
Star Of Rex: A hero nobody likes

Arthur was a normal kid who dreamed of being a powerful hero, he would always go to the library to read about heros in fantasy novels, how the hero is always more powerful than everyone and he defeats the Bad guy gets the girl then he and his friends live happily ever after. Arthur gets his chance to be a hero when he opens a mysterious book that teleports him to another world, now he has the power and chance to become a hero but there is one problem, everybody hates him

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Chapter 11: A battle for the strongest

It was night time, guards where patrolling the area, it wasn't for any dangerous reason like guarding in case of an attack but for something else, perverts, even in a prestigious school like this there where commoners and nobles who liked to sneak into the girls dorm and steal they're panties, on this knight such a thing had occured but just when the bandits where about to escape they where caught by the guards. This however gave Arthur a good distraction to sneak past the guards and enter the girls dorms.

room 69, room 69

while looking for the room he could hear a lot of chattering coming from the rooms, it was certainly more lively than the boys dorm mostly because boys would compete for who was stronger or the nobles would treat those in lower classes like trash so there wasn't much noise but it was different with girls, they easily got along, sure they're where still some bullying going on but at least the commoners stuck together. Finally finding room 69 he knocked on the door and a girl opened the door but froze when she saw who it was

umm is violet here

the girl was still frozen and after a few seconds she slammed the door.

who was that

it's Arthur, the hero

what?! the girls yelled

what's he doing here

there was panic in the room and Arthur could hear every bit if it

man I hope they don't tell any instructor about this Arthur worried at the commotion happening inside

a few minutes later the door opened again and this time it was violet

what are you doing here she asked in a cold tone

he took a low bow and presented the letter to her

I came to deliver this

who's it from she asked

the sender asked to keep his identity a secret

she took the letter and slammed the door in his face

bitch he said as he went back.

The next day Arthur was in his training lesson, he was fighting the instructor but unlike before he was more cautious, each time he attacked he anticipated a counter and dodged the instructors attacks, he was also getting better at dodging and blocking his attacks, this didn't go on noticed by the instructor so he upped the antics putting in more effort and finally started knocking Arthur around, once again he was sent to the healing bay but unlike before he came back again.

That night arthur was dragged by drax to an arena, it was a place in the school grounds where duels could be held.

are you sure you gave her the message


and your sure she'll be here


if she doesn't come your dead


drax was still a bit weirded out by Arthur's sudden change of attitude but he didn't mind, he was happy now that Arthur knew his place.

They waited for thirty minutes but still no sign of violet

that's it drax said heading straight for Arthur's and grabbed him by the collar lifting him up in the air

I've lost all my patients, your going to pay for making a fool out of me

just when he was about punching Arthur they both heard footsteps, violet had finally arrived.

finally drax said dropping arthur

so your the one who challenged me?



isn't it obvious, I want a fight to see who the strongest is, I'm not waiting till we get to our third year, I want to decide that right now and since your here I'm not wasting a second.

Drax lunched at her and struck a fast vertical slash but she dodged it and drew her sword

just so you know I'm doing this in self defence she said she readied herself, drax attacked and she blocked it this time but he pushed back with his strength. While they were fighting Arthur left the stage and went to the stands to watch, they were two of the best so he knew he had a lot to learn from them, they're swords clashed multiple times. Drax was obviously stronger but violet was far quicker and lighter on her feet, using her speed she dodged drax's attack and using the flat side of her blad she smacked him at the back of the head, this angered drax as he unleashed a fury of attacks on violet who doged them all the aiming for his lower half she swiped her blade but stopped just close enough to cut only his clothe

damn it, your good drax said looking at his thorn school robe

you really on brute force, you lack finesse and sword technique, you need to train my on skills than just attacking

let's try it out then as drax tried a new move, dashing forward he began spinning and delivered a vertical slash upward but violet had stepped to the side and delivered a round house kick to is face sending him flying, he stood up again ready to fight. They clashes again but when drax pushed forward violet tilted her blade shifting drax's momentum to move to the side before slashing at his neck and stopping a few inches away from his skin.

You still have a lot to learn she said

it seemed the duel had come to an end, drax was out classed and out skilled by her, unknown to them Arthur had payed complete attention to every movment they made, he could tell they were quite skilled and wondered just how long they had practiced the sword. On they're way back Drax had pulled Arthur to the side

if you tell anyone about this I'll skin you alive

I swear on it won't escape my lips he said

no I need you to swear on your honor, for whatever that's worth

I swear on my honor Arthur said ad drax let him go. The reason drax had challenged violet in secret was because duels weren't allowed among first years but his personal reason so incase he lost it wouldn't be publicly known. Violet was the top of the class so he viewed her as his rival and the strongest so obviously he wanted to test his strength and Skil but now he knew he had a long way to go.

The next day the instructor noticed there was a change it Arthur's fighting style, whenever they locked swords Arthur would tilth his sword directing the instructors momentum them go for a slash at his back but he could still block it, he wondered were Arthur learned these new skills, after the lessons everyone usually went to rest and wash up but Arthur went back to lifting weights and after that practiced everything he had learned up until that point, he only stopped when he had no more strength to go on

No matter what, I'll become the strongest in this school, stronger than all the students and stronger than all the teachers.