
Stand Among Them (Xianxia)

Imagine being a regular college student one day and waking up in a world of ancient martial arts and magic. That's exactly what happens to our protagonist, armed with the legendary Uchiha bloodline from the Naruto series. As they journey through this unfamiliar realm, he discover incredible powers within himself. It's a journey of mastering these powers, facing enemies, and aiming to become the strongest in a world that's completely different from their own. Get ready for an adventure where the Uchiha legacy takes on a whole new meaning!" "Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction story, and English is my second language, so please expect some grammatical errors."

XiaoXiuu · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Chapter 14

From one of the rooms of a house, you can hear the low voice of a boy who seems to be talking to himself.

"Sage Mode?"

"I can possibly use it, but I'm not in a hurry to learn it. Right now, I'm still practicing cultivation, and I'm not familiar with this world because it's very different from the Earth I grew up on. And lastly, it's really different when you actually experience cultivating compared to just reading about it in novels."

He says this in a whisper before suddenly stopping as someone speaks in front of his door.

"Madara, go to sleep; you'll still be training tomorrow."

"I'm going to sleep now, sis. I'm just thinking about something." he replies to his sister as he adjusts his body to sleep.

The next morning, Madara woke up early for their training. After breakfast, the three of them went to the training area and continued the training they had done the day before. They did not realize that their training was over.

"Nice, both of you are slowly getting used to cultivation. This is a significant achievement for those who are just beginning to cultivate," Xiao Yun replied to the two youths.

"Thank you, sister. It is because of you that we have reached this point," Madara replied to his sister.

"Sister Yun, but why do we have to go to Jin Yang Town to check our spirit root and....?" Li Lu paused in speaking because she forgot the other two.

"Bone marrow and bloodline, Li Lu," Madara added to Li Lu's question.

When she heard this, she immediately responded to the two youngsters.

"Because of this," her right hand slowly emitted qi, and in an instant, the qi transformed into a circular stream of air.

When the two youngsters saw this, they were amazed by what they witnessed.

"We need to go because our spirit roots often manifest as an affinity with specific elements, energies, or attributes. For example, cultivators may have a 'wind spirit root,' indicating a natural affinity for wind-based cultivation techniques."

"And our spirit root refers to a cultivator's innate talent or potential for spiritual cultivation. It's often depicted as a foundational aspect of a cultivator's abilities, determining their aptitude for mastering techniques, spells, and advancing in their cultivation journey."

"A strong spirit root typically indicates a greater potential for growth and mastery in the mystical arts, while a weaker spirit root might mean slower progress or limitations in abilities."

"How do you consider that your spirit root is weak?" Madara asks his sister. "Having a weak spirit root usually means having limited innate talent or potential for spiritual cultivation. Signs of a weak spirit root might include slower progress in learning techniques, spells, or advancing in cultivation levels compared to others with stronger spirit roots." "Cultivators with weak spirit roots might struggle to keep up with their peers or face greater challenges in achieving breakthroughs and mastering advanced techniques." "However, it's important to remember that even with a weak spirit root, dedication, perseverance, and clever strategies can still lead to significant progress and accomplishments on the cultivation path." "Sister Yun, aside from wind nature affinity, are there any others?" Li Lu asked her.

"Yes, of course. As far as I know, here are the different nature affinities:

Fire: Characters with a fire affinity typically wield powerful flames, mastering fire-based techniques and spells.

Water: Water-affiliated characters have control over water-based techniques, such as manipulating tides, creating ice, or summoning storms.

Earth: Earth-affiliated characters command the forces of the earth, including manipulating rocks, soil, and minerals.

Lightning: Characters with a lightning affinity wield lightning-based attacks, showcasing speed, precision, and raw power.

Wood: Wood-affiliated characters have a connection to plant life, enabling them to manipulate vines, roots, and foliage.

Metal: Metal-affiliated characters control metallic elements, allowing them to forge weapons, create defensive barriers, or manipulate metal objects with precision.

Ice: Ice-affiliated characters specialize in freezing techniques, creating icy landscapes, or trapping opponents in glaciers. 

Light: Light-affiliated characters wield radiant energy, capable of emitting blinding beams, purifying darkness, or enhancing perception.

Darkness: Darkness-affiliated characters manipulate shadows, darkness, and negative energy, using them to conceal, trap, or drain opponents.

"Sister yun, Is it possible to have two or more nature affinity?"

"It's possible to possess multiple nature affinities, granting them a wide range of elemental powers. Whether through innate talent, special training, or spiritual enlightenment, these characters can control and manipulate various elements simultaneously, making them exceptionally rare and powerful figures."

"Some may be born with a natural affinity for multiple elements, while others may acquire additional affinities through rigorous cultivation or by wielding powerful artifacts. However, mastering multiple affinities often comes with its own challenges, such as increased cultivation difficulty and internal conflicts between conflicting elements."

"Multiple affinity?" 

"Yes, having three or more nature affinity is quite rare."

"And also our bone marrow often refers to the essence or foundation of a cultivator's physical body, which is crucial for cultivating and strengthening their martial prowess. It represents the core strength and vitality within a cultivator, influencing their resilience, physical abilities, and potential for growth."

"Cultivators may focus on refining and tempering their bone marrow through various techniques to enhance their combat capabilities and withstand formidable challenges in their cultivation journey."

"So why do we need to scan our bone marrow? if we have it."

"Because bone marrow can be categorized into different tiers or grades based on its quality, potency, and rarity."

"What is the effect if you have good bone marrow?"

"In cultivation, the bone marrow is crucial for vitality, strength, and spiritual growth. High-quality bone marrow boosts stamina, speeds up progress in cultivation, and enhances physical strength and mental awareness."

"It also improves resilience to injuries and grants unique abilities, while providing resistance to dark forces. Ultimately, it's a cornerstone for cultivators, empowering them on their journey towards enlightenment and mastery."

"Is it okay if you have a common bone marrow?" Li Lu asked her big sister.

"Having a common bone marrow doesn't necessarily mean that a cultivator is destined for mediocrity. While rare and legendary bone marrow may offer certain advantages, possessing common bone marrow still allows cultivators to embark on their cultivation journey and achieve significant progress."

"Cultivators with common bone marrow have great potential for growth through hard work and perseverance. They adapt well to challenges, building resilience and character."

"Despite initial disadvantages, they contribute unique talents and insights to the cultivation world, forging their own paths to success through dedication and determination."

"Remember that success in cultivation is not solely determined by the rarity of one's spirit root and bone marrow, but rather by the cultivator's dedication, perseverance, and inner strength. Cultivators can rise to prominence, achieve enlightenment, and leave a lasting legacy through their contributions and accomplishments in the cultivation realm."

"Lastly, bloodline refers to inherited traits that grant characters unique powers and abilities, passed down through generations within a family or clan."

"Having a powerful bloodline can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it can provide characters with innate abilities and strengths that give them an advantage in the cultivation world, making it easier for them to progress and achieve their goals."

"On the other hand, possessing a rare or powerful bloodline can attract envy, jealousy, and even danger from others who seek to exploit or eliminate them for their abilities."

She says this while looking at her little brother.

"If you have no more questions, prepare yourselves. We're leaving now because it will take us a day to reach Jin Yang Town."

Upon hearing this, the two children were surprised. As they exited the forest, Xiao Yun instructed her little brother to accompany Li Lu to bid farewell to her mother. When they arrived at Li Lu's house, Li Lu said goodbye to her mother and took her necessary things, and while she was busy, her mother, Li Mei begged Madara to protect her daughter in case anything happened. He responded to Li Mei's request, and while that was happening, Li Lu overheard the conversation between the two, so her cheeks turned red. 

After a minute,"You should leave now; you might not reach your destination in time."

"Take care of you too, Mama," Li Lu replied to her mother while holding her hands.

After bidding farewell, the two children left the house. As they moved further away, tears welled up in Li Mei's eyes as she watched her daughter depart. "Take care on your journey."

After a few minutes, when the two returned, they suddenly stopped in their tracks because someone was approaching them. It was a horse-drawn wagon, weathered by time and use, boasting sturdy wooden panels adorned with intricate carvings. Its wheels creaked rhythmically as it rolled along the dusty road.

Madara was stunned, as the horse was twice the size of the horse from Earth. His attention was diverted because someone spoke in front of the wagon.

"Get on board," Xiao Yun invited the two children.

The two children quickly boarded the wagon. Once they were on board, Xiao Yun urged the horse to start moving, heading out of Jiandan Village. As they moved farther away, Madara gazed at the village, as it was his first time leaving and going to another place.