
Spirits of Tarot - Stories from Tarot

Spirits of Tarot - Stories from Tarot is about storyline given by none other than Tarot themselves. How a normal girl get to know about her inner and deeper self and how her life changed overnight after a strange dream. But what will happen when she will discover her new powers are overwhelming and so are the enemies of these powers. How will she handle them and move on in her life? To know this read "Spirits of Tarot." and stay tuned.

MichelleLauren · Fantasi
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6 Chs

The Night of New Moon

It's dark everywhere and I don't know where to go. I am trying to look for an exit but can't see anything in this dark.

It's a night of New Moon and the night is silent. Breeze is gentle yet the sound is chilling the blood.

I am keep having this feeling that someone is watching me.

But who? I can't see anything. I am trying to hear every minute noise.

Suddenly a hustling sound pearce through my ears.

"Who is it? " I yell but no one give any response.

Fear has started building up inside the pit of my stomach.

My palms are sweaty and my throat is dry. I feel like I am going to choke any minute now. I need some water. Wait a second, I guess I heard the sound of water.

As I follow the sound, I finally see a small lake in front of me.

"Thank god, at least I found some water. " I sigh

I move towards the lake and sit there for a while.

The water is gentle. It's not too cold but it's soothing.

Suddenly the air is getting thicker and colder. Is it because of the lake or am I imagining things.

I keep drinking the water until I feel tingling sensation on the back of my neck.

"Who is there?" I said. I am on the verge of tears.

The sensation on my neck is getting stronger. It's coming I can feel it.

Without loosing a second I get up and start running. Air is getting colder by every step I am taking. I am out of my breath and can't run anymore . I stop to take some breath but everything is silent now.

Air is no more cold and thick. It's back to gentle and warm again.

A tear come rolling down my cheek. I can't take it anymore.

I am crying so much and my heart is beating so fast that I can hear that in this pin drop silence.

I am not liking this sudden silence everywhere around me. I am sensing something is going to happen.

Suddenly my head start spinning and a sharp noise penetrate through my ears and brain.

I fall down with my hands over my ears. This sharp sound is killing me and I can't stop it.

I am seeing a white light there at the end of this darkness. I am not sure if I should go there but at the same time at least it's better than staying in this dark.

I try to gather all my strength left in me and get up but suddenly a vine coming from the ground grip my leg tightly.

I scream with horror. This is not exactly what I thought. I have to do something now.

The white light has started to fade slowly. I have to hurry or else I will die in this dark place.

No wait I guess I misunderstood that white light. It's not fading actually it's moving and it's coming towards me.

I am stuck now and there is no way to escape. I guess this is my fate.

White light is close to me now and it has started to cover me in it's sparkles.

Hey! That vine is loosing it's grip and going back to the ground. I guess this light is not here to harm.

The white light is now showering me with it's sparkly energy. I am feeling like all the bruises and scratches are healing. My energy is getting back to normal and that sharp noise in my head is no more.

I am feeling strong now, stronger than before. The moment I start feeling relaxed I see a rift opening up in front me at some distance.

I guess this is the clue for me to run. I get up again and start running.

I am running faster than the breeze, running for my life and the moment I enter that rift. I open my eyes.

Woho it was a dream. Everything that I saw was not real. I get up from my bed. I am still in my bedroom.

I don't know if I should feel relax or anxious about what I saw.

No it didn't felt like a dream at all. It felt like I was really stuck in that dark place.

I go to the bathroom to wash my face and let off the heat that I am feeling coming out of my cheeks.

"Oh my God, I am covered in sweat." I gasp

I splash water over my face. I am feeling so scared even now that I don't want to look into the mirror.

I come back to the room and pick up my phone to check the time.

"Damn it's 4:30 in the morning and I have my Reiki attunement scheduled for today morning. How am I gonna show up on time?"

I go back to my bed and try to sleep but it's useless. The moment I close my eyes I keep seeing all those scary moments from my dream.

It's 8:00AM and my alarm is ringing in my ears. Well I fell asleep somehow.

It was recommended to be fresh for the attunement process but here I am with big under eye dark circles.

I put on some makeup to conceal all these marks and dark circles from last night's dream.

After spending my 30minutes, I am still looking like a zombie. What a great start of the day!


I don't know how my Reiki Attunement will go because it's supposed to be my first step to the spirituality.

I guess I have to move on from that dream after all it was just a dream.

I finally leave the house for my attunement with a new hope.

Even though I don't know what did that dream meant, this is for sure that dream was not "just a dream."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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