
Chapter 7

Jiang Chen was not expecting any customers these days. He know no one will believe if someone is providing familiars at that low price. He was in no rush either. But he did sell over 20 pokemon recently all of them are sold to parents of the kids from twins class. Most of them sold are of medium grade. But they are no mean weak. He know if proper care is taken, and trainer is good, all pokemon are capable of reaching transcendent state. Suddenly he heard bells chime and was surprised to see two people entering the store. He know one of them . She is the teacher of the twins and other woman he don't know her, but she is definitely not that simple.

Jiang Chen "Hi Teacher Su, I didn't expect a visit from you."

Su Lin "Hi, Mr Jiang, I reached level 5 recently so I was thinking of contracting a familiar for myself."

Jiang Chen "Hmm, interesting. You do know right, my familiars are not the same as the ones available in market, still you wanted to take risk."

Su Lin "I don't think Mr Jiang is a fraud I wanted to try."

Jiang Chen "Then I will thank you for your patronage then. Please come inside then."

Then Jiang Chen took them inside and showed the various enclosures.

Jiang Chen "All the pokemon you are seeing here are more suitable for the kids. These are the pokemons I am providing them for free. Which are more suitable for beginner trainers."

Jiang Chen "If you have any special requirements you can let me know."

Su Lin "You mean? What kind of requirments are you talking about.."

Jiang Chen "I mean you would have formed a team already right. Genrally we do for pokemon this way."

Jiang Chen "Some of them are more suitable for physical attack, some for defence, some are for special attacks, I mean long range attacks, some for controlling the field, some for support."

Jiang Chen "We generally plan this on various factors and our combat style. Few times by attributes also. So I was checking for what role you are looking for a pokemon now."

Su Lin understood ,even though she came to accompany Shangguan Ling'er it is finally her familiar, so she was very attentive.

Su Lin "Oh, I didn't think that deep. But, I think I have a rough understanding."

Su Lin "My previous 4 beasts are of fire and steel type, there are long range and close combat. I think they are good."

Shangguan Ling'er who was silent for a while spoke "You should consider, support type, they maybe more useful for you as a teacher." she gave her opinion.

Su Lin thought for a moment and agreed.

Jiang Chen "Ok, can you tell me are there any expectations for its grade .Do you want high grade pokemon or medium grade?"

Su Lin "Can you tell me, what would be price respectiverly."

Jiang Chen "High grade pokmon may cost from 100,000 - 1,000,000 credits, medium grade start from 10,000-100,000. Since you have specific requirment, lower range may be little higher as the choices will reduce."

Both, Shangguan Ling'er and Su Lin were shocked by hearing the price range. They are very cheap compared to other familiars. Su lin was sure there is no problem with quality.

Su Lin "Mr Jiang are you telling truth. You know in other shops we will not be able to get a low grade beast at that price."

Jiang Chen "Teacher Su, I am telling truth, they are selling at the price suitable for them, I am selling based on my convenience. "

Jiang Chen "I am not at loss. You can be free of any worry." he said laughing.

Su Lin was shocked then she looked at Shangguan Ling'er who nodded at her and then she agreed.

Su Lin "Can you give me one with higher quality."

Jiang Chen "Ok then I have the right pokemon for you." saying that he went and entered various details in the system. Then once he gave the values. A pokeball dropped from the adjacent machine.

Jiang Chen "Teacher Su please press on the button in the front." he said as he passed the red pokeball to teacher su.

As she pressed the button a light came out of the ball and it formed a Pink pokemon.

Su Lin was surprised seeing the pokemon and unknowingly was attracted to it. She has never seen such a cute pet before, she did see Eeevee ,Ralts and Vulpix but no for her they are not a as cute and the creature before her. The creature was jumping happily seeing her. Seeing the gaze from Su Lin it directly jumped to her for hug.

Su Lin was infatuated seeing happiny for first time.

Jiang Chen "Teacher Su, did you like the pokemon before you. It is called happiny. It is special pokemon, that has specialization in healing. It also has high defense so it would not be easy to defeat it. It has high potential almost equal to Little Nan's Elekid and Little Feng's Magby. It just not suitable to attacking. " he gave more introduction to her.

Su Lin "I like it very much. How much would it cost?"

Jiang Chen "Teacher Su, it is the premium pokemon for healing type bar none. It has high potential. It would cost 1Million."

Su Lin agreed to it immediately. After she paid the money.

Su Lin asked her to put happiny in the ball, then he completed the contract procedure then took her mobile to install pokedex app.

Su Lin was little familiar with the app as she saw the kids using it previously.

Name : Happiny 

Level : 5 

Gender : Female

Type :Normal

Status :Healthy

Ability :Serene Grace

Moves :Heal Bell, Copy Cat, pound, defense curl

Su Lin was very satisfied with the happiny she got and she immediately got it out. She couldn't bear to keep it inside the ball or familiar space.

Shangguan Ling'er who saw the whole process was very pleased. She didn't sense any foul play or hidden motives a far. Environment hear is also very pleasing.

Jiang Chen was observing the woman from the moment she entered, he know she is some hidden figure with great influence.

Jiang Chen "Ok, teacher Su, you are satisfied. Is Miss also hear to get a familiar."

Shangguan Ling'er smiled and "I wish I could contract such a beautiful familiar myself. Luck is not in my favor. My spirit value did not meet the standard."

Jiang Chen listened to this and can guess sequence of events and he didn't have intention of hiding either.

Jiang Chen "Miss, can you tell me your spirit value.If you don't mind"

Shangguan Ling'er "I am sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Shangguan Ling'er. I don't mind it is 79." she was looking at Jiang Chen's reaction as she spoke.

Jiang Chen " Hmm, little tricky but it is possible to contract." Both Su Lin and Shangguan Ling'er were shocked hearing this.

Shangguan Linger "Mr.Jiang are you..." she couldn't even finish the statement.

Jiang Chen "I am telling truth, it would cost 100000 additional excluding the cost of pokemon."

Jiang Chen "If Miss Shangguan is interested, she can proceed now."

Shangguan Ling'er " I am willing .. I am willing."

Jiang Chen "Then it is good. You can proceed to choosing pokemon. Does Miss Shangguan have any requirements."

Shangguan Ling'er then thought of various pokemon she saw, then about the choices, she kniw there are lot of choices.

Shangguan Ling'er "Mr Jiang I heard , teacher Su mentioned that pokemon choose trainer right, is it true."

Jiang Chen "It is true."

Shangguan Ling'er "Can you help me recommend one..."

Jiang Chen "Miss Shangguan if you are not sure, why don't you try the lucky draw. It will give you most suitable pokemon."

Jiang Chen "There are three machine hear, that can draw ,medium potential, high potential and all pokemon. If you are not confident on what type of pokemon you want. Leave it to pokemon."

Shangguan Ling'er "Ohh." she thought for a moment and decided to try her luck. She was not bothered by the quality now. She never dreamed of being a beast master, now she has chance she will not be bothered by beast."

Jiang Chen led her to the all round machine. Then Shangguan Ling'er pressed the red gem on the machine. Then the display in the machine turned violently for few minutes and then finally stopped, showing a pokemon.

Shangguan Ling'er and Su Lin turned to Jiang Chen to learn more about the pokemon.

They saw Jiang Chen's face was in shock and couldn't believe what he saw.

Jiang Chen "What thee...."

From seeing Jiang Chen's expression , both Shangguan Ling'er and Su Lin felt something is wrong.