

Ethan Blaze survives death by a whisker when his whole family gets wiped out in one particular night by brutal feral creatures. Him being seven years old, he only remembers vague images and scenes of that disturbing night. Being an orphan and the fact that he doesn’t have any known relative, Ethan Blaze transverses many foster homes and orphanages. He runs from most of them due to the abusive treatment that he receives or in other cases, becomes such a thorn to the foster parents that he gets kicked out. With time, he became a child no foster care or orphanage was willing to take in. This led to him being signed up in a juvenile correction facility, a place he would never even dream of escaping until he became old enough. As he grows older, his mind develops many more questions of the night when all his family got murdered, when all his life lost meaning. Headset on unravelling the mystery behind the murders, Ethan Blaze sets back home on his eighteenth birthday, when he finally gains his freedom from the juvenile correction facility that had held him hostage for three years. Ethan Blaze discovers that his family’s death was more than just an unfortunate misfortune. He also unearths many dark secrets about his family that he never knew of, secrets that also incorporated him.

Sam_Reigns · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Boss Ramon

"What do we have here?" Cara smirked, her eyes darting between the two of us

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Cara stepped closer to me, her right hand reaching for my face. She gently caressed my hair, then my cheeks up to my chest where her hand lingered for a couple of seconds. Her eyes seemed to light up as if she just discovered something.

She proceeded to grab my hands and inspect them. It made me question the weird rituals the women I met with here did. What was with the weird body checkups?

I snatched away my arms

"Where do you…" Cara started asking before Alexia interrupted

"He is under our protection."

"He doesn't appear marked nor look like one of you guys" Cara said

Alexia was rendered speechless by Cara's statement, the reason unknown.

"John Steward, "Cara turned to face me "what do you say about that drink?"

I regarded Alexia's unwilling expression and I figured that she didn't like Cara, nor her group. I knew she wanted me to leave there as soon as possible but I had questions of my own. I felt like a fool when everyone around me spoke in parables, and it wasn't a comfortable feeling.

"With them?" I pointed at the men at the corner

"We are a pack, they won't harm a single hair of yours unless I say so"

"A what now?" I frowned

At that same moment, a dozen other men and two women suddenly entered the club. The men were decently dressed in pitch black suits giving an air of royalty and elegance. They had slender but rigid bodies, pale in contrast to the supple skins of Cara's friends. Their hair was well-groomed, not even a strand was out of place. The two ladies in company were young, beautiful and just as elegantly dressed as the men. One of them stared at me for a while before turning her gaze to Cara's men.

Their entrance sparked unmistakable series of low rumbles and growls from Cara's men. They snappily stood from their seats, chests already heaving in obvious masculine tension. From the way the two groups glared at each other, it was rather obvious that they were warring factions.

One man who appeared to be the leader of the new group approached us. He had a short cut hair and a distinctive scar on his upper lip. He was rather handsome but he carried a menacing aura about him. He gave Alexia an emotionless look, the exact same one he gave me before settling on Cara with a fake seemingly practiced smile.

"I apologize I wasn't here to personally receive you" the man said "Your visit was….unexpected" the man said

"Mmh," Cara shrugged as she motioned to his men to sit down

The man did the same to his men. They went over and occupied the other side of the club.

"Bring our guests drinks Hannah, don't be a bad host" the man said to Alexia

She immediately nodded and went over to the counter

"What are you waiting for?" the man turned to glower at me "you are the new waiter, aren't you?"

I had a hunch that he was a boss of some sort considering how respectful Alexia reacted to his order. I didn't wait for another order since the boss of my boss was also my boss. The duo went to sit at the center of the club, between the two groups.

"Now it's too late for you to leave" Alexia snapped as she assorted some drinks on a tray

"You sound mad"

"I am mad" she said through gritted teeth "Are you always this stubborn?"

"Not usually, no. But can you blame me? I am clearly the only one guy here who lacks knowledge about this place"

She dragged two crates of beers from under the counter.

"Is that your boss?" I whispered a question

"Yes" Alexia Hannah replied "and he can hear you"

"He can?" I frowned in disbelief

I turned over to look at them and sure as hell, he was looking right back.

"Take the beer to the do…." Alexia paused then took a deep breath "to our guests"

"Which ones?"

"The large ones"

"I'd rather serve the office guys thank you" I scoffed

"I promise you, you'd rather not, especially right now" Alexia replied

"They don't appear that terrifying"

"Just take them, please?"

I heaved a sigh as I balanced the two crates towards the large men. They stared at me all the way until the crates were in front of them. I didn't doubt it if they'd finish the whole crates since they were huge and all, they probably had huge stomachs to match it. I went back to the counter after that.

Twenty minutes later, whilst Cara and Alexia's boss were indulged in their deep conversation, one of the ladies came to the counter, the one who had earlier stared at me.

Alexia looked a bit confused when she came towards the side of the counter where I was currently working.

"Hey" the lady smiled as she dragged a seat "so you got a job"

"What do you mean?" I frowned, trying to place her face if I had seen her anywhere before

"You are the kid from the restaurant, the one who didn't have cash to pay for a meal"

I hesitated for a couple of seconds,

"Yeah" I gulped as I recalled my bitter first day in FiendVille. Maybe she was one of the customers but I don't remember seeing her

"You still don't remember me?" she asked

"No, I'd remember a face like yours"

The woman sighed "I saved you some of the food from the eatery"

"That was you?" I was briefly taken aback. She was actually the kind stranger who saved me from a night of starving.

"Thank you" I smiled sincerely "really"

"It was nothing" she smiled back "human beings can be really cruel at times"

"Yeah" I sighed as I put a glass in front of her "what's your poison?"

"Victorian original"

"Coming up"

Earlier today, Alexia had shown me how to make different assortments and blends using whiskey, wines or any other drinks. I had mastered half of what she taught, and the Victorian original was actually the easiest.

My eyes unconsciously shifted to Cara at the center of the club. I had expected her to be in a deep conversation with Alexia's boss but I thought wrong. She was looking right at me, and so was Alexia's boss. I slightly cringed as I recalled how strange it was that he could hear me over that distance.

"Does he terrify you?"


"Ramon," the woman said "Does he terrify you?"

"I don't think I'm allowed to speak about my boss" I chuckled nervously

"Mmh" she smiled "well, I think he is a cold prick"

Wasn't she afraid that he maybe heard her? , I wanted to ask but chose not to. Maybe Alexia was fooling with me, no normal human could have that perfect hearing

"I'm Angela" she said

"John Steward" I lied, might as well stick to my fake name

"I hope I see you around Steward" she smiled as she went back to her seat