
The Wellspring of Life

In a galaxy far far away. Legends foretold about a mystical wold called "The Wellspring of Life". Located in the center of the galaxy, shrouded by the force. it is the birthplace of a microscopic organism known as Midi-chlorian. The organism exists in all living beings and serves as a link between its host and the cosmic force.

The quantity of Midi-chlorians that resides in living beings, determines the strength of beings connection to the force, and is used to determine the talent of force-sensitive beings.

An eruption of cosmic force happened at this mystical world sending a powerful ray of cosmic force through the galaxy


In the outer rim of the known galaxy, a slave ship housing various races, was on its way to Nar Shaddaa to sell its slaves. Beautiful women were to be sold to entertainment enterprises as dancers or maids to the rich and powerful and the men and children as workforce.

One of the slaves was a beautiful Miraluka woman in the late teens. Her name was Jade Vinshu. She was to be sold as a serving girl for a powerful Hutt. Jade Vinshu was tending to the scared slaves aboard the ship, when the alarms on the ship went off. A ray of light carrying asteroids could be seen heading towards the ship. The personel on the ship were scurring about tending to the ships defenses. While the ship was trying to avoid the asteroids, a powerful energy hit the ship. Jade felt a powerfull force knock against her throwing her across the room into the alloy walls before she passed out.

While unconscious she found herself floating in endless darkness, with a bright orb much like a sun hovering few inches above her stomach. Finally after what felt like endless time, the bright orb slowly siphoned it self into her stomach, where it could no longer be felt.

When she regained consciousness the ship had already arrived at Nar Shaddaa. Jade could hear people beside her talking about wether to feed her to Zorvus the Hutt's prized animals if she couldn't wake up. in fear of her life, energy returned to her body so she could open her eyes. Cato the manager of the slaves under Zorvus a Neimoidian, saw Jade trying to move and sneered at her "What a shame! i was looking forward to watching a show in the pits". He told the other slaves to clean her up for work. the other slaves bowed and started to help Jade clean herself up before dressing her for work in Zorvus the Hutt's Cantina. Jade spent every night as a dancer at the mercy of drunk guests of various races, trying to entertain them to the best of her abilities. Weeks went by before a bulge started to show on her stomach. the experienced female slaves at the cantina knew she was pregnant. And thought she had been raped by drunk guest in a private booth. the thought of having a baby baffled her, because she knew that she never had sex, but thought that perhaps some of the ship personel took advantage of her comatose condition on the way to Nar Shaddaa.

Rumors that Jade was pregnant started to spread up the management chain at the cantina. and when the manager found out he lost a popular dancer he became furious. He ordered the cantinas security personel to cut up her beautiful face and whip her back and front 50 times, before he sent her away to the pits, where she would tend to the prized animals of Zorvus the Hutt. a very dangerous job, with a high mortality rate. you never know when you could end up as dinner for the pets of Zorvus. Weeks turned into months and before long Jade was almost ready to deliver her baby. An early morning Jade was sweating while cleaning one of the animal pens, when she started to have contractions. she screamed as the pain was overwhelming, alerting one of the old animal caretakers. an old wrinkled Twi'lek woman who had been tending to Jade when she first came to the pits riddled with injuries. After hours of pushing and screaming the baby was delivered, it was beautiful little Miraluka boy with a healthy bronze skin and snow white hair. the old Twi'lek carried the baby boy to his mother who with her remaining strength held him in her arms, and softly whispered "Jaydar, Jaydar Vinshu" into his ears.

Out in the galaxy powerful force sensitives felt a disturbance in the force, and seers of the Jedi and Sith tried to divine the cause of the disturbance. there were many rumors pertaining the disturbance in the force, and whispers of an old legend could be heard in all corners of the galaxy.