
Chapter 5:

"The Constitutional Convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The point of the event was to decide how America was going to be governed. Although the Convention had been officially called to revise the existing Articles of Confederation, many delegates had much bigger plans."

The teacher was in front previewing and making sure that we knew about the lesson we were supposed to know. Right now I'm at school, learning of course.

My seat is located next to the window and at the second to the last row. I sighed and stared outside the window, this is my final subject before it's the moment to go home.

I could see students on the field playing football and some are playing volleyball on the side from this view.

It has been two days since I found out that Jake... Wade was my boyfriend. I had time to think about it and it felt unreal. I didn't know what to expect nor what to feel but I know the only way is to accept it.

I mean it's feasible and I already grasp that it's true. I consulted my mom about it and she nearly cried saying and praying, 'Finally, the time has come for me to tell her about those sweet yet cringy moments she has said and done.'

I listened to her for a whole night telling stories and telling me how she adores the both of us, how he took care of me every time I got sick, how he was so caring, how we cherished and loved each other, how good of a boyfriend he is.

And to tell the truth, I still don't know if I'm lucky or not, considering that I have my almost-perfect boyfriend or be sad because he is freaking dead and somehow became a star spirit who is here to help me grant my wish.

It has been two days and I didn't even see a glimpse of him. He said he would be back after two days, he said he'll come back, even sounding promising.

I didn't notice myself pouting and frowning. Why am I even acting like this, it's not like I'm his girlfriend or something... well technically yes, but he's dead, so does that count?

I am doubting my whole existence right now. I let out another sigh and lightly shuffled my hair. I think I'm going crazy.

"Are you okay?" A hand touched my wrist. I looked up to the one who reached me and saw Sanz, my classmate who sits in front of me.

"Ah," I exclaimed and realize that class was now over, the teacher left the classroom and my colleagues are now in their group of friends, some are doing their things, my distracted mind has now comprehended the noises.

I felt the heat on my wrist intimating that he is still in contact with my wrist. I look at him again and he tilted his head, his face making an expression that shows slight concern.

"..." We both went silent as we look each other in the eyes.

"Who is that?! Why is he touching you?"

"AH!" I flinched as I touched my chest where my heart is located, with my sudden flinch his hand has let go of my wrist.

I noticed Sanz who was surprised because of my sudden shout. I looked around and thank jeez no one else heard.

"What?!" Sanz said his brows almost meeting.

"O-oh ah, I just saw a lizard, I'm scared of lizards hehe," I answered scratching the back of my head.

"No you're not," the voice said once again. I looked at the seat next to me that was empty earlier but is now occupied by Ja-Wade. I noticed him glaring at Sanz.

"Oh I thought something ha-agh" I shifted my head to him wondering why he stopped.

"Are you okay?" It is now my time to ask since he froze.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, I just felt a cold wind blowing to my nape somehow. Maybe someone's talking about me or staring at me," he said observing around.

"Haha maybe yeah," I awkwardly laugh looking back and forth to Wade and him.

"Maybe they're captivated by my looks," he joked. I almost let out a loud laugh but manage to swallow it. Wade's face-Pfft HAHAHA. He looks so disgusted and displeased.

I let out a chuckle instead of a laugh and maybe he thought I was laughing because of his joke since he also smiled.

"Well, I can't deny that," I responded to Sanz, I mean he does have looks. I bet he'll be even more handsome without the glasses. I heard him chuckle and see him shaking his head.

"Get away from him, Navi," Wade said standing up and once again glaring at Sanz. Why is he glaring at him?

Maybe he has a grudge or unresolved argument with him? or is he just... Wait, is he actually jealous? I felt my face getting hot from my fantasized thoughts.

"I know I'm handsome but you don't have to blush like that, though I'm flattered you finally noticed my looks," he said grinning.

"What the f-"

"Ahhh I mean you are handsome," I complimented to prevent Wade from cussing. I saw Wade's facial expression turn cold as he sat down and went silent.

"Oh thank y-"

"SANZ!" His friend entered the classroom running and immediately dragged him out.

"Let's go we don't have time."

"Wait hold on I'm talking to my noo-"

"I know, I know I'm sorry but we really need you now. ASAP bro!" I heard his friend said before disappearing. I was just staring at the way they disappeared when I heard a cold voice.

"Having fun cheating in front of me?" He lowly mumbled but I heard.

"Excuse me what?" I smirked at him.

"I said having fun flirting in front of me?" He said frowning.

"Oh maybe~" I teased, I pointed my index finger to my jaw. I could see him frowning even more but I'm kind of jealous, he's handsome no matter how he stretches his facial expression.

I'm actually quite having fun teasing him!

"Why? You need me to help you find someone for you too?" I was surprised by my own words. Okay, I think that was too much. Maybe I'm having a little too much fun.

He looked at me first before avoiding my gaze.

"No need, I already found her."

My mouth gaped from the sudden confession, my heart once again beat fastly. My heart only reacted like this when he speaks like that.

"W-who?" I asked.

"I told you, I fell for you at first sight didn't I?" He said finally looking at me, though he still didn't look straight at my eyes. I stared at him with a little gap in my mouth.


"What? Stop staring," he said crossing his feet as he rested his chin on his hand, his face looking towards me as I look back at him.

"Hey, you know, you're cute right now. Confessing like that suddenly, I noticed how red your ears have become," I teased while leaning to touch his ear.

"Oh, it became even redder!"

"S-Stop it!" He said as he gently pushed me back to my sit. Now, not only his ears were red his whole face is a mess.

"What, you were flirting with that guy earlier and now he's gone you're replacing him with me?" He brought up, annoyance apparent in his voice.

"I'm not flirting, heck I don't even know how to and it's true he is handsome but... I don't like him in that kind of way. He's just a classmate," I explained. He raised a brow at me.

"You're also handsome, to be honest, you're too handsome to be real," I smiled at him, I caught him staring sincerely at me as if time slowed down for him.

"You know you told me, that when you two are alone he always looks at you with care as if his gaze is telling you that you're the one for him, as if he knows that you're the one he'll marry and have kids with, the one who he'll love and care forever," I looked at my mom with a mixed expression, the whole car ride is her talking about how sweet he is. It was as if he was her son instead of me.

"Ha," he suddenly let out a happy sigh and patted my head.

"I'll make you fall in love with me again, just you wait," He whispered to himself. What?

"Hmm? What did you say?" I asked.

"I said let's go, time for you to meet your best friend." He stood up and gave me his hand to support me from also standing up.

He held my hand, got my bag and we started to walk out of the room. I had to whisper when talking to him since people might think I'm crazy talking to the wind. I was about to ask him a question.

"Hey, Wa-"


Both of us looked back to Sanz who shouted.

"Sanz." He slowed down his pace and stopped in front of me. I quickly looked at my bag, I don't think he can see it, everyone didn't find anything weird or a bag floating.

"Err do you mind... having my number?" He shyly scratched his cheeks. He lends out his hand with a paper on it.

I was stunned and couldn't move since I felt something cold like someone's glare from behind me. I looked at the paper still in his hands.

"Here," he smiled and deliberately put the paper containing his number in my hands and closed it. His hands are warm.

"Then see ya," he said jogging as he waved looking behind to look at me. I waved back and he soon jogged his way. Some students started to whisper here and there. I placed the paper in the pocket of my bag.

"That punk can't he see I'm here? Oh, wait he can't- Fuck!"

"Pfft-" I hold my laugh and looked at the frowning Wade. I shook my head and held his hand.

"Let's go." I pulled him and we walked hand in hand, I was about to let go when he tightened his grip.

I just let him and it didn't take long when we arrived outside near the gate when he suddenly stopped walking and let go of my hand. I looked back at him and tilted my head.

"You should meet her yourself, she's been waiting for a long time." He gave me my bag and purposely pushed me outside the gate.

"Wai-Hey!" He made me look in front.

Wade kissed the back of Navier's head and pushed her gently out of the gate.

I was pushed out and once I stepped outside.

Once my left shoes touched the outside block, a white light appeared in front of me. No, rather my surroundings became white, and a back of a girl who's at least with a height of 164cm, in a uniform is the only thing visible in front of me.

I felt the time slowing down. She moved once I took another step to balance my step maybe realizing I'm there, she slowly looked at me and we locked eyes. The wind came with petals dancing with it making her hair flatter slowly.

Her gentle green eyes that sparkled at a certain light angle looked at me with longing, she tightened her gripped on her firm-sided backpack as if she's holding her emotions.

Her soft little freckles across her nose to his rosy-pink cheeks. She has blonde soft curly hair with a length that's only to her chest. Her height is quite adorable too.

Time stopped until she smiled. She smiled like there's no tomorrow, some liquid starting to form in her eyes.

The busy surrounding started to become visible once again, the noises pass to my ears, my sensation, and consciousness also coming back.

I was astonished and looked around wondering about what happened when I heard a sniff.

"A-Arien is sorry for suddenly crying like this, She just- Arien's feelings just-" She tried to speak holding back her voice. She was curling down wiping her tears away.

"Wha-Are you okay?" I ran towards her and helped her wipe her tears. I looked back hoping to see Wade but he was long gone. It was also late, so there were not that many students here anymore.

I guided her to a bench near a vending machine full of drinks. She noiselessly lamented there.

I inserted coins into the machine and brought a milk chocolate drink in a bottle called Ladichoco, and brought a Colli for myself.

I don't know why I brought her Ladichoco but I just had a feeling that this is what I should buy.

She somehow calmed down, I sat beside her and patted her head then gave her the Ladichoco, she stopped and looked at me then smiled, maybe reminiscing about something since she spaced out for a bit.

"Ah hehe," she chuckled.

"Err- umm do you not like Ladichoco, it's okay I can buy you something else," I said embarrassed. She's cute, it's my first time talking closely to a girl my age like this.

"No no no, Ladichoco is Arien's favorite... Thank you," she softly said genuinely smiling at me.

She's talking in third-person. ADORABLE!

"What the fuck, why am I in front of an angel?!" I instantly covered my mouth with both of my hands. I only wanted to say that in my mind why did I say that out loud?

She chuckled and said to me.

"Because Arien is your guardian angel now," she quietly said. I had to move closer to her in order to understand.

"Huh?" I asked since her voice is too soft and not loud. She's going to be my best friend right? I remember Wade saying 'your best friend'.

"Anyways, hello my name is Navier, you can call me Navi. Arien, right?" I gave her my hand and she looked at it stunned but shakes it as if she was idolizing my hand because her eyes were shining, she even shakes it excitedly.

"Ah, yes! Arien is looking forward to being your best friend. Arien promises to be the best out of the best," her smiling face came, there's peace in her smile, not a hint of tears were left. It didn't even look like she cried.

She proudly raised her right hand as a sign of promise.

"Well then Arien, are you a Star Spirit too?"

"Yes, Arien's a half start spirit half guardian angel," she shyly said. I guess she's the fragile cute girl type. Oh my gosh, how can she be so cute?

"Don't worry Arien, I'll protect you too," I smiled and pinched her cheeks. She was astonished by my words. I know I'm so cool, I nodded by myself.

"It's getting dark though, would you like to go to my home?"

She clung to my arms and nodded vigorously like a puppy finally seeing her master after a long day. We then started to walk with me asking her questions and her answering everything with a smile.

Unlike earlier, her eyes were now filled with satisfaction instead of longing. As if she was waiting for the moment we would meet.

"Navi, let's walk this way," she said pointing to the other way.

"Huh? But this way is much faster and this way is also the shortcut."

"Arien wants to spend time with Navi," she said and smiled at me.

"Alright then," I shrugged I had nothing to do anyway.

"Arien, what do you mean by half star spirit half guardian angel?"

"Arien and friends had a long journey and in that journey, Arien earned another wish. So she wished to guide her friends."

"Journey?" I asked and viewed her.

"Hmm," she nodded, she was hesitant to answer so I didn't ask for more.

I was going to ask why she was speaking in third person but I guess I couldn't bring myself to ask since it might be rude considering we only met today.

"Say Arien, how did you become a star spirit. Just like Wade did you... did you also die?" I hesitantly asked.

"Yup! Arien died but before I died I made a wish, that is why Arien's mission is to complete it," she said happily like a child. Why... Why would you be so happy about your death?

"No, not at all happy about death, Arien regrets," she said looking down.

"Arien regrets leaving you without saying goodbye, without finishing my promise. Arien couldn't achieve the promise. Before Arien died her mind and thoughts were thinking about Navi, about how you'll feel when she leaves."

She barely even whispered, I couldn't understand what she was mumbling.

"I'm sorry, that was very inconsiderate of me, of course, who wants death?" I said embarrassed. I bit my lip when a thought went into my mind.

"Wait... Did you just read my mind?" I asked her completely shocked.

She looked up and I could see in her eyes, she's troubled but chooses to distract herself by answering my question.

"Yes, that is Arien's skill. As a guardian angel and as Navi's best friend, Arien knows everything about you, she can feel what you feel, she can think what you think, but if you don't want to Arien can't. She's only a guardian so Arien can't really interfere with Navi but she will be with Navi's side."

"Skill? Does Wade also have skills?"

"Yes, Wade has magic. He didn't specifically say what it is but Navi can ask him. Arien's sure he'll answer after all he's your boy- your friend! That is right! He is Navi's friend!" She said panicking.

I watched her nervously playing with her fingers. I chuckled and laid my hands on hers.

"Arien... We're best friends right?"

"Of course! of course!"

"Then Arien, you should know that best friends know each other's secret," I smiled wickedly. I could see her eyes panicking.

"That- Secret... Ummm Arien secretly uses her brother's credit card," she said shutting her mouth. Oh how cute!

"I don't need to know that. it's just that is there something I need to know about Wade?" I acted, pointing my index finger to my jaw.

"Wade is very very handsome and caring, he is perfect!" She immediately said.

"That's no secret everyone who can see him will definitely say that, I'm sure if someone will see you too, they'll die out of your cuteness."

"Ehhh..." She deliberately looked to the ground pouting. I laughed at her and comforted her.

I went silent for a minute before talking.

"Don't worry Arien, I know he's my... he was my boyfriend," I bitterly smiled. She stopped walking.


She was there standing with a shocked face.

"Do you... Do you remember?" She asked her hands on her chest, she was expecting.

I'm sure if I say yes, she'll be crying out of joy but I can't lie.

She was desperately praying in her mind. Her eyes blinking every second. Her hands clasped.

"No... I asked grandma about it. I'm sorry."

She unnoticeably sighed. She must have been thinking about Wade... About how happy Wade will be once I remember.

"I'm sorry, I really can't remember," she must have been expecting so much. I can already tell that she is a great friend, she cares so much for Wade.

Wade must have been sad, I'm here but he couldn't do what he does back then because I can't... I can't remember, he's preventing himself from doing things because he doesn't want me to rush things.

He's controlling himself. I'm not that dumb.

I could feel it, when I'm sleeping sometimes I could feel his warmth like he wanted to hug me in my sleep but couldn't. Every night after I fall asleep he would kiss my forehead. Just like how mom said he does before.

I don't even think I deserve him but there's a part of me who wants him, who wants to be selfish when it comes to him. I didn't change, I only had an accident. I know...

"I still... I still love him don't I?"

"Ah, Navi!" She ran to me and hugged me because I was frowning so much.

"Don't force yourself to remember it's okay. You mustn't hurt yourself," she expressed worriedly.

She hugged me despite our height difference, I bit my lower lip and hugged her back.

"Navi..." She mumbled anxiously.

"It's okay, you don't need to remember me. It's only the beginning we can do this together."

She once again mumbled something. I calmed myself, I even have to slap both of my cheeks with both of my hands to get a hold of myself, Arien was so shocked when I did that I could even laugh.

What the heck! I've been very sensitive lately. Maybe because everything that is happening is like a dream?

"Thank you Arien," I sincerely said to her and hugged her again.

"Yes Navi, Please feel free to lean on Arien, she can be your strength, she can be your number one fan, she's honest and loyal to you. She can make you smile," she smiled proudly. Her smile is so contagious.

"Arien will always be with Navi, even if Navi needs something or not, even if Navi want someone to only listen or someone to understand, even if she is in pain, even if she is weak, even if Navi's going through something, Arien will go through it all with Navi, happy, sad, angry, everything and most of all Arien will respect your privacy," she said with full of determination.

"I will be with you too," I said as I patted her head.

"Let's go it's already dark, why are we even having drama in this kind of place," I quickly dragged her home. Mom won't be home for a week since she has to go overseas for her work. I can have fun with Wade and Arien!

"We're here!" I smiled at her as she observes the living room.

"WOAH! This is Navi's home?"

"That's right, we moved here a year ago," I said and laid our bags on the couch.

"Arien, you can touch stuff right?"

"Yup, all Star Spirits can if you're associated with that person and only if she's the only one present. If there are other people in that space the item they're holding will also become invisible," she explained.

"Then make yourself at home, oh if you want to rest you can rest at my bed." I lead her to my bedroom. We went upstairs talking like no drama happened at all.

"This is my room."

I opened the door in a pleasant fancy and my eyes met with another.

"And that is someone who I don't know," I dumbfoundedly said. Wait what?!




JK, To be honest, Ladichoco is something that I just made up and Colli is an alternative for Colla. Thank you <3)