
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Ch.36 ۞ Aryan ۞ Part I

Galactic Orb


AUNT SIENNA WASN'T THE ONLY ONE sending loads of messages to us, as I looked in my Const for a minute and saw messages from my younger brother, Maven whose starting as a freshman this year too, although he already had his austral aura read a week ago. I wasn't here, since I was still in the search for the twins in the human world, but he told me everything.

As a Sagittarius from December 8th, he's primary element is Fire. He's a dragon like our entire family, although he only awakened at 17, so him having fire magic was expected. And he ended up having more three stars in his astral aura. Two silver stars and two golden stars at total.

Each star represent one type of magic. If you have a silver star, it means it's one of the four elemental magic types: Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. Whereas, if you have a golden star, it means it's one of the seven advanced magic types: Spatial, Sound, Ice, Lightning, Gravity, Summoning, and Healing.

Nevertheless, if you happens to be one of the lucky bastards to get a red star, it means you has one of the six rare types: Soul, Blood, Time, Shadow, Light, and Mind.

Take it as an example professor Collier Campbell, the Astral Aura teacher. He has the vision that allows him to read through the astral aura of someone, that is, their soul. Meaning he, and the other few who possess such ability, possess the red star of Soul Magic.

Easier. Take the Asphodel King and Queen as an example. King Solis had one red star, for his mind magic. While his wife, Queen Celeste, has two, for blood and shadow magic. And as both the twins possess blood magic, they must have one red star on theirs too.

Back to Maven's two silver and two golden stars; he told me that besides his level 10 Fire magic, he possess level 7 Air magic. While his two golden stars each represent his level 8 Spatial and level 9 Lightning magic. Putting him in the top 3 strongest freshman of the year. And he's in New Moon with me, to make it all better.

Behind the twins, probably. But that was enough to make our parents amused, which is what matters to me, since I would blame myself if he were to be hurt by them while I was away and wouldn't be able to take the blame from him. That's why I partially understand Verena and all of her protectiveness, because I'm the same. Not just with Maven, but with K too.

There were 15 unread messages from my brother.

Maven: Ary, mom and dad are looking quite anxious. We are already here waiting for you.

Maven: She's telling me to talk to you because you answers me and ignores their texts, lol. You're my idol.

Maven: Now they are judging all the freshman, Gods help me. My ears will bleed.

Maven: They told me the Asphodel twins will study with me on the first semester and with you in the second. Is that true?

Maven: How are they? Are they cute?

Maven: They are joking now, saying that you will one hundred percent do to at least one of the twins, what they wanted to do with their parents. Ew. My innocent ears.

Maven: That is… if they are hot.

Maven: Should I treat them badly too?

Maven: Or can I just skip all this bullshit?

Maven: I don't feel so good about it. I mean, about what you will all be doing to them because of our parents orders. We are not out parents. Neither are they theirs.

Maven: But if you want me to help out on it, I can.

Maven: Though you always said my face is too cute to act all evil. Which I am. So, consider my cuteness.

Maven: Or should I just ignore them fully? I'm good at that. Well, I kind of think I am. Want me to try that out?

Maven: Now mom and dad's restlessness is making me restless. Are you coming, bro? They're really offending the shit out of all the freshman, judging their appearance and shit. It's giving me a headache. They're all looking.

Maven: You are making me anxious.

Holding back a giggle, I gave him a quick reply.

Aryan: Your suffering has end, Mav. We're here.

Then I turned to the twins who were still looking at our surroundings and I made a sign for them to follow me and K inside.

I could smell their anxiety, and I could relate to it. After all, when it was my time to do this, when I was 14, together with the other Heirs; yes, both the six of us and Danielle Maya, got the privilege of getting out astral aura read earlier, thanks to us beings the next Leaders of Astra; we were all anxious about it. Our parents all put pressure on us to have more than three types of magic, or we would be s disappointment.

Seems like they are still sour because they are all three-types wielder, while Celeste had four and Solis five. They threw that on us. Thankfully, we answered their expectations highly.

Naveen, Jessamyn, Ren, and Rosella are all four-types. While both me and Kian exceeded what they wanted, being five-types. Maya is a three-type, but she seemed more than happy with that, after all, her parents were always cool with her, opposite to ours.

Mom and aunt Sienna got happier than ever with me and Kian, because we both has one more magic type than Celeste, the one they both hated more than anything. While our fathers got satisfied because we topper the same amount as Solis, the one they hated. But I doubt they will be so happy after we see what the twins are capable of.

And I don't have a good feeling about this.

If anything, today will be chaotic. No doubt. Chaotic.

"Is this anxiety coming from you or from me?"

I felt better at K attempt of a joke, "From them."

His gaze went to them as we entered the Galactic Orb, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes when his amethyst eyes fell on Emmaline and he analyzed her from head to toe. "Yeah. Their anxiety is almost palpable."

"Just their anxiety?" I gave him a naughty look.

He grinned, "Shut up!"

As we headed further inside, the ocean of gazes fell on us. Rather… on them, and Verena held her sister's hand, bringing her closer, as if to protect her from all of the predatory gazes she felt. It can overwhelm you of you aren't used to it, which they aren't. "Why are they all staring at us?" Emma gasped.

"Because you are gorgeous!" K whispered near her back, and even her ears turned red, while Verena shot him a feral glare in warning. A warning that was absorbed and thrown away. "You are new meat. Twins. Hot. Of course, everyone is going to look at you."

Thankfully we put a silencing barrier around us, or everyone would be able to hear what we are saying. "Seems like we are kind of late, K!" I looked at where the other Captains were already standing, welcoming the new students to their houses. In our absence, both mine and K's vice-captains were doing the work. At least they are able to do that much.

Before I could leave to stay on my place, I felt a warm hand holding my arm, and I glared down at her, as her odd eyes stared at me. "What do we do, your highness?" I'm starting to like being called like that by her.

"You stay here. There are seats around, take one for yourselves. It's an important day for the freshman, and as the Captains of our houses, we can't stay here babysitting you two lost rabbits," K answered as I said nothing, receiving a glare from her. "What? I'm a Prince too. You only said 'your highness', and I happen to have that title too."

Emma held released her hand from my forearm and nodded to my best friend, "We'll find a place to sit. Thank you, Kian."

He winked, "You are welcome, Emma!"

"It's Emmaline for you," Verena hissed.

"I didn't speak with you!" And with that reply, he turned his back on them and went to where the Full Moon vice-captain was standing.