
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Seni bela diri
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Star Spangled Legacy

It had been 5 years since the Washington Park Super Bunker had been sealed. The Overlord was MIA, and the radiation levels were still extremely high in the Illinois Valley. However, something was brewing, something far bigger than every seen before. In the small city of Ottawa, deep beneath the earth's surface, Juno and her science team had been outfitting HA-40 suits with CBRN equipment. The Ottawan Coalition wasn't going to wait any longer. They had lost too many friends to the Black Veins of the US Government and demanded reparations in the blood of tyrants. Liberty Bell Mk II and Constitution had received several upgrades as well. Both Ottawan Automatons were geared up for a final battle. As the final preparations had completed, the WPSB raised back to the surface. Like spirits of the Native Americans who'd called Ottawa home years and years ago, they rose from their grave to battle once last time. 

The Cryptid was first to emerge. His non-human body could withstand the radiation, metabolize it even. Behind him, was a legion of pissed of people who'd suffered at the hands of this underhanded government tyranny. As they marched into the ashy wasteland, the large mechanical footsteps of the two automatons rang out across the barren land. In the skies, World War two aircraft formed a blanket. 

Without warning, the Cryptid tore across the ashy ground racing to find his friend. Pat... Overlord... I'm coming.

With a simple wave from Tempest, the Ottawan Legion marched across the nuclear ash, ready to end the fight. The Cryptid tore across the ground running on the five year old trail his friend had left behind. Black Veins dotted the land, but not stood up to fury of the Cryptid. His eyes that had held the hope of Ottawa had gone void. All that remained was an unimaginable rage and unbreakable will. The Star Spangled Heroes were hot on his heels all eager to find their friend and end this fight once and for all. 

Overhead, the vast number of bombers, escorts and planes of all kinds were on their way to D.C. It was a surprise attack on the Presidential Bunker. Far ahead of the ground troops, bombs pummeled the already damaged bunker. The Black Veins were caught with their pants around their ankles and nowhere left to run. F4U Corsairs fired rockets into the bunker, cracking it open like a tin can. Fire rained down upon them, radiation leaked in. Those who weren't black veins perished almost instantly. This continued for hours as refueling planes made sure the attacking force could remain airborne until the ground troops arrived. 

In the Presidential Bunker, as the earth shook, a single man emerged, known to his colleagues as The Symbol of Tyranny. The Cryptid had defeated the Doppelganger, who died in the Nuclear Armageddon. 

However, I shall not be so easily defeated. Listen well black veins. The Ottawans are coming, so get ready for a battle. Should they make it to me, I will obliterate them from the very soil they walk upon. Fail as often as you'd like. I am here for you now.