
Stand Supreme

Teal Silva a self proclaimed normal fellow...Cap...dies but is given a secomd chance by a Supreme being....who is horny.....but he has a family and he not a harem protag...suck...lets watch our Chad like main character take over ZA WURDO.............Big Jojo Fan btw. I own nothing other than my OC/Main Chaaracter Araki pull Jojo land out his booty lol

Daoof30Forced · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Ch 4. ……Dio??

/Veldanava's POV/

I watched on in mild surprise, most creatures' evolution takes longer the stronger they are, you can even feel their concentrated auras' and some can become even stronger if they get an artificial push or outside interference. An example would be using Magicules(Stardust Energy but he is too young to realize right now) or Turn Null(An immensely destructive energy produced from a chaotic, nuclear dimension. The Ultimate and Supreme energy produces the pure and super-dense primordial energy needed to create the world. It could destroy a Multiverse pretty easily but in my Fan Fic it's going to be at the end of space and time.) energies, both of which I found I could manipulate at home(VOID) but only I can use Turn Null, I began infusing or mixing both energies slowly into what seemed to be an egg, I used that same technique and began to push more and more of both energies into my soon to be Little Brother.

While I'm doing all of this I was questioning the IQ in my brain…

'I'm helping increase and strengthen this creature whom I just met, even though I think it's weird, I couldn't help this poor fellow, after all our circumstances were not much different. I was in the dark void and he was on this dark planet...…..we both consider it our home…..and were both alone...'

As I continue pumping magicules, Turn Null and after seeing the aura spike I bathe the purple and white egg in my True Dragon aura.

Using my powers which I have learned aren't Omnipotent...m not mad….Hmph….I was able to have a glimpse of the future when the egg would hatch though I couldn't see what my new brother would look like or anything after in the coming future. I sat there helping my little brother evolve for a bit then decided to carry him back home. I still supplemented him with both energies, I looked back and couldn't help but shout in absolutely ecstatically

"I have fucking family!!"I shouted as loud as I could…most definitely destroyed a Universe or more.*Teehehe*. As I reached home which was a Golden City floating in what seems to be a bubble of sorts and a bunch of winged Golden-winged beings…one of my failed experiments.*Cough*.

They all bowed..well tried to but their bodies did not allow them to. They were the first artificial experiments that I did so failures were bound to happen, I also let them generate indefinitely, after all, I realized my power isn't the strongest in existence, my brother made me realize that he is already helping me before he is even born…..technically.

I continued to walk towards the Castle in the middle of the city, the egg began to shake and the space around it began to crack as if….it's trying to go to another dimension of sorts. I instantly fixed space around the egg as it floated into my arms, tho I had to hold it above my head to see where I was heading due to the sheer size. A little while later I reached the castle, opening the huge golden door and into the golden room. Bringing the egg towards the golden bedrooms well….I rest the egg on the bed and played next to it falling asleep whispering in a sing song voice.

"Brother is going to be so happy~"

(Seems somebody gonna get an earful when the egg breaks.)

¬End of Veldanava's POV¬

~Beginning of Teal's POV~

After that oversized lizard spoke those bone-chilling words I blacked out. I woke up again but this time in a golden expanse, I turned around getting ready to end that Horny Goddess's whole career only to freeze in my spot. Again what is going on…I can never get a break.

I die from a teleporting truck, killing me than meeting a fucking irritating and horny Goddess, Reincarnated in a Dark as fuck world but I asked for that one, met a Tsundere Overpowered as fuck dragon who most likely just made me his subordinate and now….."Dio."

Dio:Ho…so you remember Pucci..and it seems you have succeeded…in attaining Heaven.

I stood there on guard, how the fuck he knows about my stand..the ritual Pucci did in Part 6 is all I can think of…....also even If I have <Made in Heaven>, in Dio's hand, is none other than a stand arrow on top of that the ritual caused <Made in Heaven> and <The World> to be similar if not the same godamn stand.

I stood there devising a plan for every situation I can, as he rants about achieving over heaven. The main reason I'm not attacking him is that there is a chance, there is and will always be a chance that he has fate on his side and gets fucking gravity manipulation or Time Acceleration on top of that he can already stop time. His stand is already connected to Time so I would have to kill him extremely quickly before he can react not giving him or his stand to gain the ability to Accelerate Time….but he is also a vampire, unlike Jotaro is reaction time is going to be faster.

If he can stop time then accelerate time on himself like his <Dio Over Heaven> counterpart....the fact we are in a golden room of sorts already tells me this is an AU scene and world which means this is going to be substantially harder, no… practically impossible to beat Dio. I squeezed my hand only now realizing it feels soft, unlike how it felt when I turned into a stand. I looked at it then realized….It was dark brown.."I am Pucci, no I have my original body?!"I spoke my first words in this whole confrontation. Now it makes sense why he was speaking to me like I was supposed to be well acquainted with him, I squinted my eyes at him. He looked at me again and spoke.

DIO:What's wrong Pucci??….*Step step step*.

As he began to walk towards me I took a step back, why you may ask. Well not only do I not want to get into his stands range, but it was also hinted that Dio and Pucci had an intensely intimate relationship in Part 6 of the manga….I'm a married man I would rather die than fuck Dio. He looked at me confused and began to walk faster and I walked faster until it turned into a full-blown sprint.

Dio:Pucci…why are you avoiding me!

He said in a borderline angry tone, but I made a plan…a dangerous as hell one but it should work. I stopped running, turned around and walked calmly towards Dio. He stopped walking and looked at me with a smirk. As I keep walking towards him....in my mind I was getting ready to enact my plan, it should allow me to kill him instantly and if not, the second ability of the stand should suffice since I never was able to try out my abilities…..this could be my end,*Sigh*.

Dio:Why aren't you responding to Pucci?!

This time he shouted and I could see his stand silhouette behind him. As we reached closer to each other Dio stretched his hand which I held

Teal:<Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap>

I spoke in a whisper..as I faked kissing his hand before he could react….we disappeared leaving an empty golden room which began to dim at an alarming rate....…..

My rant:(It doesn't have a single being that can survive him naming them they would explode not just because of the Potency of his Magicules but also because he doesn't want a sibling who is artificially made, the experiments is more or less him looking for someone who could be on his level of strength not just to become his family but also for a good fight after all he has power but nowhere to use it. The only reason he created Angels is that he wanted to create subordinates to do mundane jobs or to see how strong an artificially made being would become.

The reason he keeps pumping mana into the mc and he isn't exploding is because he has infinite potential which means every time his Magicule Reserves reaches its limit it becomes bigger breaking its limit, the mc was able to take Turn Null energy because of the potency of Veldanava's magicules which strengthened his body to unbelievable levels, and since Veldanava had Magicule Breeder Reactor which gives him infinite magicules and he is connected to the end's of Space of Time so he has infinite Turn Null ever as well that's why in the stats the mc has infinite or nigh-infinite energy.)