
Chapter 26

A week had passed, and now it was time for Alexander to go to Coruscant. His absence won't affect anything since if anything happens while he is gone he will be notified immediately and be able to issue order's on what to do while he is gone.

The Force user's will continue their training using a Training droid who has been filled with the knowledge of the force and way of the Jedi and the Sith by Cortana.

Before he left, Alexander had stopped by the Cloning labs and seen the clones that were already looking 6-8 years old being trained in the courtyard of the facility.

Each clone was given a birth number, but that number wouldn't be their name, instead they were given actual names instead of something like C-7342.

Once the Clones had seen Alexander, they had all stopped what they were doing and ran up to him. The reason they did this was because Alexander frequently visit's the Cloning facilities to check up on the progress of the children and sometimes even talk with them or watch them train.

Children knew that Alexander was the Emperor, so the first time they saw him they were told to pay their respects, but Alexander dismissed that and told them that they can relax around him since they were still children.

Still, some of them still paid their respects and saluted him, showing their discipline from training.

As the children ran up they were all excited to see him again, "Your majesty are you here to watch us train again or are you going to train with us" Asked the kids

"Unfortunately not today since I will be leaving today, so I came to see your progress one more time before I leave" Said Alexander

One of the kids had pulled up his sleeve and showed his small muscle, "Look your majesty my muscle is getting bigger by the day"

Seeing this the other kids did the same trying to show off their strength that they had at such a young age.

Alexander couldn't help but laugh, since no matter the galaxy, boys will be boys.

After that, Alexander spent a few minutes training with the kids before he had them return to their drill instructor while he went to his ship.

Already waiting on the ship were Yrena and Yona and a group of HK-Assassin droids that will protect him while he is on Coruscant.

They were made out of the strongest Lightweight metal that Cortana could find and had an upgraded A.I. core that would make their movement's faster, and they were equipped with a cloaking device that will make them completely invisible to the naked eye.

They also had other things that would allow them not to get detected by any security cameras or thermal devices on Coruscant.

The ship that they would be using was a Drovan Freighter which has been improved with an advanced ship core, improved engines, improved shields, and improved weapon's.

(Drovan Freighter Image)

It also had a small hanger that was built onto the ship by Alexander, This small hanger contained 4 fighter's that would protect the ship if anything were to happen. In the cargo hold were crates full of droids that would deploy if anything bad were to happen.

One crate could hold 20 droids, and Alexander had a lot of them, just in case something happens. And if they are for some reason stopped by a contraband search Alexander can hide the crates in a sealed off part of the cargo hold leaving just the crates full of resources that he will use since an empty freighter would seem kind of suspicious.

Leaving that matter aside, Alexander walked to the bridge and sat down in his chair which was placed in the middle of the room, while Yrena and Yona sat down in the chairs next to him.

The droid pilot turned around and asked for permission to take off. Alexander nodded and within a few minuted they left the atmosphere of the planet and jumped into hyperspace.