
Star Of Rex: A hero nobody likes

Arthur was a normal kid who dreamed of being a powerful hero, he would always go to the library to read about heros in fantasy novels, how the hero is always more powerful than everyone and he defeats the Bad guy gets the girl then he and his friends live happily ever after. Arthur gets his chance to be a hero when he opens a mysterious book that teleports him to another world, now he has the power and chance to become a hero but there is one problem, everybody hates him

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Chapter 24: One man army

Early in the morning, a few guards who where walking to they're morning posts stopped in they're tracks, Infront of them was Arthur but what stopped them were the items in his possessions,behind him was a peace of armor, in his right had was a sword and in the other was a book. these weren't just any items, they where priced possessions of the school.

The sword was a weapon made by one of the past heros, the sword had immense power, made from the remains of powerful monsters, it had elemental attributes and was extremely powerful but due to its weight it couldn't be used by everyone, It was made by a past heros as a gift to his friend, but the chance to use it never came as peace lasted till the next demon lord appeared and when that happened the star of rex would also appear and the hero would vanquish the demon lord so the sword was rarely seen in action but tails of the swords power had spread through out the land.

The armor was made by the dwarves for the heroes, it was an incredibly powerful armor, able to absorb any attack giving the used a power up but it's most notable skill was by far the skill of indestructibility, for an hour the user would be indestructible, impervious to any attack at all, it also had other abilities since it was made with remains from rare and special monsters.

Hey Isn't that the elemental sword?

And the armor of valor, how did he get it.

It was said to be a myth, a relic lost over time, what is it doing here.

Never mind that, why does a student have it.

Arthur was standing there looking at the two guards shocked in place for a while before speaking.

I challenge the entire school to a duel, if you refuse to acknowledge this then I will destroy these items. It didn't take long for the incident to spread round the school grounds and the head master was informed immediately, when he arrived he saw Arthur surrounded by guards and instructors alike and just as he was told, the treasures where in Arthur's possession.

What is the meaning of this Arthur the headmaster said, how did he even get them, they where tightly secured and only I can enter those vaults not to mention no one knows where they here kept he thought.

Sir, one of the instructors approached the head master, he's demanding a duel.

With who.

The entire school sir.

Is he mad he said in anger then turned to Arthur again, Arthur I command you to stop this madness at once, do you know what you are doing, do so much as scratch any of those prescious treasures and you'll be on the kingdoms most wanted list.

Arthur looked at him for a few minutes, the place was packed, the students where watching from a distance, everything was basically put on hold and every instructor, guard and even the head master was here, thinking of all of this a smile creeped on his face, he took the sword and threw it to the head master then the armor. As for the book, he held it in his hands and the next minute it was engulfed in flames, this duel is a death match, it's either you kill me or you die Arthur said, his killing intent was so intense that everyone present felt it.

The head master, seeing the book burning was in shock for a few seconds before screaming the top of his lungs.

Arrrrhhhhhhh!!!!!!! kill hiiiiiiim!!!!!!!!

The guards where a bit hesitant, he was a student and a kid after all, he's not that strong so must we really kill him they thought but none of them knew how strong Arthur was. Hearing the headmasters roar put a murderous smile on Arthur's face, the next second, he had taken two swords from two guards and with a spine he beheaded all the guards surrounding him, it was so fast they couldn't react at all.

This left everyone in awe and shock, these weren't just normal guards, some of them where graduates of the royal academy so they weren't small fries but for arthur they where just fly's. The instructors quickly swung into action, we didn't teach them how to use dual blades, at least not yet so there's no way he knows how to use dual swords.

They closed the distance but instantly sensed the danger, Arthur blade clashed with they'res, a shock wave was released but what followed up was a kick to the instructor sending him flying, he can block a full powered swing from an instructor with one hand?

The clash of swords began, Arthur would clash with swords then kick then back, even with two or three instructors he was still able to dodge and defend himself pretty well. Meanwhile the head master went to the burnt book, trying to quench the fire and see if the book was still manageable.

It's all in shambles, everything is burnt to a crisp, ahhh!!!! I'll murder that outsider!!!!!!

The instructors where slowly surrounding Arthur and when he was completely surrounded by over 50 instructors they launched they're combines assault on him, they were a few feat away, all of them brandishing they're swords against Arthur but even in this situation he kept on smiling, such fools you are he thought to himself, why spend five years when I can learn everything from you lots all in one fight.

Arthur's body began to glow as a red aura covered his body.


a huge dust cloud erupted as the others far off fought to keep they're footing, fighting against the shockwave. When the dust settled. they where all shocked, left speechless at the sight before them.

Is that

no it can't be

it's an aura sword

but look at him, he has manna skin, where did he learn it.

mana zone! Arthur said and instantly an entire area was covered and an intense magical aura filled the place, Arthur was about to do a phantom blade and the instructors could sense it. A wave of shockwaves went across the school, the instructors had activated they're aura sword as well and with each strike shock waves where made, it was a never ending barrage of shock wave, but what shocked the onlookers and even the head master was the fact that the fight was still going on, this could only mean one thing.

That child is holding his own against all of them? those are instructors, all of which are far above normal swordsmen, to think he can manifest mana zone and an aura sword is shocking already but for him to actually hold his own while doing all that with two swords? that's just unbelievable the head master thought to himself, but when he looked at the burnt book rage filled his heart again and he began wearing the armor.

Back to the battlefield the instructors had made they're own mana zone to disrupt Arthur's but still it didn't do much as he was still fast enough to dodge they're attacks and even kick some of them away.

This kid is no joke one of the said, we have to take his seriously.

The moment they released they're killing intent Arthur disappeared from they're sites, huh? just then an instructor was stabbed through the stomach and another was slashed across the chest, no way is he flash stepping? but he looks like a blur.

I thought you guys said you where starting to take this seriously.

They both turned to see Arthur next to them, his swords stabbed through they're stomachs, if you intend to kill me then I'll do the same, just as he was about to move on to another a wave of fire came at him, he stopped just inches away before he was caught in the attack.

That's as far as you go said another instructor, I've heard of this Arthur said, magical swordsmen, you use magic in combat he said with the smile on his face growing even larger, show it to me. As you wish brat, just then a wave of multiple fire balls where launched at him, with his aura sword he sliced through the attacks, an instructor appeared Infront of him with a flaming sword but he flash stepped dodging the attacked and kicking the instructor away sending him flying.

Another slashed at him and an invisible force of wind came towards him but he stepped aside just in time with some strands of hair getting sliced in two, another came in and unleashed a full on slash at him sending multiple magical slashes at him but he blocked them all. Just then another instructor appeared by his side and struck him, he blocked the hit but It sent him flying. He dug his feet into the ground but coming straight at him were there instructors all in a straight line.

The first came with a flaming sword and struck Arthur, he blocked it but immediately he stepped aside letting the instructor behind him attack with a wind blade, Arthur deflected this one but just like before the instructor flash stepped, allowing the others to attack. This was they're combo move, the sword train, each instructor would attack once then flash step away while the others would continue to attack, eventually the opponent would be worn-out and be taken down but if he survived they had already gotten into formation for a combined magical slash attack with the enemy at the center.

Wind blade.

Flaming sword.

Water blade.

Magical slashes.

Thunder slash.

Arthur kept blocking then all and was being pushed back, there was no break between attacks as immediately one struck another would follow up, it was a never ending barrage of attacks. that was untile they suddenly stopped, Arthur looked around and saw they where in some sort of formation, all swords began to glow and the next second a barrage of attacks where shot at Arthur.
