

"Weird" pen said, then suddenly he realized the wings the tails and the ear. "Could it be a leomeron?" He exclaimed "no way leomeron is just a famous fairytale" he put the picture in he's bag "if not a leomeron then what is it?" He questioned, he decide to look for fire, first he went to katy "girl wake up we need to find fire, i don't want to leave you here" he said trying to wake Katy


While fire was walking he spot a girl sleeping beside a tree, he went near it and woke her up, then he notice her twisted wings cat ears and her eyes and her body was full of herbs, the girl then woke up, when the girl woke up her eyes met with fire.

"Excuse me who are you?" The girl ask, she is trying to calm down despite the panic run through her mind and tried not to pick a fight because her wound are not fully healed.

"I should be saying that to you" fire answered

"Alfie" Alfie answered, she knows it's a bad idea to give away names to stranger but Alfie didn't care right now because in her mind she already lost everything "now yours?"

"Fire" fire said as Alfie groaned in pain

"Argh" she groaned while holding in her wounded kidney, her wound was bleeding again, both of them could see a blood running in the herbs that the leomeron used to cover her wound


You have wound" fire said with an emotionless expression, he took a potion in he's pocket and handed it to Alfie

"What is it?" Alfie ask

"Potion, healing potion"

"Don't need it, it might be poison" she said

"Well i can't blame you for not believing me, because we only met" fire exclaimed.

He made he's nail grew sharper, Alfie eyes widen in shock, then fire cut he's own wrist blood was dripping from he's wrist.

"Hey! Are you insane!" Alfie shouted, then whimpered as her wound hurts again from the shout she made. fire drank the potion, then the blood in he's wrist stop

"Do you believe now?" Fire ask still no emotion

"Pfft hahahahahaha!" Alfie laugh

"What's so funny?"

"You really are funny" she said "just because i don't believe you, you can't make it a reason to just hurt your self" Alfie, it made fire confuse

"Why are you nice to me?" Fire ask

"Why is it a sin to be nice at people?"


"Is there something you need to tell me?" Alfie ask

"I'm a half dragon" fire answered

"So what if you are a half dragon?"

"Nothing, its just that many people are scared of me because i'm half dragon" fire explained.

fire hate it when talking about he's personal life, but when he talk it out with Alfie he doesn't seem to mind, though he doesn't notice that he was telling Alfie about he's life.

"I'm not scared of dragon, i even met a dragon once" she said

"Its not that, the dragons once attack the magic kingdom, and because i am a half dragon they are scared of me!" Fire explained almost shouting

from afar pen and katy was watching, but both the leomeron and the half dragon is aware of this

"Why are they scared of you?" Alfie ask

"You don't know what happened so you are not scared" fire said

"That's not what i meant" Alfie said, and fire look at her "you said the dragon was the one who attack the kingdom you said, so why are they scared of you, they should be scared of the dragon that attack the kingdom and not you" she add, which made a small smile to fire's face, fire then handed her the healing potion, then Alfie drank it, then the wounded on her kidney stop bleeding it only stop bleeding, it will bleed later

"It taste disgusting" she said, fire smirk but went back to he's emotionless self.

Fire stood up and reach he's hand to Alfie

"Can you stand now?" He ask

Alfie then accepted he's hand then stood up, she is still shaky as her stomach still hurts, but fire is holding her hand to stop her from falling. the bleeding in her kidney stop, but her wings was still hurt and was broken and was not in a proper shape

"Your wings" he exclaimed "maybe Kari could heal it if we get you to kingdom" Alfie was confuse at what he said

"While i fell in the tree my wings got broken" she explained

"It'a not in a proper shape" fire exclaimed he touched Alfie's wing then Alfie groaned in pain fire quickly let go of Alfie's wings

"You know a lot about wings" Alfie said and fire spread he's red dragon wings to show it to Alfie

"I have one too" fire said and hide he's wings again

"By the way what is kingdom?"

"*Scoff* you'll know it if we get you to heal" he said and Alfie nod

"Thanks" she said

"Lets go back to the castle idiot wizard!" Fire shouted referring to pen, pen and katy got out of where he was hiding then to where fire was

"Hi there little ms leomeron i am pen which they also called the great potion maker" pen introduce himself

"Don't believe him he's just only bluffing"

"I am the great potion maker and i don't lie"

"Let's just go this girl needs help"

"I am not a girl, i am a leomeron warrior"

"Are you the witness of the attack in the heart forest" pen ask, it made Alfie's saddened

"Yeah" she answered

"Can you tell us what happened, when we are back in the kingdom?" Pen ask

"It was attack" she answered

The way the demon girl said that they are only here to have fun means they don't know that we have the life stone Alfie said in her mind

"She said they are only here to have fun so they attack us" she add

"Lets go explain it in the house" fire said as he spread he's wings, Alfie was amazed by fires wings even though it is a dragon

"Katy, can the little leomeron ride you back to home?" Pen ask

"Neigh" the Pegasus responded which mean she agrees.

"Thanks, katy" Alfie said as he rub katy's face

Pen ride katy, then he reach he's hand to Alfie, Alfie accepted it and ride it

Then they fly away heading to the magic kingdom's direction.

"I did'nt catch your name" pen said starting a conversation

"Alfie" the girl answered

"Can i have a confirmation?" Pen ask Alfie nod "are you perhaps a leomeron?" Pen ask excited

"Yeah, i mentioned i even mentioned in earlier"

"I've always wanted to meet a leomeron its like a dream come true!" He exclaimed

"Umm Thanks? I guess?"

After hours pass Alfie accidentally slept, they decided to rent a room for a rest, when they found a village.

They found an inn and rent a two room, they later Alfie in the bed in the other room, and pen went to sleep in the other room he just rent and fire is in the roof while looking at the stargazing.

"Why are you out here?" Fire turn around and saw Alfie.

"Shouldn't you be resting" fire ask

"I am fine" Alfie said she sat beside fire, and look at the stargazing

While both of them are looking at the star, fire reach he's hand to Alfie to give her something

"Here take it" fire said while looking at the star, Alfie look at fire's hand he have a potion, 4 small potion just like earlier "drink it... Drink it Everytime you wake up, it will work fast" Alfie smiled and gladly took the potion

"Thanks" Alfie said, she tried opening one but can't "can you open it?" She ask, fire look at her

"Weak" he said and take the potion and opened it then hand it to her

"I am not weak just some tired" Alfie said then drink the potion,

"Go back to sleep?"

"How about you?"

"I am not tired"

"So am I"

There was silence between them before Alfie spoke again

"Can i?... Can I touch your wings?" Alfie ask fire look at her confuse

Alfie wants to slap her face at her strange request

"Sure" fire said he move her wings and showed it to Alfie

"It sure is a dragon wings" Alfie said amazed, she slowly touch he's wings

"Why do you wanna touch it?"

"Don't mind me i have a habit"


"Habit of touching someone else wings i know it's weird but i always find comfort in feathers" she said

They both laugh
