
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Ch.33 ۞ Kian ۞ Part I

New Moon House, Stardust Academy


I ENDED UP CRASHING ON ARY'S LAST NIGHT, in the penthouse of his House, since we are all the heads of our respective Houses since we first arrived at Stardust last year. We spent the entire night thinking about what would happen today, and how things would go with the Asphodel twins. Today and tomorrow will be the reading of the astral aura of all the freshman, to measure their latent magic potential, tell their astral map, and point out their houses.

"You think they might end up with any of us?"

He turned to me, still shirtless, as I brushed my teeth and blinked, "I don't know about Emmaline's spatial magic but I'm pretty sure Verena will end up in New Moon."

I washed my mouth and took one his shirts to use as usual, "You are lucky. If she comes to New Moon you will be able to torment her all the time."

"Not all the time. She's starting as a freshman, and will only be a sophomore like us on the next semester. But yeah, I guess it'll be better for me if she falls here. Which I believe she will, give the ridiculous amount of fire magic she showed," he got up and began to iron his clothes, mixing his fire and water magic. "Again, Emmaline is still a mystery. She showed more than one type of magic."

Yes, she does look extremely powerful. "King Solis was a Sea Serpent, Queen Celeste was a Seer and a Basilisk, while he had 5 types of magic, she had 4. Do you think they might come out as one of those orders, and have the same amount of magic as them?"

Aryan seemed puzzled, "Honestly? I don't know, K. They appear to be too powerful for their own good. If we are lucky, they might not evolve a secondary order at all. Most Seers did, but we never know. And if they do, I genuinely hope it's not like their parents. It's ridiculously rare and while Basilisk is the 4th strongest order, Sea Monster is the 2nd, and that's because the top 4 is taken by extremely rare orders that we might not even meet while we are alive. My order is the 5th stronger, and the strongest out of all the common ones, I don't want to deal with them being from a rare one, causing a ruckus for it."

Dragons sure are prideful. "Well," I walked to him, caressing his shoulder blades, "Their parents were from different races, so, they aren't pure like we are. That might have an affect on them. They might be weaker."

Ary scoffed bitterly, but I felt like he did want to believe in it, but couldn't, "They barely awakened all their magic, K, and they are in this absurd level. Verena will be a pain in the ass as she grows stronger. She's already giving me a headache and we met two days ago."

That made me laugh, "I doubt she's unbothered by your annoying ass, if that consoles you. She must be as stressed as you are."

He grinned, "She better be, and it'll only get worse. That stubborn girl better pray that her stronger magic isn't fire, because if she is, she'll be in New Moon and I'll make her time here a nightmare," his eyes shone with something I couldn't name it, but I felt what he meant. "What do you think about the silver eyes twin?"

I chuckled, "Silver eyes twin?"

"You know, because the ticking bomb has an odd eye and all. The other has two silver eyes. It's easier to tell who is who thanks to that," he rolled his shoulders and felt a wave of amusement coming from him.

"I'm hoping her strongest will be spatial magic so she can fall into Full Moon. Wouldn't it be poetic? My parents and yours were the ones with the bigger rivalry with theirs. If each of them end up in our houses it would be like the Gods are helping us out on our quest to break them," I turned around and took one of his pants for myself. He's slightly taller than me and a bit bigger, but not enough for me not to dress his clothes just fine. "But seriously," I pressed my lips together, "how many stars do you think they will get on their astral aura?"

Sigh, "If we are lucky, four, as their mother. Maybe five like the two of us, and their father," however, I could tell he was unsure about that. "But… if we are terribly unlucky," chuckling anxiously, he turned to me, "they might break all the previous records and get nine stars, if they happen to inherit all of their parents magic types."

I cringed, "Hell no!"

"There is always the possibility. It never happened before, but a Seer had never been a Basilisk, a creature that had only be seen thrice in the entire Fae history, and a Sea Monster was even rarer, since he was the third in our history. And those two never existed at the same time, and had twins together. Twins itself is a rare occasion, so it's hard to say. But we should be prepared for such a moment, because there is a small possibility, K!"

Ary seemed frustrated, and with a big reason, as he finished getting on his uniform, with a golden New Moon on his crimson red hoodie, and I got on mine that I brought, a lavender hoodie with silver Full Moon on it. The symbols of our respective Houses, two out of the eight ones, all based on the phases of my beloved moon. Each representing one of the eight main magic types.

The four elemental ones: Fire, Air, Water, and Earth magic. And the first advanced ones: Spatial, Sound, Ice, and Lightning magic. That's probably one of my favorite aspects of Stardust, and it's not just because my order is werewolves. I even have all the phases of the moon tattooed on my back.

"They can't fall in the same house, right?"

He seemed to ponder that, "I doubt that will happen. Not just because I doubt their strongest magic is the same, but there's also the fact that they are too powerful, K. You could feel it just as I could. You know. Those two in the same house would make it all unbalanced. And the Gods always makes things balanced," well, he has a point.

"But wouldn't it be funny if they both fell with me?"

Ary scoffed, "Rather me than you!"

I rolled my eyes, taking my Const from the left side bed, still in offline mode because I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone but Ary. "You think too highly of yourself just because you were the only one of us to actually have a good interaction with both twins. I doubt Emmaline was so interested in your ass," a mischievous grin curled up on my lips, "I bet she was more into me, seeing as how she was looking at me in the infirmary."

"Don't get your hope high. We better not get involved with them in that way!"

"Why not?" I asked innocently. "Yes, we'll have to destroy them in the future and make their lives in the Academy unbearable, but not yet. We can enjoy a little bit, you know? Messing around with them won't harm anyone," I winked as I bumped by shoulder on his, "and they are smoking hot, come on. I know how you felt looking at the odd twin."

He scoffed, "I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't feel anything. But I agree on that. They are infuriatingly hot!"

"It's okay, I felt that for the other one. It was even hard to look at her because I was having quite the nasty thoughts. And the way she looked at me, made it even worse. It made me want to make her bow for me even more. Fucking insane," I chuckled. "And really, that won't hurt, you know? Besides, they don't look like the type that won't be dating around. Do you really want to let someone in the Academy claim them before us? We are the strongest even between the Heirs, Ary."

"I doubt Verena will be with someone," as if he actually believed that. "She made it very clear that she hates males."