
Star God Gu zhanghe

Gu_zhanghe · Komik
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3 Chs

System activation and login

In the long Hao sect


My name is gu zhanghe, the only heir of the immortal Gu Family, or is this what was supposed to happen

I moved 15 ten years ago to the body of the heir of the immortal Gu Family, and 3 years ago I discovered that I was talentless and I couldn't even activate the first ring in order to be a first-class ring master

Well let me explain to you the classification of power in this world

The master of the Rings of the first class

Master of rings of the second degree

Master of the Rings of the third degree

Master of rings of the fourth degree

Master of rings of the fifth degree

Master of rings of the sixth degree

Master of rings of the seventh degree

Master of rings of the eighth degree

Master of rings of the ninth degree

Each of these degrees consists of nine levels

Each time you hack, for example, the hack from a first-class ring master to a second-class ring master increases the number of your rings, and each ring has a monster in it, monster ratings

An ordinary monster

A rare beast

A sacred beast

Legendary monster

An immortal monster

God's monster

An old-fashioned monster

There would be someone who would do an old-grade monster once every million years, and the last three times the hosts of the old-Grade monsters were from the immortal Gu Family

The clan expected Gu Changhua to be the new person until it turned out that the new holder is an orphan from the Gu Family and Gu Changhui is just talentless ( it is not guaranteed that the old beast holder will be from the Gu Family, but the Gu Family carried the old beast three times, so it is guaranteed that Gu will be the fourth until it turns out that he is an orphan from the New pregnant Gu Hua family )

We adopted the head of the clan, who is the father of Gu, who carried the ancient beast and gave him all the resources to become stronger until he is now a fourth-degree ringmaster and has activated 4 monsters

An old-fashioned monster

An immortal monster

God's monster

Legendary monster

While he announced that he was expelled from the family and is no longer his son, and here we reach this moment

Gu joined the long Hao sect after being pitied by an old man in the clan, Gu expected the old man to help him, but once he joined the sect, the old man also neglected him as he didn't know him

A little while ago he went to the old man and asked him to make him his disciple and the old man's answer was

"You're just talentless, you don't go far once I got you into the cult, and now you don't اري you have to come to me again, let's go, you fucking child."

And it didn't stop here, seconds later ( seconds after the old man insulted him) the cult leader suddenly appeared and said

"The six Gu Family garbage since the death of the garbage joined our sect, go serve your belongings and as of today you are expelled from the long Hao sect."

Gu packed his bags and left the sect, and now he was thinking about where to go until he heard a voice in his mind

[Congratulations to the host for activating the system, do you want to log in?] ]

"Finally, after 15 damn years, my system will be destroyed in the future, I will destroy the long Hao sect and bathe in the blood of the Gu clan, and now, system, log in."

[Logged in, congratulations to the host for getting the first episode

An immortal-class monster was obtained

Kiwi ]

"The system, is this the Cuban I know?"؟؟ "

[He's an amateur, but the way he uses his power has changed for the way this world is.]

"Explain the method "

[ You won't be able to use Naruto's transformations and that stuff, but you will be able to use the power of the Nine Tails smoothly as long as you agree ]

"The power of Kurama is supposed to be stronger because the spiritual energy is stronger than Chakra."

[ He is strongly sinusoidal ]

"If I were in Naruto, I would die of joy, but in this world, any first-class ringmaster who has a god-like monster will be able to crush me. I don't think any first-class ringmaster with an immortal monster can defeat me with a force comparable to a pocket, well, a good start."

After 7 days

In the village of the Blue Star

Our hero came to this city because he heard that he started the event that takes place every 100 years in this village

Every 100 years in this village 4 herbs of blue starweed grow

This herb helps the master of the Rings of the first degree penetrate to the third degree directly

And penetration to the third degree means the activation of two additional monsters and also increases a person's talent in absorbing spiritual energy

[Does the host want to log in daily and weekly?] ]

"Weekly?"؟؟ "

[ You have a daily login that you get every day, a weekly login that you get once a week, a monthly login that you get once a month, and an annual login that you get once a year ]

"Well, register."

[Daily login is completed, congratulations to the host for getting the Buddha Palm, congratulations to the host for getting the void chains ]