
StarBlood Inheritance

Starblood inheritance is a term that refers to a rare and ancient bloodline that grants access to all kind of magic ( all race magic) allowing the successors a magic that can counter the dark power of the orcish guardian deity. It is the main theme of the novel Starblood Inheritance, where the protagonist Levis-liam discovers that he has this potential in his blood and he is the last of his kin. According to the novel, starblood inheritance is a legacy from the ancient human guardian deity. Only a few chosen could inherit their power and use it to protect the realm from evil but the orcs want it now. Levis had no abilities. He was the rarest case of humans with zero affinity for human magic, a phenomenon so uncommon that some thought it impossible. Levis could not use any spell or enhancement, and he could not sense or resist magic either. He was vulnerable to any magical attack, and he had no way to protect himself. But levis-liam did not let that stop him. He was very smart and a quick learner, and he had trained his body and mind to compensate for his lack of magic. He was agile and cunning, and he knew how to take advantage of the situations and surroundings. He had never lost a fight against his elder brother calvin, even after calvin joined the army and became a soldier of the northern city. He was confident and fearless, and he did not care what anyone thought of him Levis must unlock the secrets of his starblood inheritance, and use it to save the realm from the darkness. Along the way, he will face many dangers and enemies, but he will also find allies and friends, and maybe even love. He will discover his true destiny, and he will prove to everyone that he is not a weakling, but a hero.

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Play time over: Face Reality part 1

As dawn broke, the outpost was alive with a palpable sense of anticipation. The veterans, despite having reveled through the night, welcoming the newcomers with open arms and shared laughter, were the first to rise. They moved with a quiet efficiency, their movements a testament to their experience. They did not wish to disturb the deep slumber of the new recruits, who had earned their rest after the night's festivities. With a sense of camaraderie and responsibility, the seasoned mages set about restoring order to the outpost, their hands working deftly to erase the remnants of the previous night's celebration.

The outpost, once disheveled from the night's revelry, began to take shape under their skilled care. It wasn't long before it stood proud and disciplined, resembling the garrison of old. The veterans, their faces etched with lines of many battles, also took it upon themselves to prepare the training grounds. They meticulously set up areas for the fire, water, and wind mages, each element's domain crafted with an understanding of its unique demands. The stone mages, a legend whispered in hushed tones, had never walked among them, and thus, no ground bore their mark.

As the sun climbed to its zenith, casting a warm glow over the land, the newcomers began to stir. The gentle hum of activity from those who had risen with the morning star seeped into their consciousness, coaxing them from their dreams. Yet, amidst this awakening, Levis was nowhere to be found among the resting; his bed lay untouched. His thirst for knowledge had pulled him from the comfort of sleep before even the sun had peeked over the horizon. With a heart pounding with the urgency of the uninitiated, he had slipped away to the library, driven by a relentless desire to arm himself with wisdom, the only weapon a magicless mage could wield.

Calvin and Robert, brothers in arms, spirit and blood, sought Levis with a growing concern. They scoured the living quarters, their eyes searching every shadowed corner, but found no trace of him. A realization dawned upon them, bright as the morning sun—Levis, ever the early bird, must have sought the solitude of the training fields or the sanctuary of the library. With a silent nod, they parted ways, each on a quest to find their elusive companion. Calvin treaded towards the fields, his gaze sweeping over the mages honing their craft, while Robert turned his steps to the library, where the whispers of ancient tomes might just reveal the presence of their brother.

The library's hallowed halls echoed with the soft tread of Robert's footsteps as he navigated through the labyrinth of bookshelves, each one brimming with ancient wisdom and arcane secrets. The air was thick with the scent of parchment and leather, a testament to the countless tomes that held the mysteries of magic within their weathered pages. It was here, amidst the silence of centuries-old knowledge, that Robert found Levis, his brother, lost in the embrace of literature and lore.

"There you are," Robert's voice cut through the stillness, a rare sound from a man who often let silence speak for him. His words, though few, carried the weight of unspoken stories, resonating strangely even to his own kin. Levis looked up, his eyes alight with the fervor of discovery, the kind that only a youth on the cusp of greatness could possess. "Brother, you're awake. How long have I been here? This library... it's incredible. It holds the secrets to humanity's magic, even its origins. And it's so much larger than Grandpa's," Levis replied, his voice a mixture of awe and excitement, the kind that bubbles up from the depths of a passionate soul.

Robert's gaze lingered on Levis, his expression etched with concern, mirroring the anxious visage of a mother watching her child step into an arena for which they are unprepared. There was a gravity to his demeanor, a silent storm brewing behind his eyes, signaling a message of great importance that he yearned to convey. But before the words could escape his lips, the moment was shattered by the abrupt entrance of Calvin.

Calvin, ever the impetuous one, stormed into the room with a tempest's fury. His eyes were clouded with a sorrow that seemed to weigh heavily on his shoulders, yet there was a resolve in his stride. Without a word of greeting, he seized Levis by the arm, his grip firm and unyielding. The urgency of his actions left no room for protest as he dragged his brother away from the sanctuary of the library and towards the sparring grounds.

Levis stumbled in his brother's wake, his mind still reeling from the wonders he had uncovered, now thrust into the harsh light of reality. Robert watched them go, his heart heavy with the knowledge of what was to come. In the silence that followed, the library seemed to hold its breath, the whispers of the past mingling with the uncertainty of the future.

The sparring grounds were a canvas of anticipation, the air charged with an electric current of excitement and trepidation. Calvin stood there, his silhouette outlined against the rising sun, his sword unsheathed and gleaming with a deadly promise. His stance was one of unyielding determination, a stark contrast to the countless times he had yielded to his younger brother Levis in battles past. Today, his eyes were pools of focus, reflecting a resolve that was as sharp as the blade he wielded.

Levis, sensing the gravity of the moment, moved with a purpose towards the arsenal. His hand closed around the hilt of a long sword, a weapon not of his choosing but of necessity. It was a familiar weight in his grip, a reminder of the countless hours spent crossing swords with his grandfather and even with Calvin. Yet, a shiver of unease ran down his spine as he turned to face his brother. Calvin, the brother he knew so well, now stood before him as an enigma, his presence emanating an intensity that Levis had never witnessed before.

With a hushed incantation, Calvin's aura shifted, the air around him shimmering with the power of spells that augmented his speed, vision, and strength. He was a whirlwind of potential, a force of nature that now moved with a speed that blurred the lines between magic and reality. No elemental spells were invoked, yet the raw power was palpable, a silent testament to his mastery.

Levis felt the disparity between them, the gap in their abilities laid bare for all to see. But within his chest beat the heart of a warrior, undeterred and burning with a desire to prove himself. He would not be daunted, not when every eye was upon them, not when the stakes were this high.

The crowd began to gather, drawn by the undercurrent of an impending clash. Meleona arrived first, her eyes wide with curiosity, followed closely by Travis, Freya, Ryker, and the rest. The tension swelled like a tide, each new arrival adding to the crescendo of whispers and gasps. The outpost, usually a place of discipline and order, was now a theater of suspense, every inhabitant a spectator to the drama unfolding.

High above, from the vantage point of his office window, Klaus observed the scene. His gaze was inscrutable, yet there was no denying the keen interest that flickered in his eyes. The tower, a silent sentinel at the corner of the outpost, offered him a panoramic view of the spectacle below. As the brothers faced each other, the world seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the moment when steel would meet steel, and the true test would begin.