
Star of Vengence

He lost everything he held dear. He,s fiance betrayed him and sold him out to his enemy. His little sister was captured and used as a blood bag for a young noble lady. His home was destroyed. His best friend was killed when he tried to help. He himself was captured,beaten and sent into exile. With everything lost Tommy Zelinsky wants to drink the blood of the nobles who were the cause of his misery but first he has to escape from his exile. Lucky for him his enemies underestimated his abilities which was much more than just being a small fry mercenary. The nobles angered a dragon while thinking he was just a small lizard and now it's time to pay the price.

darklord86 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs

Chapter 42 Can't stop him

On board of Black Dragon Daniel O'Neill was sitting in his office thinking about what he just learned.

Ha already knew that it was a serious situation the moment he was informed that an envoy wanted to see him and that he was sent by the elder.

Theo didn't send an envoy just for fun and if he wanted to hire them then he sent a message through the guild.

He agreed to meet the envoy face to face but when he heard what the man had to say he didn't believe his ears.

Daniel was glad that his wife didn't hear what he just heard or there would be a bloodbath.

He sent the envoy away telling him that he will contact the elder himself when he made a decision.

Finally he made a decision and pressed a button on his communicator .

-Prep my shuttle. I'm going out,and inform the elder that I'm coming to meet him.

He had to talk to the elder face to face.

He met his wife outside his office and she wanted to know what was going on.

Jenny wasn't a person with a lot of patience.

-Honey, I'm going to talk with Theo to confirm some information I just received.I'll tell you everything once I'm back.

She agreed but wasn't happy about it.

Daniel prayed to all the gods that this is some kind of misunderstanding because if what he heard was real then the empire would burn.

He could have just called the elder but he didn't want to risk some of his own people to hear their conversation.

Theodor was waiting in his office for Daniel to arrive and he knew that the mercenary was coming for confirmation of the things that the envoy informed him of.

The door opened without knocking,and an angry mercenary came in.

-Theo tell me that it's a misunderstanding.

Daniel started talking before the doors even closed.

-Unfortunately it is not a misunderstanding,what the envoy told you is all true.

Theo said with a regretful tone.

Daniel went pale when he heard the confirmation of his worst nightmare.

-I want to know everything and right now because if this is the truth then all hell will break loose.

The Elder pointed at the chair.

-You better sit down because it's a long story.

The mercenary sat down and listened to everything.

When Theodor finished the mercenary was at a loss.

He didn't know what to feel or do, this really had to be the biggest joke in the galaxy.

-Let me get this straight.

You're saying that the Hendersons killed Sam,captured Hellen to save their daughter and when she survived the procedure they sold her for spare parts.

What's more they sent Tommy into exile where they tried to drug him with Diazium and left him there to rot.

Did I miss something?

Daniel's voice was cold and calm which meant that he was extremely angry right now.

-You didn't.

Elder answered.

-Then you can contact the hendersons and tell them to pick their coffins.

-Is there really nothing you can do to stop him?

-Stop him? The only way to do that is to kill him and right now I have a bigger problem.

When I tell my team about it they will want to rip the Hendersons apart themselves.

You were right when you said that he didn't inform us about his trouble otherwise this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Theodor knew what his guest meant.

The team would protect their friend.

-Can you stop your team from interfering in this mess.

-Seriously i don't know,Tommy is still a member of our team and Hellen was almost worshiped by all the men in the team and the women treated her like a little sister or a daughter not to mention that she would become a member of the team as soon as she was 16 and registered as a mercenary.

She really had a talent for analyzing data and everyone agreed to make her a member of the team.

So stopping them will be a challenge ,and I don't even want to know what Jenny will do when she hears about this.

Jenny couldn't have children and she treated Hellen as her own daughter.

-I just need to know that your people won't interfere.

Theo said when Daniel was thinking what to do? 

-I can't promise you anything and the main reason is that some of my people may even quit the team just to go after the Hendersons.

My own wife will want to slaughter them all.

The elder understood all of that and he knew that the situation was bad.

-The only way to stop everyone from wanting to murder those idiots.

Is to get Tommy to forgive them and I really don't see that happening any time soon.

Especially after what they did to his sister,if they at least kept her alive then there would be a chance but now that she is dead it's almost impossible.

And before you even ask, we won't even try to mediate this situation.

Tommy is not someone who forgives easily and I don't want to piss him off.

-Then do you know if there is any way at all to make him stop?

-Was Hellen sold to many buyers or to only one?

Daniel had an idea.The chances were slim but if he was right then maybe they stood a chance.

-Let me ask because I don't know .

Elder immediately contacted Arnold.

-Where are you right now?

He asked the moment the call connected.

-I'm in my house Why?

-Get to my office as soon as possible.

-I'll be there in about an hour.

-The faster the better.

-I'm already on my way.

The connection ended.

-Care to inform me about your idea.

-There is a slight chance that if she was bought by one buyer then she might still be alive,and if she is then there is a chance to stop tommy not to mention my crew.