
Spiritual Mafioso

16 year old Hurosuto Nisshoku joins the Siro Kemono mafia in order to avenge his father but falls in love with the mafia lifestyle wanting to have a giant territory

Spaz_Dragon · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 2: World of Spirits

Amaterasu would order her men to attack Kiken as his shadow spirit would slash through the men killing them. The ones that made it to Kiken were then easily dispatched with his spear. Huro just stood in awe as he was about to be stabbed. "Huro behind you!"

Huro would turn to see a man come at him with a dagger which he would easily dodge before kicking the man's hand disarming him. Huro would then land a devastating punch to the jaw of the man before charging into a crowd of the man who would rough up Huro but he would Ultimately beat them. After their efforts Huro and Kiken had beaten Amaterasu's men.

She then smiles before blasting Huro with a fire ball which hit him hard sending him flying. Huro fell on the floor unconscious. Kiken charged Amaterasu attacking her with relentless thruts of his spear as she easily dodged. He pushed her back as Tori attacked her from behind as Amaterasu used a fire blast to hit Tori hard before delivering a devastating kick to Kiken's neck. "Hehe. Kiken come on boo. You can do better." She teased Kiken while laughing. Kiken charged Amaterasu before thrusting his spear in an uncontrollable manner.

She found it extremely hard to dodge his thrusts. Eventually she was struck on her shoulder. Kiken followed his strike with three more connected hits to the stomach, left arm and abdomen. Kiken became confident and fought recklessly using flashy tactics. Amatarasu tried to deliver a punch, Kiken deflected it causing her to punch the ground before he hit her with his spear handle. "Hehe. Come on Sunshine. Focus."

Amaterasu was visibly angry and she started emitting a strong heat wave which woke up Huro who then suffered slight burns. "Damn it! Kiken you ok?" "Yea. Huro get out of here!" Huro charged Amaterasu who easily stopped him in his tracks which a fire blast. Kiken jumped in front of Huro saving him and taking most of the damage. "Kiken!" "Oyi! Listen Huro. Get the hell out of here." Kiken tried to get up but his body was exhausted. Amaterasu blasted the two. The blast connected but it was cut in half. An explosion took place as the building caught fire. The smoke moved as Huro stood in a swordsman stance with a red Katana in his hands.

He shouted "Killer Blade Desubure!" He then charged Amaterasu who blasted him with fire blasts but he easily dodged and closed the distance between them and Huro. Amaterasu was suprised by his power and fear overcame her face.

][Yea your now caught up][

Huro then delivered a slash to Amaterasu's torso. Blood splattered everywhere as she activated her final attack which released a fire blast which wiped out the city block they were in. Huro luckily was fast enough to get him and Kiken out of there before Amaterasu killed them. The police quickly reached the scene but Huro and Kiken were on the roof of a close by building. "Hey Huro." "Yea." "You can join." "Nice."