

Star an orphan teenager gets adopted for her 16th birthday. After she is adopted the orphanage is set on fire killing everyone inside. Star now a sad and traumatized girl finds out there were mysterious deaths at the school she now goes to. Star has a feeling those deaths are related to the orphanage fire. And it all started with a little drawing

FoxLover0615 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 4

I had a bandaged leg for no apparent reason, and I just went to school with a limping leg and people looking at me. I saw Anya and went to her.

"Hey Anya, what's going on?" I was interrupted by her.

"Oh, so what makes you think you can fuck up someone's life and act like you didn't?" Anya said, and I was shocked by her words.

" Anya "I didn't kill Elizabeth, but I have an idea on how it could've happened to see during the time she had a mark which—" I was interrupted by Anya again.

"Stop talking about the fact that Elizabeth is dead and remember the fact that we were friends and that we loved each other, okay?" Anya says, then slams her locker shut and walks away.

I follow her, though I'm slow.

" Anya "I understand that she was your friend, but I want to avenge her," I said to Anya, but she just talked back.

"You don't care about Elizabeth or about avenging her; you're doing this to get over the fact your entire orphanage family is dead," Anya shouted at me, and I was stunned with her words.

Why would she say that out loud knowing how much they meant to me and just throw out a personal situation like that?

I couldn't even react; instead, I just cried and faced away from her.

Anya didn't even try to stop me from crying; instead, she walked away.

"Well sh*t, what took so long?" I asked myself, grinning from ear to ear, as if I wasn't just crying.

"What the-" Anya was interrupted as I punched her in the face.

I put my foot on her chest.

"Listen up, bitch. I don't want no one disrespecting me, okay." "So how about you keep your fucking opinions to yourself before I break your rib cage?" I threatened and lifted my foot off of her chest.

Anya then drop-kicked me, and I hit my head on the floor, getting knocked out.

Next thing you know, I wake up in the nurse's office. I look around, trying to understand how I got there. And second, why am I sitting in a chair?

"Woah, what the hell just happened?" I asked, then held my leg, but then my head started to have a throbbing pain.

"Fuck! "Why does it feel that way?" I cursed holding my head

"Your head probably hurts from falling on the ground," a nurse said.

"When did I fall on the ground?" "First, my leg just hurts, and now my head is bleeding," I said to the nurse, groaning from the pain.

"Well again, you fell on the floor, and not only that, but you also shot yourself in the leg... "Do you need to talk with someone?" The nurse asked

"No, I'm just confused because I don't remember ever getting these injuries," I said to the nurse.

"Well, you got them, and luckily, I was able to fix up your wounds," the nurse says.

"Gosh, why am I sitting in this chair? It's mad uncomfortable," I said, standing up slowly.

"Are you sure you can even walk?" The nurse asked

"Yeah, I'm good." "I gotta go anyway since acting like a bitch is my twenty-four-seven job here at school," I said and started walking slowly out of the office.

"Hey, Star, are you okay?" "I saw you hit your head on the floor and immediately took you to the nurse's office," Conner worriedly says while holding me and hugging me.

I pushed him away and walked past him.

"Excuse me, have you ever heard of personal space?" I said while walking past.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Conner curses

"Nope, I'm not; you always get so close to me, and it's just very awkward and weird, like it makes it seem like you like me even though I don't even like you," I said to him and continued walking without looking back.

But then again, I feel like I've done something wrong.

Whatever the guy is, he's an idiot, and he's always been too close to me anyway. I had to limp away to my next class just because I was in pain.

As I made it to science, I remembered that we would actually be sitting together. God, I know you've always been watching over me, but why couldn't you change this one thing for me? I sit at my usual spot, and of course, as expected, he's not there. Probably skipping class to really portray his inner bad boy behavior.

I started drawing in my science notebook while occasionally writing down notes.

I hum a certain tune unknowingly while writing down notes.

"Whoever is singing right now, please stop and be quiet," My science teacher said, and I rolled my eyes.

I just happen to like my singing voice, even if others don't think I have improved over time. As the science teacher was writing, I got bored and instead went on my phone. I saw a news article on the orphanage and how people are protesting at the orphanage.

Those were just terrible memories of stuff I wished never happened. I mean, no one survived, yet I'm still reading this article. Wait a minute, someone did survive. I look through the articles and more of them just to come across some weird website that has pictures of dead people either massacred or burned.

What the fuck is going on? What is this website? I forgot my phone wasn't silenced, and next thing you know, moans start coming from my phone even though there's nothing sexy happening. The whole class looks at me in disgust; even the teacher looks at me in disgust.

"Listen, man, I can explain." I don't know what told me talking about the situation even more would help it, because all it did was get me in detention. Luckily, I was able to steal my phone while in detention, mute my phone, and just look at it with subtitles. Why does this video have subtitles? But then again, why does this video exist in the first place?

This whole website was like YouTube but for sadistic fools who obviously never heard of the word "virus," so basically the hub. The subtitles say that the person is moaning while watching their victims get hurt in any way possible. I came across this certain video. This one was different from the others because you could actually hear these people talk instead of moaning.

"Why are you doing this to me?" some lady says while backing away against a wall.

" ꪗꪮꪊ ꫝꪖꪜꫀ ᦔﺃᦓꪮ᥇ꫀꪗꫀᦔ ᧁꪮᦔᦓ ᥅ꪊꪶꫀᦓ...ꪗꪮꪊ ꪖ᥅ꫀ ꪀꪮ ᥴꫝﺃꪶᦔ ꪮᠻ ᧁꪮᦔ... ꪗꪮꪊ ꪖ᥅ꫀ ᦓꪖꪻꪖꪀ ꫝﺃꪑᦓꫀꪶᠻ. ꪗꪮꪊ ꪖ᥅ꫀ ꪑꪗ ᦓꪶꪖꪜꫀ ꪖꪀᦔ ᭙ﺃꪶꪶ ᠻꪮ᥅ꫀꪜꫀ᥅ ᥇ꫀ ꪊꪀᦔꫀ᥅ ꪑꪗ ᥴꪮꪀꪻ᥅ꪮꪶ," a man with a distorted voice

I barely understood him either because: 1. The quality of this video stinks, which it does, or 2. He did this so no one would recognize his voice.

"Yes!" A voice said, and it made me jump in my seat, causing me to drop my phone, but luckily it didn't wake up my sleeping science teacher.

"I am no one's slave." I am a god—your god. "I can feel him within your body; you want to be set free from his wrath. I can help you." The lady says and tries to touch the cameraman's face, but he slaps her face.

"'ed," the cameraman said in a shaky voice.

"I'm scared to son. We can face him together; just give me your hand. The lady stopped, and the camera looked down at the wound made by the cameraman.

A knife was forced into the woman's stomach, causing her to puke out blood.

"I love you, mother," The man said and took out the knife, causing the woman to fall and blend in with the other dead bodies.

The man goes on his knees and caresses the woman's wound as he looks at the woman, now dead and facing away from him.

The cameraman took off her shirt and squeezed her chest. The man started breathing heavily as he outlined what looked like a pentagram on her stomach.

"Your body was always so pretty. "This is what I loved most about you, but thank God you can't restrain yourself from me anymore." The cameraman said, and I stopped the video before anymore happened.

Holy shit, holy shit HOLY FUCKING SHIT! This man has to be burned. He created an account on this website. His mistake was the fact that the police could always track down his account and either find wherever he's keeping the bodies or at least where he is currently. But that's even if they make it this far to even find the website.

But this can't be so easy because this Burn person has been out there for, I don't know, how long and no one has caught them.

I go to the account and check and see that over 500 videos have been made, but luckily I was able to go all the way to the bottom, which was towards the beginning of it all.

The first video was of a kid. I clicked on it, scared of what was to come, something probably horrifying and gruesome like the rest.

But no... It was something weird, something unexpected, something unreal.

"Hi, my name is Melody Maria Rosa Sanchez, and I am also known as Burn," Melody said, and I only got more confused.

But then the teacher started to wake up, so I quickly put my phone back in the box and sat back down in my seat, acting like I never even touched my phone in the first place.

My father stretched then put on his glasses. I acted like I was drawing something when in reality I was writing down the name of the website, the name of the account, and of course the specific name.

"Ms. Johnson, you're free to go," my science teacher said tiredly.

"Thank you, Mr. Vargas," I said and left the room.

I walked out of the school with questions and was pissed off even more than before.

I need to figure out who you are and why you killed my family. Whoever the fuck this Melody person is, I'm going to find you, and you're going to wish you never messed with this bitch. I will go crazy on your sadistic ass.