
Stargate: Unknown

After a long stint of the Stargate program being shut down, the United States government decided to reopen the program. However, with the reopening of the gate, it's only then that General Whitaker knows something is wrong. Especially when the dialing was different, and his first team couldn't understand what happened on the planet they had come across. Jennifer Mack is just a woman with a passion for knowledge, especially that in the mythologies. Not one for really being militaristic, she pushed herself to do all the research she could. What happens when, all of a sudden, there's a knock on her apartment door and she has no clue who it is?

Clouded_Mind · Televisi
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10 Chs

4: Greek Party

{Unknown Planet}

(Quinten's POV)

God, would this woman ever shut up? Quinten sighed and rubbed his temple. She had been going on and on about different things these weird Greeks were offering as food. She just… she was like a kid hyper on sugar. And the weird people were just eating it up. They all seemed to just be offering anything and everything to her just to see her get excited and explain to him and Jenkins. Though, Quinten didn't say much, really just working on a massive headache. He could only handle her voice for so long.

"Tha se peíraze na kratíseis to moró mou?"

"What is that woman asking-" Quinten was cut off as he watched her accept a toddler. "Seriously Jennifer? Accepting someone else's baby?"

She only turned her head to glare at him this time. "We should enjoy learning about these people. And feel honored that they're feeding us and feel confident and comfortable enough to allow us to hold their children. God, you're such a stick in the mud."

Quinten heard a snort come from Jenkins, making him turn to glare at his… friend? Subordinate? Hell, he didn't know what to call him. Traitor for now, seeing as how he kept laughing at almost every little remark she made.

"Look, we can't stay here long. Ask these people our questions and let's get the hell out of dodge."

"All in due time." Was the only answer he got.

He let out a groan and just watched her like a hawk. She seemed to fit in with these people. Then again, to him, they were just as weird as she was. Fitting for the both of them, if he was being honest. A sigh left through his nose, resting his head on his palm. When would they leave? When would she ever shut up?

"Oh! Miss! I am so sorry!"

He looked over in time to see this little kid just absolutely blast her with puke. For the first time in his life, or as far as anyone else knew, Quinten burst out laughing. That got a scowl from Jennifer as the kid started to cry.

"Nice going Colonel. You're definitely earning brownie points with her." Jenkins spoke in hushed tones to Quinten.

Quinten just looked at him, confused, before hearing Jennifer speak to the kid. A little group of women stood, surrounding Jennifer. He heard them all talking, one taking the kid in her arms, before they all left together.

"Hey! Wait! Where are they taking her?" Quinten wanted to be ready for a fight, if she was in danger.

The older gentleman from before only chuckled. "The women will help her become clean. They do like her, as she is as sweet as melitoutta."

Quinten frowned. "Melitoutta?"

The older gentleman held out a bowl, shaking the pudding in the plate. "Melitoutta. Pudding."

Quinten actually snorted. Pudding was a good description for Jennifer. Pudgy, fudgy, and jiggles, though he didn't think it was all in the right places.

When the ladies returned, they were all giggly, their smiles bright and their cheeks pink. That's when Jennifer made her first appearance. Again. This time draped in the weird Greek clothing. It left nothing to be desired by Quinten, but apparently got the attention of some younger men. Watching her blush as she accepted some small flowers by three or four men made Quinten frown. He stalked her movements as she sat back down. Even her hair was done up.


She looked at him, rolled her eyes, and asked some questions. When she got replies, she looked back at Quinten.

"They don't see any need for our firepower. As long as they worship Ares and his legion, they're proclaimed safe. They do want to extend the proverbial olive branch to perhaps start a friendship with us if we can provide medicines and some materials."

"What kind of materials?" Jenkins asked, both watching as she asked, looking and sounding so sweet. Was his tooth starting to hurt in respite of her sweetness?

"They'd like some of our metals, to help forge weapons for the legion. And cloth. They're in between shearing seasons, apparently, and need just a little to help."

"That's up to the General. I can't make promises like that. Especially if they worship Ares."

Another glare was shot his way from her. "You never know that Ares might actually be a nice guy. These people adore him over Zeus. That stands for something."

"I still can't make any promises-"

A loud horn interrupted the last of his sentence, making his head whip around to view a man with blindingly bright golden armor and a red cape, red… something on the top of his helmet, and a red skirt. Or, at least, that's what it looked like. He then noticed that everyone stood, including Jennifer.

What the hell was going on?


Slowly dismounting from the carriage, his eyes swept the people in front of him, landing on two people in different clothes that he'd never seen before. His armor clunked as he stepped closer, seeing one tighten his grip on a strange item. Drawing his xiphos, he pointed it to him, nearly having the freshly sharpened tip press to the man's throat.

"Poios eísai?" His voice growled, almost sending the people of this village running away. They stayed, however, knowing this confrontation won't do them much good if they flee.

"Jennifer… what did he say?" The odd man in front of him spoke, nearly pushing the tip of the blade into his throat.

"He's asking who you are."

His head slowly turned to see a maiden speaking in this same language too. He also watched as she slowly moved closer to the oddly dressed man. Her hand reached out, and seemingly carefully pushed his blade away.

"His crest says he's part of Ares' Legion. The size of his plume means he's high ranking. He can literally do what he wants, when he wants."

He focused his vision on the woman, slowly putting his sword away. She was a vision in his people's garb. Her bright eyes, pouting lips… there was even a trail of freckles against her cheeks and nose. And, to top it all off, she was pleasantly plump.

"Poios eísai?" He asked again, his voice still rumbling, but less so. He didn't want to scare the beautiful creature in front of him.

"My name is Jennifer. It's nice to meet you." She spoke. "We mean you no harm."

"So you say." The first male grumbled, making him turn his head, brandishing his sword again. He only stopped when the woman stepped in front him, holding her hands up.

"I'll make sure he doesn't harm you. He's a wild animal."

He then heard a snort from another man, not far from him. He felt no need to protect himself from that one. His gaze returned to the woman.

"I am... Dorion... First General to Ares." His voice rumbled from his chest. "Why are you here?"

"It's nice to meet you, Dorion." She bowed her head in respect. "We are here to form an alliance with these people. We are intending to offer materials and medicines for the people here in return to learn more about these people, about their, and your, culture, as well as possibly establish this place to be a safe haven for my people back home."

It took him several minutes before he spoke again. "You are their goddess?" He asked, his eyes looking over her once again.

"Say ye-" the first male grunted as he watched her foot kick his thigh.

"I cannot lie to you, Dorion. No, I am not a goddess back home."

"Dumb b-"

"Dorion" moved close and brought down his fist against the first male's head, knocking him unconscious. The woman moved and brought his hand away. "Hey! Hey! Not nice!" She spoke.

"Dorion" looked at her, his eyes darkening.

"No one talks to you like that."

(Jennifer's POV)

Okay… maybe she was happy that Quinten got the payback he'd been building since she met him. But, she also knew how bad this was. Her instinct to reach out and stop it was a little slow, but made her happy. What surprised her the most was "Dorion's" words.

"Thank you, for defending my honor, but that was too far."

As "Dorion" pulled his fist back, she leaned over to check Quinten. Thankfully, his breathing was just fine, he was just unconscious. She sighed in relief before looking to "Dorion".

"Since you seem to be the guardian over these people, I ask that you consider our proposal." She spoke with a soft smile, hoping that he'd just think on it.

"I am not their guardian. Ares is their guardian." "Dorion" spoke.

She swallowed, seeing the dark eyes looking at her just past the helmet's opening.

"That being said, I cannot stop these people from making a deal that may benefit them."

She let out a soft sigh of relief. "Thank you. It means a lot that we can talk about a friendship and mutual benefits."

He nodded and she watched his hand reach out for her. She stepped back, out of his reach. She didn't know what he had planned to do. That changed when he suddenly grasped her, pulling her to his chest.

Where she had stood was burned cobblestone. A sign that something had very nearly killed her. When she looked around, she found the enemy. White and yellow.
