
Chapter 321 Sweet

Yang Yi felt his heart quiver several times, and for no other reason than the fact that the voice of "White Roar" was just too sweet.

White Roar seemed to be in her early twenties and was quite good-looking, but Yang Yi couldn't focus on her appearance; his attention was completely captured by her voice.

Some people are born with beauty; others are born with beautiful voices. White Roar's voice was sweet and coquettish, but not cloying, and naturally alluring, without making one's skin crawl, only making one go soft all over.

Yang Yi said with a smile to White Roar, "Hello, I'm very glad to meet you."

White Roar glanced at Mike, who had just nodded in greeting, and then curiously said, "You are... spies? Are you Huaxia?

Yang Yi smiled and replied, "Of Chinese heritage."

White Roar became excited and exclaimed loudly, "Me too!"