
Star wars: The Balad of Darth Imperious

The descendent of a great and powerful sith lord, Djaeric Keto was sold into slavery at a young age along with his little brother Djaerin. With a little luck and a strong heart, Djaeric finds himself thrusted into the world of the sith.

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Slave Encampment.

Venturing out into the Jungles of Dromund Kaas was a dangerous thing, for most people, the wildlife in particular was extremely vicious, from flesh eating beasts to venomous insects, or so Orzik had told Djaeric on the ship.

But for some reason, on this day, it was as if the Jungles were quiet. It sent an ominous feeling into Djaeric's mind.

" Ugh! Master, why are we walking through the jungle? Why didn't we just take a shuttle to the settlement? It would have been faster." Korey asked the man.

Her voice quickly brought Djaeric's attention back to the forest around him.

" Because we need to get accustomed to the environment of this planet, and its layout. We can't simply be ignorant of what's around us, Korey." Djaeric told the woman.

There was more to it than that, but Djaeric would never tell it. In fact, while what he said was true, he mostly wanted to walk to get a chance to clear his mind. He had much to think about and he thought that killing a few monsters would give him a chance to express his rage in a conductive way. But the lack of wildlife sightings had been quite the disappointment, which for a planet apparently known for its dangerous wildlife was, again, rather strange.

" That makes sense, I guess. But why haven't we seen any of the animals yet? It's just been nothing, but bugs and I hate bugs." Korey whined.

Jungles were not her favorite places. Mostly because of the bugs, that constantly swarmed her.

" I do not know. Perhaps they simply wish not to be bothered, or perhaps they have migrated elsewhere. Orzik told me that the animals of Dromund Kaas were always on the move. Maybe it is just that time of the year. Either way, be on guard. If they remain out of our way that is fine, and if they attack, then at the very least we will have another supply of food." Djaeric told the girl.

Trekking through the jungle was a bit of a pain, yes, but not as much as what came next.

After some time, Djaeric stumbled on to the camp site, where the slaves were building the Colossus. A giant statue dedicated to, from what Djaeric could make out from a distance, was supposed to be the emperor.

At first sight the encampment didn't feel any different from the rest of the planet, however, as he ventured further into it, the clouds of smoke and fires, the battered soldiers, and tired auxiliary crews, all of it together painted a much clearer picture.

" Master, what is this place?" Korey asked.

" This is the colossus's slave camp, or it was. But it looks like something happened here." Djaeric told the girl.

" You there!"

A sudden voice called out to the group, strong and imperialistic. It was obviously an imperial soldier calling out to them, but for what reason, Djaeric couldn't help but wonder.

Turning his vision towards the voice, Djaeric saw a man standing in front of him with a squad of armed guards. The man wore the colors of the imperial army. He was tall and rather slim, with a red and patchy beard.

" You there, what are you doing here? This area is off limits." The man stated.

Djaeric turned towards him.

Seeing the faint white of Djaeric's mask, sent slight chills up the man's spine.

" It's none of your concern. Get lost." Djaeric told the man. Djaeric made to continue on, only for the soldiers to step in front of him.

" Hold right there, a moment."

As the soldiers raised their hand to stop him, Djaeric drew his saber and ignited it.

The clear shock upon seeing the red saber jolted the imperial soldier.

The soldiers immediately threw their hands up and backed down.

" My lord, apologies! We weren't notified that a Sith lord was coming to the camps today. You have my humble apologies."

" Who are you, soldier?"

" My name is captain Silas, with the Imperial Navy, in charge of the construction of the Colossus."

" Well, captain. I need you to hand over the plans for the colossus. Now." Djaeric told the man.

" Uhm... Well... About that."

The way Silas moved and the way he struggled to speak, told Djaeric that something was wrong.

" Well, out with it, soldier! I don't have all day." Djaeric told the man.

Silas flinched, closing his eyes out of fear of being killed. " I.. I lost it to the slaves, my lord. They revolted and managed to overtake most of the camp and construction site."

" I see." Djaeric muttered.

" But... But don't worry my lord, I will get them back as soon as possible. The slaves will run out of ammunition sooner or later, and once they do, we'll sweep in and quickly eliminate the remaining slave rebels." Silas explained to the man.

Djaeric let a slight hum of amusement. The idea that slaves revolting and taking over the land of their masters, and still being called a slave hit... Very close to home. Though the idea sounded illogical to him, by what it means to be sith.

" Captain, these men and women have broken their chains and are fighting back now, the very tenet of our order embraces this passion. They have done what every Sith seeks to do. Can you still call them slaves if they are now the ones with the knives pressed so closely to your backs?"

Silas swallowed the lump growing in his throat and rather lousily shook his head no.

" No, my lord."

" Thank you for the offer, captain. But I'm don't have time to wait for you to get what I need. I'll go straight for the source myself." Djaeric told the man. He brushed past the commanding officer with very little care or concern for the man's well-being.

If he was able to let the ball drop this badly, then he clearly wasn't fit for duty, at least not at this level.

" What is the plan, little one?" Khem Val asked.

Djaeric looked to the monster of a man and smirked. " Simple. We get what we came for."

" Okay, but how? I mean this place is swarming with slaves, who were just like us. Are we really going to kill everyone here, until we get it?" Korey asked the man.

There was a certain bitter taste in her mouth. The idea of killing men and women, most of whom were innocents in the affairs of the empire, all for one map seemed an unfair and cruel punishment.

But that wasn't what Djaeric had in mind.

" Of course, not Korey. We only need to kill one." Djaeric told the girl.

One. To be fair, it was better than a needless slaughter, but still... Korey felt unease with what was put in front of her. To kill an enemy? She could accept. But these people were just that, people who wanted nothing to do but live their lives.

The seed of doubt grew well within the young woman's mind and, as if acting as a beacon, drew Djaeric's attention to her growing unease.

With the faintest of disappointment, Djaeric decided perhaps Korey was unneeded for this mission.

" Korey."

" Yes, master?"

" Go back to Kaas city. You're not needed here." Djaeric told the young woman.

" But master-"

" No arguments. This is not your task, nor your concern." Djaeric told the girl.

" Bu-"

" If you cannot stand to raise your hand against these people, then I cannot have you here, you'll only bring more danger. Not just to yourself, but to the others and that's something I can't have. You aren't in any trouble, in fact, I respect your want to avoid conflict. But if the worst-case scenario breaks out, and words cannot sway them, then we will do what we must. So, if you can't ready yourself for that possibility, then I need you somewhere where you are safe. Understand?"

She was not ready to kill, at least not these people, to achieve her goals, or more specifically his goals. So, hearing those words, took quite a heavy weight off of Korey's young shoulders.

" Yes, master."

Korey bowed to the young Sith.

" Good. Now take the shuttle in the camp back to Kaas city, you know where to go from there. Back to my brother and watch him! Do not let him leave, until I get back, that is an order! Understand?"

Korey understood, clearly, that Djaeric did not want Djaerin leaving. At least not yet.

She figured the reason must have been whatever it was they were arguing about before. But whatever it may be, it was very important.

" Yes master."

Djaeric approached Korey and placed his hands on her shoulders.

" Do not, leave my brothers side, for even one moment. I am trusting you, to watch him, Korey. If anything comes up, you call me. And we will return as soon as possible. Now, go." Djaeric commanded.

With a gentle shove, Djaeric pushed Korey off towards the speeders.

" Well, anyone else need to be excused?" Djaeric asked the three remaining men.

Not a whisper or words was said from either of the three in objection.

" Good. Now, let's get moving." Djaeric told the trio. From here on out, they were going to be entering enemy territory, and that meant that even if he didn't necessarily want to, Djaeric would still crush anything that got in his way.

Even other slaves.