
Cured by fire

Inside the bar where Scott and the others is still in there. A commotion broke out followed by scream of a man.

"You killed him! Bastard!" It's Hun who are in rage after seeing his only friend has been dead.

Hun tried to attack Scott but Billy grabbed his shirt's back then pulling it.

"You are not attacking anyone! He has dead. Taking revenge will not awaken him from death," Billy said while doing that.

"Get off me!" Hun shouted as he diverting his attack to Billy.

Billy evaded Hun's attack then fell back.

Scott went forward to punch the man.

"You always defended him although his habbits were very bad! Look at me! If you don't surrender, then you must go alone to leave us. If you still fighting us back, I will treat you as an infected," he said.

"Scott, please don't hurt him. He was just losing his friend. I can't blame anyone caused this incident that caused Tobias dead," Talisa said as she blocking Scott.

"Talisa?" Billy only said that.

"I know what Tobias did is very unforgiven. He has dead cause of Scott's sudden strike after trying to rape Keira. I had kept an eye at Tobias all this time. About his habits until his intention to rape Keira. All about these I know truly," Talisa explained. "But now, he has dead. His missdeeds must be erased from our memory from now until forever. May God forgive him. Sorry, if I was like a monk or Ustadz. I had ever learned about religions from an outlying village in Roderia."

"It made sense. Alright I will forget about your deed to my friend. But, don't hope I will come with you!" Hun said then leaving the place. "Tobias wasn't a good guy but he had ever saved me from death. I owe him and always be until his death. Taking revenge for him maybe will be my consideration. Watch yourself!"

Hun turned his body then pointing to Scott. After saying that, Hun does go. He went to back room where Tobias's body is.

Meanwhile Scott and the others were just staring at Hun's go.

"Where is Keira?" Scott asked after realizing that Keira wasn't there.

"I don't know. Maybe she went to some places?" Talisa answered.

Suddenly heard a sound of click from back room. Sound of door's lock which was being locked up.

"What heck is that?" Billy said curiously.

"God damn it! The front door has been locked from outside. Who did this?" Talisa swore after checking front door.

"Hun!" Scott shouted as he running to the back room.

Suddenly he stopped his movement when seeing Tobias's dead body awakening while growling.

"Holy crap! Tobias has transformed into zombie!" Scott shouted as he falling back.

"What? That's impossible. He died not caused by zombie's attack." Billy looked at the Tobias's zombie which approaches to him and his friends position.

"Oh, fuck! The door can't be opened! Hun had locked it up! I will kill him soon!" Scott swore while loading his revolver.

Then Scott shoots the zombie when it is in five meters distance. One bullet succeeded to make a hole on the zombie's face. But it wasn't enough to kill it.

Meanwhile Billy is preparing a barbed wire bat, waiting for the zombie comes. And Talisa is trying to breach the door using a corkscrew.

"Keira! Help me! Please kick this door from outside. We are being attacked by Tobias's zombie!" she shouted.

Scott shoots the zombie for forth times. But every his gun's bullets can't kill the zombie. It made Scott panic. So he falls back until reaching Talisa's position.

Meanwhile Billy is still on his position. He is preparing to hit the zombie.

When the zombie reached his position, Billy attacks the zombie but something horrible happens. The zombie succeeds to grip Billy's hand then biting it.

"Aaaaaahhhh! Fuck!" Billy screamed on pain.

Billy hits the zombie's head until crushed. But the zombie is still alive. Even the grip of that zombie is getting tighter makes Billy can't escape.

Billy felt that his arm's bone is cracked caused by the zombie's grip.

"Aahhhhh! Help me!"

Scott tried to help Billy by smashing the zombie's hand until cut off.

Billy succeeded to escape from the zombie's grip but he wounded badly. Beside that, the zombie's bite made him infected. So, Scott must take a decision quick.

"No! Don't do that. There must be a way to cure Billy, Scott!" Talisa said as she trying to prevent Scott from execute Billy.

Meanwhile Tobias's zombie has been dead on crushed condition.

"There is no cure for this disease, Talisa. Billy now is in pain. Don't let him transformed into zombie," Scott said while putting his gun against Billy's head.

"No! I will not let you kill my friend. Or kill me first then you can kill Billy!" Talisa shouted while standing up between Billy and Scott.

Scott shooked his head. He shot at Billy's head quick. But Talisa is more quick hiting Scott's hand which holding gun.

The bullet from Scott's gun hit a wine bottle until be destroyed. A spark of fire seen then burning the alcohol liquid. The alcohol liquid also splashed to Billy's hand which has been bitten by Tobias's zombie.

The flame hit Billy's hand which hit by the alcohol splash. Consequently his hand burnt.

"Aahhhhh! Fuck! Water, water!" Billy screamed while on fire.

Scott just stunned on his position while Talisa were looking for water.

"Hold on there, Billy. I am getting some water for you," Talisa said loudly while grabbing a fan then taking water from a wastafel. "Shit! We are lack of water!"

Talisa just got water on little amount. So, the water can't completely extingusihing flame at Billy's hand.

The flame was still burning Billy's infected hand. While screaming, Billy ran to the bathroom although it has no enough water. But Billy succeeded to extinguish the fire by a wet towel that he found there.

Talisa and Scott are running to follow Billy then seeing what happened.

Billy squated front of bathtub. He moaned in pain and heat.

"Fuck! I felt a strange thing rivering inside my left hand. But now it is no more after the fire burned the my infected hand. But, I can't feel my left hand now. I can't move it! Aahhh!" Billy said then moaning.

Scott got approaching closer to Billy. He put his gun against Billy's head again. But Talisa brushed it off until thrown.

"Get rid your gun, Scott! Billy is fine. Look at his left arm. It has been completely wounded badly," she said as she blocking Scott to reach Billy.

"You did that." Scott leaves the bathroom leaving Talisa and Billy.

"So, what are you feeling, now?" Talisa asked to Billy while squating front of him.

"I am limp. I want to eat." Billy only said that.

Meanwhile at Narahita's army's camp. Kein was reunited with Wen inside a locked up prison.

"Kein, why are you here? Makin stupid thing again? I have never expected to be saved from this military camp. The enemy military camp. I am curious what will you do to bring us out from here," Wen talked while staring at Kein behind iron bars.

Kein looked around then looking at Wen.

"I have no plan. This place is guarded by many soldiers. There are no options to us to escape. Except there is a miracle such like Gloria resistance," Kein said.

"Gloria will not fight soon back because the President Sarnah Owen has disappeared in several months lately. So, there is no one can make decision to repel Narahita's attack," Wen said.

"That's embarassed. Why wasn't there the official like ministers to take duty as tasks executor?" Kein asked.

"Don't ask to me. I have no idea about that. By the way, we are lucky because we have been taken by the moderate Narahita's troops. They still have humanity side. They always gave some good food and drink. Often they invite me to the party. I have heard from a soldier that other their military division in Tabruk Hill is a cruel division. They really like to torture prisoners even execute them by shooting at their face," Wen said longly.

"I don't care about good or bad they are. They are still the invaders. We must still fight them until them get out from Gloria," Kein said then jolted when a huge sound of explosion heard.

The huge explosion also made ground and building like be shaked.

"Artilery!" Shouts heard from a direction.

Another huge explosion is heard again followed by the same explosion. Ground was trembling made Wen and Kein almost falling down.

"Gloria has launched attack to us!" Someone is heard shouting.

Wen and Kein looked each other.

"Finally," they muttered.