
Stacking The Deck (Yugioh GX Insert)

Waking up in an unfamiliar body within the Slifer Red dorm, what's a teen to do? Especially when there was no deck in sight and no currency to spend on new cards. Thankfully, an avid fan such as himself knew all about the discarded cards in a well deep within the forest of Duel Academy Island. With those spirits by his side, he'd fight his way to victory and survive! Self-Insert! https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

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90 Chs

Chilling In The Schoolyard 3

Minutes later, while Jaden and Alexis were out on the open water in a pair of boats, facing off all dramatic like, Yarden stood across from Mindy and Jasmine, having preferred to just stay on solid ground for his duel.

...He'd rather not risk dropping his cards into the ocean and ruin them.

"So how are we doing this?" Yarden asked, smirking at the girls, practically oozing confidence. Truth be told, he was just giddy at being alone with two absolutely gorgeous, absolutely stacked girls.

Syrus had dutifully followed Jaden out onto the boats. And truth be told, he was totally okay with that. He'd never been that into Syrus truth be told.

"We'll keep it simple," Jasmine held out her hand, activating her duel disk, "All three of us have Four Thousand life points each, though this will be a two on one, so after I take my first turn, you're free to attack on your turn, that fine with you?"

"Yeah, simple," Yarden snorted, "I suppose the fact that Mindy having a turn after me and you going right after her, meaning you get two turns back to back as a team is fair?"

"Oh you know my name?" Mindy cut in, smiling widely.

"Of course I do," Yarden shrugged, "You, Alexis and Jasmine here are by far the three most beautiful girls in our year, possibly the entire school, it's hard not to know who are you."

"Aw shucks, you flatterer!" Mindy laughed before wagging her finger, "Don't think complimenting us will make us go easy on you though cutie."

"We're way out of your league kid," Jasmine rolled her eyes, "Now let's get this over with, I want to watch Alexis wipe the floor with your pal Jaden. But to make it fair, let's say you can attack on your first turn then, okay?" with that said, she drew six cards.

Jasmine LP: 4000

Mindy LP: 4000

Yarden LP: 4000

"Quite the high sense of opinion of yourself huh?" Yarden shook his head, but followed suit and drew five cards, Mindy copying him, "But sure, let's hurry this along, I've got things to do tonight." Not to mention, he was incredibly excited to see how much DP he earned for taking on two Obelisk students at once, in a two on one.

"We'll see how cocky you are after we're through with you Odhar," Jasmine huffed, "And I'll start that off by summoning my Cyber Harpie Lady in attack mode!"

There was a shimmer of light in front of her, and a moment later a tall bodacious blue skinned woman in metal bikini armour appeared before her. Feathers hanging from her arms and legs curling down into bird feet and talons.

Cyber Harpie Lady - Level4/Wind/Winged Beast/Effect - 1800/1300

Not a bad monster at all. Actually, an eighteen hundred attack point beat stick at this point in time was pretty rare, especially one that had a decent effect and not a detrimental one.

"But I'm not done yet, I equip my Cyber Harpie Ladie with Cyber Armour, increasing her attack points by five hundred!" the redhead continued, "And finish off my turn by placing one card face down!" A card facing face down shimmered into existence at the same time the armour her harpy lady was wearing gleamed brightly as the equip card took effect.

Cyber Harpie Lady - Level4/Wind/Winged Beast/Effect - 2300/1300

Yarden whistled as he drew his sixth card, his turn beginning, "Not bad, getting a monster with twenty three hundred attack out on the first turn and shoring up with something to defend it." he praised the girl.

..It wasn't really. It was something any child where he was from could do with ease. But here and now? It was actually something quite well done he supposed. Still, it put Jasmine quite a bit above the average duelist on this island just to play a combo like that.

"Yet you don't actually seem all that impressed," Jasmine noted knowingly. and he had to give it to her, the girl was sharp, "Let's see if Alexis is actually on to something and you really do have talent."

"Sure, but don't blink or you might miss it gorgeous," he winked at her and took some pride in the way this time, her cheeks actually flushed a tiny bit from the bold flirting, "I'll start off nice and simple with Pot of Greed and draw two cards."

With that said, he drew two cards and looked them over, smirking happily at his draws. He was so, so glad his deck was full of spirits. It was honestly kind of cheating, but honestly, if fucking Yugi could do it without guilt, so could he.

"I'll take care of your equip card and face down with Giant Trunade next," Yarden followed up, placing a card down. A massive green vortex howled through the area, and the face down and gleam of her monsters armour disappeared, returned to her hand. "But I'm not anywhere close to done yet, because now I play Foolish Burial, to send the Carbonedon in my deck to the graveyard."

"That card again?" Jasmine blinked, "Planning on summoning that monster from the graveyard? I'm not sure what it is, but it sounds like a dinosaur monster, so I'n guessing it has pretty good attack points."

"Close actually, I'm going to use its effect to banish it from my graveyard to special summon any level seven dragon monster from anywhere in my deck," Yarden grinned cheekily, "Say hello to my Seiyaryu!"

Seiyaryu - Level7/Light/Dragon - 2500/2300

In a burst of light, a large and beautiful, shining pink metallic dragon appeared before Yarden on the field. And it was a beauty. Yarden had to take a moment just to admire such a lovely actually reminded him a bit of the pokemon Skarmory.

"Twenty five hundred attack points!" Mindy gasped.

"Jeez, maybe you really are that good." Jasmine grimaced.

Yarden wagged his finger at the two, "Hold your horses girl, this is no time to be impressed, cuz I ain't done yet." he teased.

"You're kidding!" Jasmine gaped.

"Nope!" he chuckled, "Following up Seiyaru, I'm using the spell card Cost Down. Now by discarding one card to the graveyard from my hand, all monsters in my hand have their levels lowered by two. And I'm discarding my Hyozanryu, allowing me to summon my Curse of Dragon!"

The familiar golden, serpentine dragon used by Taiyou earlier today appeared in front of Yarden, and he relished the moment.

Curse of Dragon - Level 5(3)/Dark/Dragon - 2000/1500

"Hey hey, where'd you get that!" Mindy gasped, "Isn't that Taiyou's card? No way you just found that card! It's one of the main cards used by Yugi Moto! They're worth tons of money."

"Finders keepers, and Taiyou had a hissy fit and threw it away after I creamed him," Yarden shrugged, "Still, now I'll play my Monster Reborn to summon my Hyozanryu from the graveyard in attack position."

In another burst of light, his newest spirit appeared before him, tall and graceful with a gleaming, bipedal diamond body that glittered beautifully in the moonlight.

Hyozanryu - Level7/Light/Dragon - 2100/2800

"Hmph, quite the line up you've gotten for one turn." the dragon commented, nodding his head in respect.

"Oh Jeez, are you finally done?" Jasmine groaned, palming her pretty face, "Because seriously Odhar, you're kind of ridiculous."

"Just one last thing," he laughed and placed down one final card, "I'm playing the spell card Revived Serpent Night Dragon. You'll love this. It lets me sacrifice any monster on the field, to summon a Serpent Night Dragon from my hand, deck or graveyard. And I choose to sacrifice your Cyber Harpie Lady."

"Say what!?" Jasmine gasped. The girl was looking at him wide eyed, shocked to the core.

He couldn't blame her. Because this card was seriously overpowered. If his opponent had nothing to stop it with, he could basically destroy any monster on the field to summon the ace of his deck. One of the most bullshit cards he'd ever come across.

God the anime world was absurd.

Cyber Harpie Lady gave a shriek of dismay, before shattering out of existence. The shards of light left behind by her immediately swarmed over onto Yarden's field and from them, Serpent Night Dragon emerged.

Serpent Night Dragon - Level7/Dark/Dragon - 2350/2400

"You've gotta be kidding me," Jasmine muttered, "Four monsters, all of them level five or over, with two thousand or more attacks points, all in the one turn? While leaving me with nothing on my field at the same time?"

"Aw, I'm not even gonna get a turn am I?" Mindy pouted before shaking her head and smiling wryly, "Well at least Alexis will be happy that she was proven right."

"Seiyaryu and Hyozanryu attack Jasmine directly, and Serpent Night Dragon and Curse of Dragon you both attack Mindy directly too." Yarden commanded. A slew of breath attacks in a multitude of elements left the four dragons, and moments later, both girls were reduced to zero life points at the same time.

Jasmine LP: 0

Mindy LP: 0

Yarden LP: 4000

Moments later, Yarden heard a ringing sound from his PDA and pulled it out while the two girls were in shock over their dual instant loss. He flicked it open and checked his profile, only to nearly drop it in shock when he saw the number of DP he had staring back at him.

Name – Yarden Odhar

Year – First Year

Dorm – Slifer Red

Day – 02

DP – 12,680

'Holy fucking shit!' he screamed internally. He had two hundred and thirty DP left over after buying cards earlier. That meant he'd gained twelve thousand, four hundred and fifty from beating these today. What the actual fuck! That was over a grand worth!

He made over a grand just for beating a pair of girls in a duel? What the actual fuck!? Jesus Christ!

"What just happened?" Jasmine asked, dumbfounded, looking at the boy who crushed them both effortlessly. Mindy patted her on the back sympathetically.

After seeing the three boys off, Alexis turned to her two friends. She raised an eyebrow as she took in the despondent Jasmine sitting on her knees staring at the ground wide eyed in shock and Mindy continuously patting her on the back.

"What happened?" she asked. Yarden had just walked passed her when they returned to shore and jumped into the boat with Jaden and Syrus to take off back to the Slifer dorms. The only thing he'd done was smirk and wink at her as he went passed. Oh and checked her out as he went. He was subtle about it, but she was very used to being ogled, and it was easy for her to spot the way his eyes zeroed in on her chest. It could be irritating at times, but she didn't blame him. With how annoyingly big her breasts were, the tight uniform shirts she had to wear did nothing to hide them.

Well she could confirm he was interested in girls at least she supposed.

"...He destroyed us." Jasmine muttered.

"Mhhmm," Mindy agreed smiling at Alexis, "We didn't even stand a chance. Heck, I didn't even get a turn. Looks like you were right Lexi', Odhar is definitely a top tier duelist. He'll hit Ra by the end of the week when the first promotion exams take place, and in a few months probably be promoted right up to Obelisk."

Well now, wasn't that interesting? It had been a close match with Jaden, but she'd lost. Now she just needed to see how Yarden stacked up. Considering how Jaden had beaten her and would have beaten Chazz. It was no doubt, that one of those two was the top duellist of the first years.

The only other possible contestant for that title was Bastion Misawa.

"Did you record it like I asked?" the blonde asked her black haired friend.

Mindy held up her duel disk and beamed at her, showing off a blinking cam corder hanging from the edge, "Yep, ad I think you'll get a kick out of it," Mindy replied, "He was really something else right there."

'This academy really is much more interesting with them around.' Alexis mused internally. For now, she'd have to wake up Jasmine though and get back to their dorm. She'd look into challenging Yarden Odhar another day.

Note in this chapter. Carboneddon had its effect changed slightly to allow the monster summoned to be summoned in any position.

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