
Chapter 21 To Be Expelled Today?

Nobody had the nerve to offend Waterman Family in Imperial Capital. It they did, it meant huge troubles without ending.

Anne gathered her courage to utter, 'Grandpa... Monica didn't mean it. She was new to school and didn't know who Austin was."

It sounded like she was defending Monica, but actually she meant Monica hit Austin first.

Monica was annoyed and about to say something. Jeffery started first, 'Dad, it's not Monica's fault. I have gone to the know the incident in and out. It was Austin Waterman who wanted to take advantage of Monica first. Do we really need to put up with such humiliation?"

Jeffery and Nancy sounded indignant, which made Gloria upset and sneered, 'Jeffery, no matter what, Austin is their grandson. It is very troublesome to offend him. I heard Austin announced to expel Monica." Gloria let out the bad news casually.