
St. Vladimir's

22 Years ago my world changed, back then I didn't know it because I hadn't been born yet. I'm Lilith and together with my two best friends - James and Lexi - we'll one day lead the revolution that is looming just over the horizon, but that day is not today and those revolutionary heroes are not us... Yet! First we'll have to make stupid teenage decisions and escape a deadly creature of the night - who may or may not want me to take the place of the woman he once loved. In short, we'll have to grow up and quick. My name is Lilith Belikov, daughter of legendary damphir guardians Dimitri Belikov and Rose Hathaway - the first of my kind (or so I was raised to believe)

Michelle_Steyn · Masa Muda
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21 Chs

Chapter 5

It was almost like an unspoken rule that we were to be quiet and the silence was most definitely deafening. None of us minded much, most likely because we were all thinking about the events that transpired and how it could have been really bad had Micah not been there. James and Lexi were wearing the exact same haunted expression I must have no doubt be wearing as well, but it wasn't until we had had breakfast and were on our way back to the academy that Micah spoke for the first time in hours. "Not a word of this to anyone, I'll deal with it." I sucked in a breath to speak, but a glare from Micah had me reevaluate the whole situation. I had actually only wanted to ask how exactly he was planning on dealing with it, but I did value my life and I really wasn't in any mood to hear another speech from him. I had no doubt that Micah was only this mad, because of me and had it been anyone else he would have just reported it to the headmaster. We were headed towards the front gates of the academy when I started to panic, "We can't go in through the front Micah we didn't leave through there." My voice was shaky and he turned his head towards me, a frown marring his beautiful features. "What do you mean, you didn't go through the front?" Micah questioned, and for a second I wasn't quite sure I should tell him. I glanced back at James and Lexi, she was nodding her head ever so slightly and James looked like he didn't really have a choice in the matter but sighed in defeat. Micah looked rather impatient and just for a second I was contemplating not telling at all, but it was becoming increasingly hard to be silent. James squeezed my shoulder from behind and apparently that was the only extra encouragement I needed. "We escaped through the caves." I didn't need to be told how extremely dangerous that had been and I hoped that by just looking at my dace, Micah would know that we knew it was a bad idea – but my life was never that simple. "Jesus Christ, what were you thinking Lilith?" I cringed at his use of my full name, I don't think he'd ever done that in private. I was going to answer, but again his eyes told me to rather shut up. "I don't want to hear it." Were the last words he uttered before pulling up to the front gate of the academy. My heart was beating rapidly we stopped at the gate and I saw who was manning it when Micah rolled down his window – my grandmother. "Guardian Tanner." She nodded swiftly and he smiled. "Guardian Hathaway." He greeted back, but then she frowned when she spotted me in the passenger seat and Micah rolled down all the windows before he explained. "I'm sorry, you weren't back so I cleared it with headmaster Zeklos. I took them out for an early breakfast on account of the infamous birthday weekend." I was really impressed at Micah's quick thinking, though I was almost sure he'd been working on that line since we left Atlantic City. "Ah, the birthday weekend. Speaking of, I'll be by your dorms later. I brought gifts from court." She smiled brightly and then met my eyes. "Your father is really upset he can't be here this here." She directed at me and I gave her a weak smile before she stepped back and allowed us to drive through the gates.

James stayed with us in our dorm with the excuse that we wanted to spend some time together and celebrate. No one batted an eye at that so long as we promised he'd be gone by curfew, which we did – though I wasn't sure if that was going to happen. The three of us were still pretty shook about what had happened and I wasn't sure if any of us would be able to actually sleep if we weren't together. Like promised, grandma had come by to give us our gifts and again apologized profusely on my father's behalf. "It's okay grandma." I had said. "I understand there sometimes there are things that have to take priority, besides he has been there for all 15 previous ones." I added animatedly. She regarded me for a second after that and nodded in agreement. She proceeded to then tell all of us how proud she was and I cringed inwardly. Later James and Lexi had told me how bad they felt when grandma had said that and how bad they felt that Micah would take the hit for helping us if the truth was ever to surface. I pondered upon that for a little longer than I probably should have, before I excused myself. I had to go talk to Micah – even if only to clear the air between us, God knows it needed to be done – there was too much going on between us to ignore anymore.

It was about an hour to curfew when I found myself in front of his door, I hesitated momentarily and pictured a life without the complications that this would bring – but that life would be a life without Micah and I wasn't so sure if that was something I could handle. I had grown so used to him and the epic feelings brewing in my head and chest, whenever he's around. The soft caresses and subtle glances that make my stomach do backflips. Even though – standing there – I was again reminded of what my parents had to endure, I couldn't bring myself to end it. How could it be so wrong when it felt right, when I felt like myself when I was around him? I wasn't going to act like I suddenly knew what love was or that this was going to last forever, but I knew I owed it to myself and to Micah to at least try. I had raised my hand to knock when I almost jumped through the roof. "What are you doing here Lily? It's almost curfew." I spun around and almost smacked into her. She had so many questions in her eyes and I stuttered. "I, uhm… I was just… I, uh, I was going…" I trailed off. None of the excuses I was making up in my head seemed good enough to be here at a time like this. "You should go back to your dorm, I'm sure it can wait until morning." She ushered me out of the building and halfway across campus when she suddenly stopped and turned to me. "Look, Lily, I can't begin to understand how the teenage mind works these days. It's been way too long since I was one, but I'm sure I don't need to remind you about how bad it was – or could have gotten – for your parents." I stared at her jaw practically on the floor and I wondered how long she knew, or suspected. I sucked in a breath to ask, but she held up one finger. "I suspected, but your face just told me everything. I won't tell your father – or your mother, but I'd like you to sleep on it. If you feel the same way in the morning, I won't stop you. Guardian Tanner is an amazing fighter and he's got a great career ahead of him, so please Lily just be discreet." My grandmother pulled me into a fierce hug and I smiled at her acceptance "Oh and I believe a happy birthday is in order." She whispered into my hair before she let me go. She stepped back and once again shifted from grandmother to her role as a guardian. "I believe you can make it the rest of the way by yourself?" It sounded like a question, but I knew it was more of a statement and when I nodded she turned around and made her way back to the guardians' quarters. As I walked back to the dorms I couldn't help but feel like the whole exchange with my grandmother seemed strange. Like maybe I had read way too much into the age difference and that it wouldn't be such a big deal as I'm trying to make it in my head. My father wouldn't like it, but then again he wouldn't like any guy I was dating, because I was his baby girl. Approval from my grandmother wasn't something I actively wanted, because she was a hard woman and she had better things to do than stroke egos – but now that I had it, I would do just about anything to keep it. Then the truth finally dawned on me, my grandmother was only making it seem like she was okay with it to see if I would do the right thing and that complicates things. She knows so she'd be extra vigilant whenever she's around us and her all-knowing gaze on me constantly won't make it easy. As I was walking up the stairs to mine and Lexi's room I thought of the perfect plan, let's just hope Micah agrees with my theory.