
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
88 Chs

Ch.58 ۞ Aryan ۞ Part I

Mars Coliseum


NOW THE WAY THEY ACTED WHEN AUNT HARPER and uncle Madden talked about Asphodel made more sense. It's because they knew they were talking about their parents. I knew I was having a weird feeling about that. But we can't let out parents know that they know yet.

"She is totally insane," I exclaimed furious. "She is insane, Kian. Insane. Reckless. Stubborn. And with no sense of survival at all. The way she was snubbing us, ugh! I want to strangle her. She took all the horrible traits at birth it's the only possible explanation. To make it worse, she's fucking hot. Why? Why can't she be hideous to look at?"

"Verena was purposely provoking us, and we fell for her trap, Ary. She's vicious? Yes. But she's clever!"

"We can't let this go unpunished otherwise she'll think she can keep doing this and treating us this way. She can't. I won't let her. And if she refused to respect as one of the Heirs, I'll make her respect me as her Captain. I'll make her daily life unbearable until she breaks and gives in."

K grinned, "She really got under your skin."

"Aren't you supposed to be angry too?"

"I am. But not as much since I can use her sister. Although that one seems be getting angry at me as well, I'll be able to deal with her. My charms, thankfully, will work on her," he bumped his shoulders on mine as we changed our clothes to our training shorts and while he but on the shirt, I stayed without it since fire won't hurt me. "Why don't you claim her already?"

"Are you insane? After what just happened?" I really want to, I do. I'm still hard after holding her back there, bug I can't. Not yet. I want to be sure that she's at least attracted to, even if she loathes me like I'm loathing her, the attraction is what I need.

His grin widened, "I'm planning on claiming Silver soon. Didn't you see the forums on Starstra? Everyone is interested in them. And even though most people are against them because of all the being-from-Asphodel thing, all vampires, werewolves, and the other dragons seem interested in them. Are you going to let them take her blood before you? Because I won't!"

I clenched my teeth, feeling a wave of anger hit me, "They won't be able to handle their blood. It's too strong. They will lose their mind."

"Since when does that avoids them from trying, Ary? You know it doesn't. I know it doesn't. We all know it doesn't," he rolled his eyes and pushed me out of the restroom. "Let's go. I want to have a quick talk with Dani-fucking-elle!"

As we got to the center of the Mars Coliseum where we train our fire magic, all the heirs except for Jessamyn, were there. The Adair siblings were with them too. And of course, Danielle Maya and Killian Coleman, those two thorns in our asses, were there too. And she seemed happier than normal, which got me madder.

We had already given a heads-up to the Heirs in our group about the fact that Verena is already aware of who she and her sister are. And they all were thinking that it was Danielle's fault, since we didn't tell them that it was because of the vision.

"Maya!" Kian yelled furiously and she turned to him, with that overconfident grin on. She always had that look of superiority, since we were kids, and I always loathed that shit.

Her parents are no better than ours. Yes, they gave her a good childhood, but besides that, how is a Unicorn better than a Dragon? It isn't, period.

"Pravin," she gave him her judging mocking eyes.

"You told her!"

"I told what to who?" She played dumb. She always fucking does this. Always. The only people next to me who are able to deal with her is my little brother and Rosella. Although her and Rosella don't get along, she deals with her better than any of us.

"You told the twins about who they are!" I joined him, knowing it wasn't her fault, but wanting a reason to fight with Danielle. Seriously, she really pissed me off.

She scoffed, "No, I didn't. But I wish I had. She already knew it when I talked to her, two days ago. And I doubt she didn't tell you that she saw in her vision."

Ugh, she always avoids fighting head on, it's so infuriating. "Don't lie. We know you and your little Pegasus boyfriend told them just to piss us off."

He glared at me, "Shut the fuck up, Nova. You don't know shit. And if we had told them, which we didn't it would have been to let them know that they were abandoned and that their parents died before they could take care of them," he snapped. "As much as you seem to believe like that's the case, the world doesn't circles around you."

Now this boy has big mouth. Too big for his own good.

I stepped closer to him and when he was going to come near, Danielle stopped him, "Fire boy's angry and is trying to take it out on you, Kill. Don't give him the satisfaction," I hate when she calls me that.

"Danielle!" I hissed.

"Aryan!" She replied on the same tone.

"You shouldn't be so close to them and you know it. They are fucking dangerous and when they implode, they will take everyone surrounding them!" I snapped.

"Oh, like your brother? He's getting quite close to them, isn't he? Not surprising that they liked him more than they did you. Maven has always been the best out of your family. They must have felt that too," I clenched my fists as she hit right where it hurts.

I'm still surprise that Maven actually decided to befriend them when I told him I didn't want him to join us on messing with them. And to think they let him get so close to them. To think Verena allowed him to go to her dorm, talked with him, and even followed him on Starstra. I don't know why, but I don't like that.