
Spirit Realm

Thirty thousand years ago, race battle Heaven calling themselves "Gods" Natural stormed the Spirit. Hundreds of races rise up in resistance, but ultimately suffered a crushing defeat. Human Race was the first to surrender, and the rest of the Hundred races soon follow in sequence. Over the next ten thousand years, all races enslaved by a race fight Heaven. They are abused, and live under the shadow of terror. The march of conquest The Race Fighting Heaven does not stop there. By Nature Spirit as a starting point, they invade other secret dimension, and spread the war to the rest of existence. After exhausting their combat power, they eventually defeated by the Hundred Ras utilizing this opportunity. Without other options, they fled to the starry sky outside the kingdom. Thirty thousand years later, in an era where Heaven Fighting Race had faded to an ancient legend, a young man who has a lineage amnesia Heaven Race Fighting was raised in a household that was not significant. While struggling to live, she quietly awaiting the resurrection of the lineage.

Blank_User · Fantasi
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60 Chs


"Miss First, where are you? I said wait a minute. Where did you run? "

When Ling Ying whispered to herself, her dress swishing as she put it on. He glanced back and forth and muttering, "That's strange. He obviously just around here. How he suddenly disappeared? "

When she spoke, a light blue veil covering the upper part of his body is tiny. Tiny head constantly shook as he searched for traces of Yushi Ling.

To avoid being seen by Ling Ying, Qin Lie and Ling Yushi stood behind a large tree, but that was just big enough to hide them if they are clustered together. Without realizing it, they pressed their bodies with one another ...

Yushi Ling stretched. Currently, he is only covered by a few thin silk underwear, and his long hair was still wet. Underwear really wet, causing a thin cloth clinging to his graceful. Compared to naked, obscurity like this is much more interesting and stimulating.

Lie Qin did not dare move, his body becomes very stiff when his breathing gradually increased.

The naked body of a very alluring Yushi Ling was plastered to her smooth, allowing the scent of orchids are soft and feel the softness of her skin. He could feel her breasts are supple and accelerated heartbeat ...

"Bathump! Bathump! "

When Ling Ying muttered to himself, both rapidly accelerated heartbeat. They can both sense the temperature of each ride and hear each breath slowly began to gain weight.

Stuck in a compelling and thrilling moments they both became unable to think, their minds are completely empty when they got closer and closer. They even almost forgotten about the existence of Ling Ying.

After who knows how long has passed and after a murmur Ling Ying stopped, they are still stuck in the same position, their breathing was becoming increasingly severe.

Qin Lie felt as if a raging fireball had been lit inside him, burning through her and clouding his judgment. He just wants to hug the body tightly graceful; maybe this way he could slow the fire raging inside him.

Without realizing it, he embraces the graceful body at will ...

Sturdy arm suddenly exerting force, suddenly hugged Ling Yushi with a strong and just continue to exert force more and more!

Supple breasts feel squeezed, not just the fire in him did not slow down, it began to rage even harder, burn it until he wanted to press his own body to the Yushi Ling!

He, who was only fifteen years old, just know how to cultivate. He only cares about the accumulation of spirit energy and increased strength; had never been before him fight like that. He was not familiar with other things and therefore do not know how to put out the fire in him.

Its actions are instinctive reaction of the body ...

"Uu ... you're hurting me."

Yushi Ling breath sounds increasingly dull moment Qin Lie hugged her more tightly. He felt as if he would suffocate anytime and quickly shouted when he forcibly pushed Qin Lie away.

Both were eventually separated.

"I ... I constantly cultivate here. I do not know when you come here, but it did not intentionally ... I swear! I swear it was not intentional ... "

Once they parted, Qin Lie soon realized. In the deepest depths of his heart, he felt anxious and confused when he spoke with a stutter, his attitude shows little nervous.

Yushi Ling's face reddened, and a dazzling shine and rustle longing in his eyes. He lightly bit her lower lip, snorted softly, and then said, "You do not accidentally peek, eh? You suddenly hugged someone with a very tight ... what else you have to say for yourself? "

Qin Lie still. He just stood there, unable to speak.

Yushi Ling suddenly raised his head and gracefully rolled her eyes, quietly laughing, "You're acting like a fool ..."

His words stopped; do not wait Qin Lie explain himself clearly, he moved his long legs and beautiful and began walking toward their resting place. From stride graceful and agile, he looked ... not really angry.

Qin Lie witnessed a gradual manner but gracefully into the distance, his mind still remember the wonderful moments he had just experienced. After a while, he suddenly felt that the prospects for the continued cultivation become very bleak.

He just sat down, raised his head to look at the moon bright and clear with his perennial is still a mess. No matter what he did, he could not calm down.

Two days later, whenever Qin Lie and Ling Yushi meet each other, they did not dare look at each other. As if they had done something unspeakable and fear revealed.

In the eyes of family members Ling, Ling Yushi still be loving First Lady. Every time they rest on the way home, he would talk to them about the spoils of what they have gained from the trip and exchange tips cultivation.

Qin Lie also the same as before, it is generally not actively engaged in conversations with family members Ling. Even when they are at rest, he often sat impassively with empty eyes as if his soul had gone through his acupoints ...

Through explanation Yushi Ling, everyone now knows that the Qin Lie vacancy caused by the cultivation method and gradually become accustomed. In fact, every time they see the eyes of Qin Lie became vacant, they will reveal a deep respect.

Everyone is fully approved the cultivation of Qin Lie earnest. Furthermore, once they see the eyes of Qin Lie became vacant, they began little by little. Immediately stop their conversation and find a suitable place for them to gather energy also to dampen the spirits of their own bodies.

--Qin cultivate bitter Lie has led them to feel the pressure and indirectly encourage and inspire them.

"We'll be home in just two days!" That night, when everyone sits together while eating dried meat and drinking liquor, Ling Xiao became excited when he laughed saying, "This time, Shattered Ice Manor has suffered huge losses , We can be considered to have made major contributions and also get a lot of the spoils of battle. It's really a perfect scenario! "

"I want to know if Feng Yi died. If the boy did not die, sooner or later it will be a disaster. If he is still among the living, I will personally kill him myself! "Seru Ling Xin.

Ling family members who have gone on the way, only Ling Yang of no return. He died at the hands of Family Feng. Ling Yang is a young cousin Ling Xin, and this leads to hatred of Family Feng to embed itself deep in his bones.

"Family Feng located rather close to the family while the Pavilion Nebula Ling and Gao both some distance away. Additionally, because we are going through Mount Frost Mist, our extended trip further ... If Feng Yi did not die and went straight to the house of Celestial Wolf Mountain, he will be much faster than we are. If he wanted to play a trick, he could have gone to Nebula Pavilion and discredit us, "Feng Ling grounds with a serious expression.

"Discrediting us?" Asked a blank to Ling Xiao. "We have Liu Yan with us, how he could discredit us? In addition, Gao's family could also testify, how Family Feng could change the whole story? "

"If he wants to discredit us, maybe he will include Liu Yan and Gao's family as well. Although this can not be covered up for too long, I believe it is possible ... "said Ling Feng.

"What will he say?" Asked curious Ling Xin.

"Family Feng wanted time. Previous Family Feng already sent someone, so the person that ought to tell the family Patriarch Feng, which means that they will be completely ready. After they put suspicion on the Family and Gao Ling, distract Nebula Pavilion, they will immediately shift their allegiance to Shattered Ice Manor and leave Nebula Pavilion, "added Ling Yushi frowning.

"What is said First Miss right," said Ling Feng, nodded. "After the Feng family has delivered a message to Shattered Ice Manor, they will already begin their preparations. They all would have moved to the area Shattered Ice Manor. There is no possibility that they will wait Nebula Pavilion to slaughter them all. Before Liu Yan can come back to give his own report about the event concluded, Family Feng would've made thorough preparations ... "

"What are you afraid of? During low tide, the rock will always appear. Future issues will only become a headache for the Nebula Pavilion, "said Ling Xin.

"In the Nebula Pavilion, there are those who worry constantly trying to control the Ling family. After this issue, they may take this opportunity to create problems before the truth is revealed, "said Ling Feng, with a sigh, staring at Ling Yushi with a worried expression.

When he said it, a pretty face Yushi Ling also drowned. After thinking about Haiti Du, Du Jiaolan, and her children, she began to gush with hatred because he knew that fear Ling Feng is very possible. Du Haiti has long wanted to deal with family Ling. If he is given a chance like that, how could he have taken it?

"From tomorrow onwards, let us all increase our speed. We must immediately return to the City of Ling! "Suddenly shouted Yushi Ling after a moment's thought.

So everyone remember where Du Haiti, their hearts were all drowned. They all nodded quietly in that sense.

"Qin Lie cultivated again, really weird!"

Everyone looked toward Qin Lie and found that he once again looked soulless. Feeling the pressure, they are hastening to their conversation and find a place of their own to cultivate.

Only Yushi Ling is still in its original place. He seemed to sit in a trance as if he did not realize that everyone has been dispersed. Looks like he's thinking about some problems sad when a touch of sadness on her face elegant ...

"What is wrong?"

Qin Lie awakened from a state of Peace of Mind. Seeing that no one was nearby except Ling Yushi, she watched his eyes redden and become damp. Suddenly felt a pain in his heart, he could not help but gently asked.

"It's nothing," whispered sadly Ling Yushi, wiping tears from her eyes as she smiled at him. "I was just thinking about my mother ..."

A sentimental light appears in the eyes of Qin Lie.

"My mother was driven to death by Du Haiti," she whispered sadly Yushi Ling when he lowered his head. "That year, I was ten years old. At that time, Nebula Pavilion and Shattered Ice House has undergone a major conflict that is far worse than it is now. At that time, Nebula Pavilion pass orders to the Ling family, ordered us to destroy one herb gardens spirit Shattered Ice Manor. They said that no expert Shattered Ice Manor are keeping ... "

As soon as his speech reached this point, he once again seemed on the verge of tears. "So my mother and father, along with several family members, went out. After reaching the spirit herb garden, they found that there was a practitioner of martial Opening Christmas intermediate level which is placed inside. At that time, my father was still in the early stages Opening Christmas Realm. So, more than half the members of the family who died, and to my mother ... she can not go back. "

She lifted her head, bright eyes filled with deep hatred. Through clenched teeth, he said, "Then we know that the order handed down by Du Haiti and that he accidentally sent us there even though he knew about the real situation in the herb garden!"

Qin Lie quietly for a moment, then whispered, "You need to live well, so that in the future, you can get revenge for your mother. You can do it!

After saying these words to comfort Ling Yushi, for some reason he does not understand, the pain is dulled suddenly appeared in his heart. His face became very pale as she clutched when painful expression in her eyes.

"Qin Lie, what is it? Do you feel unwell? "Nervously asked Ling Yushi, with remnants of tears still left on his face. After seeing the condition of Qin Lie, he became startled and rushed to his side.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Qin Lie face became very red. Panting, he shook his head as he slowly breathed deeply. Only after a while she stabilizes her. Finally, after another breath, he said, "I do not understand why, but when I hear you talk about what happened to your mother, I feel very sad. I felt as if my heart would be torn apart by the pain. "

"Qin Lie, thank you, really thank you!" After hearing the words of Qin Lie, she was moved to tears, suddenly flew into his arms and hugged him tightly. He excitedly said, "Thank you so much to entertain me, I feel so much better."

Lie Qin body slightly stiff, let him hold her close without resistance. But this time, his mind is not to be adventurous and unnaturally calm expression.

The response did not say just now entertain Ling Yushi, but is feeling the truest, deepest, most intimate in his heart. Even at this moment, his heart still hurts.

"Mom, dad, I had forgotten about you two. I do not know what happened in the past, but because I think of you two ... my heart hurts, "he whispered as he hugged Ling Qin Lie Yushi. Before she knew it, her eyes also become slightly damp.