
Sports God Suddenly Love Me?!

A child who dreamed of getting into the NBA. But he found out that he had no talent as his peers were a lot better than him. Will he give up or will the gods bless him?

Lazormenot · Olahraga
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 0: New found love

In an urban apartment, there sat a young boy with his father ready to watch sports.

"What are we watching today? Dad." The young boy asked.

"Football season is done so let's watch basketball as the NBA playoffs are starting. Alright with you Yu Xiang?" His dad replied. "yes?" Yu Xiang answered with a confused reaction.

*click* Yu Xiang's dad opened the TV.

"DEFENSE! DEFENSE! DEFENSE!" a loud chant could be heard as the ball was moving around in the TV. Yu Xiang was instantly mesmerized by the chants and the quick play style of the sport. "DAD! I WANT TO PLAY THIS!" Yu Xiang shouted as his fingers pointed at the TV screen. 

His dad just smiled and nodded. Yu Xiang was instantly happy. They quickly drove to a sport shop to buy a basketball. Even though the basketball was nearly the same size as Yu Xiang, he started to copy what the people in the TV did.