

"This is " talking

'This is ' thinking

Also Narrator POV

Monologue will be without any designation, just POV of the person and his monologue..


Narrator POV

This story is going to follow a young man.

John, that's his name. Just turned 18 this year, fresh out of high school.

He's an lover of history, games and some tv shows...

Obviously nothing too much out of ordinary, but he's an orphan unfortunately.. Lost his parents at age 5... Thankfully he still remembers their faces.... His father was an Officer in an army, while his mother was a nurse, young couple ....

They both died in an car accident while coming home, leaving John to his fate..

At first it was hard to get used to it. But humans if anything were most adaptable beings on the planet Earth.. Later, slowly in his life he found few friends in school....

But alas, everything must come to an end..

It turned out , they were just masking their friendship. made fun of him. For his fate...

He was hurt by it, but his personality did some changes there.

He began to trust people less.. and less..

No matter who you are..

That's also why he rejected many friendships..

But luckily it turned out some of them were actually just like his first ones...

He did began to distance himself, there wasn't that much use of a fake friendship..

So the next solution was working.. Still as an orphan he had to find a job to get money, he did . from chores to washing dishes... He slowly did earn enough money for an laptop and console...

And with it, began his gaming life...

At firstly he played simple games, to old classics, such as Super Mario..

It quickly evolved to COD 2. 3..

From there he began to play fps.. Such as Counter Strike 1.6. then CSGO...

Later, he found his main genre of games..


At first he played old fashioned rts games, but it soon turned to some other, as his age grew..

At 16 he began to play HOI4, EU4 ..

He liked both of them.. But he mostly played in single player, and was hunting for achievements.

He later began to play starcraft 2.. just two weeks before this moment..

He loved the game...Watched it from old YT videos.. Read statements from internet. And just finished Terran campaign. And at the same time proclaimed Terrans as his favorite species..

But unfortunately, he died. From an car accident , just like his parents did..

But lets see his POV..

On earth , John is riding his motorcycle.. (Heavy traffic)

John's POV

'Should i buy next campaign , the heart of the swarm..?'I though , waitting for traffic light to turn green..

'Nah, too soon, there are still so many customs to play.'I commented in my own mind.. seeing traffic light turning yellow, and reading motorcycle..

'Well, first i should go too my possibly new job at McDonald's, just improvisation till i can find a real one..'Seeing green of the traffic light i turned right...

'I hope i will get it' I thought before speeding up to limit speed on the road...

5 minutes later

At McDonalds

No ones POV

We can see our Main character along with the manager...

"So you want to apply for the cashier?" Asked Manager for confirmation..

Manager looks like, 25 year old man, blonde hair , broad shoulder, Height 196cm. Towering over Johns own 186cm... He also has very deep voice, and sharp eyes....

"Yes , i would like to get the job "Answered John

"Do you have any type of experience?" Asked Manager, taking out a notebook along with a pencil...

"Well, yes and no. I have experience in many part-time jobs.. Such as selling small things." Answered John truthfully, it is true he did sell ice cream, hot dogs and much more as part-time jobs...

"Hmm, how old are you?" Asked manager while writing answers in the notebook..


"Why did you exactly apply for this position? "Asked Manager, taking a look directly at John..

"I need a part-time job, before finding a real one." Answered John ...

Narrator POV

After some more pointless question later. John got him job..

John's POV

'Oh well, it has gone better than I though..' I sit on my motorcycle, before staring the engine.. Just as I was about to get to road.. A Jeep Crushed directly into me. That was the last thing i had seen...

Before... waking up in void

Chapter count 752

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MegaDanijelcreators' thoughts