
chapter 1

Third person pov

Deep inside the heart forest where the leomeron creatures live, the leomeron was a legend nobody knows that the they still existed because they haven't seen a leomeron creature in a thousand.

The leomeron creatures have cat ears angel wings and a tail.

In the heart forest where the leomeron creature live the chief which they call father was sitting while leaning on a tree watching he's kind happy, also is he's happiness

Then a leomeron soldiers who is a girl landed in front of their chief along with 2 leomeron behind her.

"father i have a bad news" said the girl in front named karin

"say it" the chief answered

"the demons have found our location and they will be here any minute now and they are also here for Alfie, if we don't flee right now we might end up dead and the life of stone will be on their hand" the girls said panicking, the chief saw the that the girl was telling the truth so he got worried.

"Start evacuating the people once i finished telling them the news, also karin dear bring Alfie here, in an instant" the chief ordered as he stand up.

"Yes father" the 3 of them spoke

"everyone!" The chief called,

it made all the leomeron stop playing and look at their chief

"i have bad news to tell, demons are coming to haunt us down" the chief said and the leomeron people started to get scared "we must find a safe place to hide now!"

The leomeron started panicking and children where also crying.

In a small tree where Alfie live

Alfie was inside her tree looking in the photo frame while playing with her white hair, she heard the people shouting, she was confuse so she took a look outside, while holding the photo frame, when she got outside the girl who told the chief the news flew in front of her.

"karin it's just you" Alfie said "what's going on?"

"father wants to see you this instant" karin said

"did something happen?" Alfie ask

"the demons is on their way here"

"what?" Alfie drop the photo frame that was in her hand

"yes they manage to break through our barrier and it have something to do with the stone of life" karin explained "now let's go" karin had already flied and Alfie just silently followed her, when they got into the chief

"father" Alfie said a tint of fair "what's going on?" she ask

"Alfie you need to promise me something" Alfie waited for what the chief had to say "do-" before the chief could say anything the demons arrived.

The leomeron soldier fought with the demon, while the other leomeron who is not a soldier panicking flying around and did'nt know what to do it was night time. The demons created a barrier so no one can escape.


magic kingdom

starlight hope house

A young boy who look like the age of 19 was spacing out, till he notice a bad feeling, he quickly went inside to he's teammate, when he got inside he already saw he's teammate alerted on what is happening.

"Shu what what do you think of this feeling" a young girl ask who is name clanary

"I don't know?" A man named shu answered "but if we all go to check it out the kingdom might be in trouble"

"Lets split up" a young boy suggested who is name fire

"Nice idea half man" a wizard who is name pen said while holding he's staff, and he receive a glare from fire. "I meant fire" he said avoiding fire's eye contact

"That's great, pen, fire, and Katy go to where that weird aura is and report a problem if there is" shu said

"Ok" pen answered

"Now go"

Pen went near Katy who is a Pegasus, it is a horse and have a wings

"Hi Katy wanna go for a road trip" pen said katy made a sound that said that she agrees, then pen ride katy

"Lets go girl" pen said then the Pegasus walk outside using the window then flew, fire was behind them also using the window as a door.

"Tell pen not to be careless" clanary said

fire ignored her and he spread he's wings, he's wings was red and it was a dragon wings, he then flew and catch up to pen.


Leomeron village

Many leomeron people have already been dead and some of leomeron soldiers are fighting, the leomeron choice is only to fight back, since there is no escaped.

Alfie was injured she does'nt know where she is going anymore so she sat on the ground behind a tree while holding onto her wound, her kidney was bleeding, she was coughing blood.

When she saw a child was dead she cried, she saw many of her kind die infront of her, she just wish for this to stop.

Then suddenly she felt a hand touch her shoulder she got scared but felt relieve when she saw the chief.

"Alfie the stone of life was entrusted to you so never lose it or give it anyone got it" the chief said

"Y-yes" Alfie answered while crying "father i can't take it anymore, everyone is dying, i just can't take it seeing everyone dying, i was too weak, i can't protect them because i was too weak"

"Don't cry if you cry everyone will also be sad. Dont worry i will make sure this end" the chief said

"And i will make sure that your life end" the demons behind them answered Alfie was injured to even escaped

"Run Alfie!" The chief shouted. But Alfie can't because of her wound.

"Awww what a cute thing to do" the demon said she have red hair red eyes and a horn she was wearing black dress "but too bad you  are gonna die"

"Alfie force yourself to run don't stop running" the chief instructed

"Hey Oldman, you seem pretty strong so lets spar" the demon suggested "i heard that leomeron creatures are the strongest, so i tried so hard to find you, now that i found you it seems that you guys are no match for us so my searching is just a waste so i intended to just kill everyone" the demon explained

So they are not here for the life of stone the chief said in he's mind

"Alfie you are our hope run and live, don't let everybody's death to go in vain" chief

Alfie stood up and spread her wings

"I won't let everybody's death to go in vain i promised that" Alfie said that flew

"Hey jall" the demons said that then a man suddenly appeared.

"What is it?" Jall groaned

"After the girl that flew away"

"Fine" then jall disappeared

"Hey Oldman give it all you got"

"You are going to pay" the chief said


Alfie was forcing herself to fly even though her kidney is wounded she gotta keep on going, and live so she could get revenge for her family someday.

All of a sudden Alfie's wings was stab by jall. Jall threw he's sword to Alfie's wings so she can't fly, then Alfie fall down she bump in the tree, her wings are injured and was broken so she could'nt fly, but still she knew how to run, she kept on running till she arrived in a cliff, she look down and saw water a river.

"I'm too lazy so lets get over with it" jall said he already has the sword that he used to stab Alfie's wings

"You want to finish this now? I'll finish it for you" she said then she made her self fall in the cliff, jall watch Alfie as she fall in the river, blood was spreading in the water.

Jall thought that Alfie won't survive that fall so he left and wen't back.

When jall left Alfie got out of the river then went to a rock, she knew that she is a little far away from the village, because she saw a forest in front of her, she got out of the river then went to the forest. She was walking while holding her wound on her kidney, her wings are hurt and was twisted, and she was dizzy but she still force herself to walk then she collapse near a tree.

In the leomeron village

The chief was dead Karin was dead all of leomeron was dead.

"Your back earlier as i expected" the demon who ordered jall to go after Alfie said

"You expect me to fight her nonstop" jall said

"That's not it" she said her name was Emma "did you know when i was fighting this Oldman he made me use my dark magic" she said this made jall shock

"You mean the dark magic that you have'nt used for so long?"

"Yeah i only used this power twice, first was when i was fighting with the fairy named Alberta, and second is this guy" she explained "all of the leomeron are strong look at our demons we brought all the strongest demon but they still manage to injure them, we brought demon here that only the starlight hope could defeat" she add

"Good thing we made the right choice to kill them" jall said

"Yeah we are so lucky, that we killed also make sure that there are no more leomeron so our plan for the war will be going with no problems" emma "you sure you finish that girl?" Emma questioned.

"I did'nt finish her she finish her life" jall said

"What an idiot, bring those dead body to the king" she ordered "lets go back to the underworld"
